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I Think They Are....   ....from Ian (Read 15,860 times)
Unholy Trinity Admin

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #75 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 5:34pm
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
It is not a "deduction".

well, its certainly not a 'fact' ("My suppositions are more fact than suppositions.)  Roll Eyes

Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
Secondly, just because the media is not exposed to it means nothing.

It also means that you dont have any insight into what theyre doing either because you dont have a single fact to base your 'suppositions' on.

Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:

Look at The Bigger Bang Sessions. The same thing was said then. We had no word that Mick, Keith, and Charlie (and some times Ronnie) were writing/working together at Mick's, or the Carribbean.

Not true. I distinctly remember a thread on this board in the summer of 2004 that it had been reported that the Stones were recording in Mick's house..this was even before the story broke about Charlie's cancer. Check the archives. It turned out to be a very brief get together without much details emerging of any recordings being made.

Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
There was no mention of Keith flying to France.


Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
There was no mention of anything, until months after the fact.


Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
Then the news started coming in. We had no idea where they were for months.


Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
During those months they were working on ABB together. So just because it has not been officially, or unofficially reported yet means zilch.


Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
"Oh, that plus the fact that they have - with very few exceptions - barely written songs prior to being in a studio for most of the last 35 years."


Really... That is news to me and probably all of us??. They usually start writing in the Caribbean and places like that.

No they dont. They work on songs that for the most part they had already started separately. You'll be telling me next that Keith flew to Australia in 1969 to co-write 'Brown sugar'.

Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
They have been doing that for 20 years. Was Mick's house a studio?

I was unaware that he was forbidden from writing/recording at home without Keith being there. So, youre saying that the numerous songs on ABB that were originally written for "Alfie" or around that period (eg Streets of Love, Laugh i Nearly Died, Biggest Mistake etc) were written with Keith? Rubbish.

Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
Are you sure you wrote what you meant? Because that is not true at all?

No..its true. Mick and Keith for the most part (I did specify 'with very few exceptions') havent written together much since the early 70s, around the time when they ceased to live close to each other (in the late 60s they both lived in Cheyne Walk in London). 'Steel Wheels' for example was a rare case of them spending a couple lof weeks together and creating songs from scratch (although there were also several songs which pre-dated that songwriting session, such as "Almost hear you sigh' which Keith had cut for 'Talk is cheap'). Generally, they write separately, then get together and work on what they have. they may occasionally write something together from the start, but its not that common. How the hell can you write together with someone who lives 3,000 miles away and who you see maybe once a year when theres no touring activity? Are you suggesting they dont write until such a time when they make a date to get together? Nonsense. Both of them have studios in their home. Thats the whole point of having home studios - so you can write and demo stuff as and when the inspiration comes to you. I know a few people who have been lucky enough to be in Keith's basement studio in recent years while he's been working on songs. He hardly needs Mick's input to do that.

You might find this page informative. To sum it up, it doesnt exactly suggest that Mick and Keith grind out songs together from scratch Brill Building style. Nor did Lennon and McCartney of course.


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« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:38pm by Gazza »  

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #76 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 5:52pm
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oh gosh....whatever happened to getting all the boys into 1 room and recording eyeball to eyeball.

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #77 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:43pm
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oh gosh....whatever happened to getting all the boys into 1 room and recording eyeball to eyeball.

Like most relationships, you spend less time together as you get older when other interests get in the way. Especially women and 'stimulants'.

Mick and Keith's working relationship has never been the same since around 1971 when Mick got married , the band left England as tax exiles, and Keith got deeper into his addictions.

Its no coincidence that the quality of their songs started to dip shortly afterwards and has only sporadically reached those heights since.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #78 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 6:57pm
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Didn't they record together up until Dirty Work? That seems to be when things really ended.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #79 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:01pm
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Didn't they record together up until Dirty Work? That seems to be when things really ended.

Do you mean write together?

Not really. Although on DW it was worse than before because Mick basically brought next to nothing to the sessions with him in terms of songs.  Most of the songs on that album were written by Keith & Ronnie.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #80 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:34pm
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They claim to have written together during the run-up to Steel Wheels.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #81 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:39pm
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They claim to have written together during the run-up to Steel Wheels.

They did indeed (I mentioned that above). They spent a couple of weeks together to see how things progressed as they hadnt hardly worked together or seen eye to eye for years. However, some of the songs from that record did pre-date those sessions. At the time it was considered quite unusual for them to work 'nose to nose' like that as it hadnt happened in a long time. It hasnt happened much since. BTB for example was basically two abandoned solo projects which ended up being a Stones album instead. Probably the ultimate example of a lack of collaboration - they even worked on their songs in different studios at the same time.
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« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2008 at 7:40pm by Gazza »  

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Ian Billen
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #82 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 9:44pm
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I disagree here. First of all ...we really don't know exactly how they write these days, because none of us are there.

However, as I understand it, and from how they have spoke, they write both separately and together. Mick and Keith spent time together writing songs at Mick's for A Bigger Bang a long time before Charlie and Ronnie got there. I am aware some of the stuff was written on their own and then pieced together, but as well I am also sure they came up with a good number themselves right there.

*Don Was said they were writing songs together for those sessions at the rate of three or four a day!
He also said it was very collaborative, and they joined forces together in writing the material and the two probably had not written this closely together since the late 1960's.

I cannot believe that you think almost no Rolling Stones songs are written together with Mick and Keith, from scratch since the early 1970's.

The early 70's was 35 years ago. Don't you think they have written many Stones songs together from nothing since all the way back then.

Come on now.

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« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2008 at 9:50pm by Ian Billen »  

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #83 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 10:11pm
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
It is not a "deduction". Secondly, just because the media is not exposed to it means nothing. Look at The Bigger Bang Sessions. The same thing was said then. We had no word that Mick, Keith, and Charlie (and some times Ronnie) were writing/working together at Mick's, or the Carribbean. There was no mention of Keith flying to France. There was no mention of anything, until months after the fact. Then the news started coming in. We had no idea where they were for months. During those months they were working on ABB together. So just because it has not been officially, or unofficially reported yet means zilch.Ian

Get your facts Ian for gods sake... 
They had a meeting in early June 2004, posted here on June 9: 
http://www.rocksoff.org/Archives/06-21-2004/194930-1.html ;
And the first recordings were on Mick's house in September 2004, posted here by Gazza on Sept. 25: 
http://www.rocksoff.org/Archives/10-07-2004/203041-1.html ;
September 6, 2008 now and we have NOTHING yet, not even a fake rumor.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #84 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 10:16pm
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As one of my best friends would say. you've got a better chance of seeing God if you think
the Stones are recording right now....Keith should be falling off a ladder in his library anytime now...
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #85 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 10:35pm
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Ian Billen
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #86 - Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:01pm
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*First of all before they ever went to Mick's house in France they worked on the material at Micks house in the Carribbean.

I thought they spent all of August of 04 together writing at Micks in France as well???

Official Recording of the tunes did not start until October of 04.

They broke in late November and then Commenced after the new year for an unkown period of time. Finished recording in LA in May of 05.

Get the official recording dates.

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« Last Edit: Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:05pm by Ian Billen »  

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Ian Billen
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #87 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:10am
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Ok. Now let's put the debate of whether they are working together now aside for a second.

I had a thought. Should they start fresh with all new material as far as this one goes (whenever it goes) or should they look over and try and work up stuff from their previous few albums that never got finished or had the chance to come to fruition?

I love the idea of starting all new. A clean slate and a brand new affair. But then again, in the past they took concepts/rough ideas and worked them into great songs for their current project. Take for instance "Start Me Up".

Do you think these days are gone for them, if so should they be? Or should they try some of the digging through their previous tapes at least from say ABB and BTB to try and find things and work on or take into a new direction like they used to do?

I surely would not want them to totally concentrate on their previous ideas. I'd certainly like some brand new ideas and all fresh material with a fresh head in there as well (even though we'd never know the difference of what was a previous concept or rough track as to what was brand spanking new when listening to it of coarse).

I am not sure? What do you think is a good idea for them? All brand new stuff or do you think they should look into their last few albums sessions? Or both?

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« Last Edit: Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:29am by Ian Billen »  

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #88 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:29am
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:01pm:
Finished recording in LA in May of 05.Ian

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Ian Billen
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #89 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:44am
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erikjjf wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:29am:
Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 11:01pm:
Finished recording in LA in May of 05.Ian



Excellent. Thank you. If this website is correct, they were doing pre-production on the stuff (writing together) as early as June of 04. Then more pre-production in August, and September at Mick's in France and as well in the Caribbean at Mick's. According to this website the actual recording of the material did not start until November of 04 at Mick's in France. So It seems they were working/writing through the summer on and off if they started actually recording the stuff in November of 04.

They wrote basically through the summer of 04 and worked the tunes up, then actual recording started in November of 04. This is not far off and is pretty close to what I stated earlier.  Maybe I can go on a rant, call the people who disagreed with me all kinds of names, and tell them they are totally insane. Or maybe I can just be cool and discuss this topic or others further now that this is cleared up (thank's to you) for us..... (hint-hint-hint).

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« Last Edit: Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:02am by Ian Billen »  

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #90 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:10am
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Pre-production does not necessarily mean writing together.
Further down on that same web page you can read the following quotes:

"I didn't write all this with Keith in the room. I like to write a lot of stuff on my own and I don't like people being around when I'm doing the lyrics. Keith always says they're in the air. They're not really, you have to make them up."
- Mick Jagger, August 2005

"We got so used to sort of being apart when we're not on the road and we sort of write stuff separately while we're, I mean, I might be in Jamaica, he might be in Madagascar or something, you know what I mean? But at the same time, there is a sort of point where you pool everything you've got together and that's the point where I guess I look at Mick and I say, You know, here's this one. What've you got?"
- Keith Richards, 2005

"What it really was is, you know, Keith and I started doing a lot of stuff just on our own, and then we were just having a laugh with a lot of it. I'd already written quite a lot of material, and Keith had written some, so it wasn't like we start from nothing."
- Mick Jagger, July 2005

"I've been writing new songs for the Rolling Stones' next album. We just started, and it will be out sometime next year. We'll start recording in November. It should be good. I've been writing the last month for that, and I'm quite excited by what I've got so far."
- Mick Jagger, September 2004
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Ian Billen
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #91 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:39am
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erikjjf wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:10am:
Pre-production does not necessarily mean writing together.
Further down on that same web page you can read the following quotes:

"I didn't write all this with Keith in the room. I like to write a lot of stuff on my own and I don't like people being around when I'm doing the lyrics. Keith always says they're in the air. They're not really, you have to make them up."
- Mick Jagger, August 2005

"We got so used to sort of being apart when we're not on the road and we sort of write stuff separately while we're, I mean, I might be in Jamaica, he might be in Madagascar or something, you know what I mean? But at the same time, there is a sort of point where you pool everything you've got together and that's the point where I guess I look at Mick and I say, You know, here's this one. What've you got?"
- Keith Richards, 2005

"What it really was is, you know, Keith and I started doing a lot of stuff just on our own, and then we were just having a laugh with a lot of it. I'd already written quite a lot of material, and Keith had written some, so it wasn't like we start from nothing."
- Mick Jagger, July 2005

"I've been writing new songs for the Rolling Stones' next album. We just started, and it will be out sometime next year. We'll start recording in November. It should be good. I've been writing the last month for that, and I'm quite excited by what I've got so far."
- Mick Jagger, September 2004


Yes, I whole-heartedly agree with both you and Gazza. In fact it is concrete and solidified. They do write a ton of stuff from things they started or wrote on their own. Although ....I just can't see these two being together for months at a time working on songs and so on and so little and/or very few numbers "from scratch" coming out of it as some people believe. I am just not seeing it. I mean, don't you think the two in all this period of time didn't start and write a good number of tunes right then and there? When I say "from scratch" I mean with no previous material of a track or notion of a song.

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« Last Edit: Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:43am by Ian Billen »  

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Unholy Trinity Admin

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #92 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:05am
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:39am:
erikjjf wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:10am:
Pre-production does not necessarily mean writing together.
Further down on that same web page you can read the following quotes:

"I didn't write all this with Keith in the room. I like to write a lot of stuff on my own and I don't like people being around when I'm doing the lyrics. Keith always says they're in the air. They're not really, you have to make them up."
- Mick Jagger, August 2005

"We got so used to sort of being apart when we're not on the road and we sort of write stuff separately while we're, I mean, I might be in Jamaica, he might be in Madagascar or something, you know what I mean? But at the same time, there is a sort of point where you pool everything you've got together and that's the point where I guess I look at Mick and I say, You know, here's this one. What've you got?"
- Keith Richards, 2005

"What it really was is, you know, Keith and I started doing a lot of stuff just on our own, and then we were just having a laugh with a lot of it. I'd already written quite a lot of material, and Keith had written some, so it wasn't like we start from nothing."
- Mick Jagger, July 2005

"I've been writing new songs for the Rolling Stones' next album. We just started, and it will be out sometime next year. We'll start recording in November. It should be good. I've been writing the last month for that, and I'm quite excited by what I've got so far."
- Mick Jagger, September 2004


Yes, I whole-heartedly agree with both you and Gazza. In fact it is concrete and solidified. They do write a ton of stuff from things they started or wrote on their own. Although ....I just can't see these two being together for months at a time working on songs and so on and so little and/or very few numbers "from scratch" coming out of it as some people believe. I am just not seeing it. I mean, don't you think the two in all this period of time didn't start and write a good number of tunes right then and there? When I say "from scratch" I mean with no previous material of a track or notion of a song.


er, yes..but they DON'T spend  'months a time working on songs' - its usually a matter of days or a couple of weeks.Nowhere does it state they spent a prolonged time writing together. Just because they worked over something in, say, August 2004 and then started recording two months later doesnt mean they were holed up together for the whole period in between. Check out all the quotes Erik posted. Not once does it indicate that they write songs together.

Do they EVER write something together from scratch? Quite probably. Is that the way most songs get written? Definitely not.

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #93 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:07am
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erikjjf wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 3:10am:
Pre-production does not necessarily mean writing together.

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #94 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:16am
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 9:44pm:
I disagree here. First of all ...we really don't know exactly how they write these days, because none of us are there.

However, as I understand it, and from how they have spoke, they write both separately and together. Mick and Keith spent time together writing songs at Mick's for A Bigger Bang a long time before Charlie and Ronnie got there. I am aware some of the stuff was written on their own and then pieced together, but as well I am also sure they came up with a good number themselves right there.

*Don Was said they were writing songs together for those sessions at the rate of three or four a day!
He also said it was very collaborative, and they joined forces together in writing the material and the two probably had not written this closely together since the late 1960's.

I cannot believe that you think almost no Rolling Stones songs are written together with Mick and Keith, from scratch since the early 1970's.

The early 70's was 35 years ago. Don't you think they have written many Stones songs together from nothing since all the way back then.

Come on now.


regardless of the horseshit propaganda Don Was puts out to hype up a new record, pretty much every interview with Mick and Keith indicates that they do indeed tend to write separately and have done for decades. I'll rely on that for 'evidence'. However, you can cherrypick a random quote to suit an absurd argument if you wish. Don Was also said that they only finished 18 songs for ABB - there are no unused, completed songs. So these "3-4 songs a day" cant have amounted to very much. Likewise with the "26-30" songs they banged out in two weeks in May 2002.

The early 70s was the last time that Mick and Keith had a relationship where they worked and hung out a lot together.

Your first statement above should also be applied to yourself, because you're assuming things and passing them off as fact.

Feel free to go through the numerous books and websites which examine the Stones' history as a recording act and you'll find a very common theme, which is that they wrote and work on songs separately before they spend any time collaborating. This has been the norm since the late 60's. Prior to that Jagger didnt (or was hardly ever able to) write on his own.

In fact, you've mentioned Was saying about them writing together for ABB by using a quote where he also says " the two probably had not written this closely together since the late 1960's." - and then queried my statement about them not tending to have written much together for decades. Somewhat self contradictory, no?
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« Last Edit: Sep 6th, 2008 at 10:34am by Gazza »  

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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #95 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:18am
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:10am:

I had a thought. Should they start fresh with all new material as far as this one goes (whenever it goes) or should they look over and try and work up stuff from their previous few albums that never got finished or had the chance to come to fruition?


i prefer they start fresh myself...all the leftovers can come later.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #96 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:22am
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Soldatti wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 10:11pm:
Ian Billen wrote on Sep 5th, 2008 at 1:04pm:
It is not a "deduction". Secondly, just because the media is not exposed to it means nothing. Look at The Bigger Bang Sessions. The same thing was said then. We had no word that Mick, Keith, and Charlie (and some times Ronnie) were writing/working together at Mick's, or the Carribbean. There was no mention of Keith flying to France. There was no mention of anything, until months after the fact. Then the news started coming in. We had no idea where they were for months. During those months they were working on ABB together. So just because it has not been officially, or unofficially reported yet means zilch.Ian

Get your facts Ian for gods sake...  
They had a meeting in early June 2004, posted here on June 9:  
And the first recordings were on Mick's house in September 2004, posted here by Gazza on Sept. 25:  

Thank Christ you found that. I was waiting to be asked for evidence to back that up. And Ian posted in both of those threads. So much for no one knowing they were together for months afterwards.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #97 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:26am
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Ian Billen wrote on Sep 6th, 2008 at 2:10am:

I had a thought. Should they start fresh with all new material as far as this one goes (whenever it goes) or should they look over and try and work up stuff from their previous few albums that never got finished or had the chance to come to fruition?


i prefer they start fresh myself...all the leftovers can come later.

Yes. Keep the leftovers 'as is' for the Universal re-issues!

However, they could do that and still use some basic ideas for new songs. They do that on most records anyway, including the last one as there was some unused and reworked Mick solo material on it.

In the end it doesnt matter. The end justifies the means. Tattoo You, by rights, should have ended up being a dreadful album, going by the way it was conceived. To their credit they pulled out something of a masterpiece.
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #98 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 9:39am
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LOL..I'm glad I popped out of the political threads and landed in here!. Searching for the truth is a lonely journey.Back to my scotch carry on guys and let me know when the non recording is finished will ya?
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Re: I Think They Are....   ....from Ian
Reply #99 - Sep 6th, 2008 at 11:05am
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Yeah !

Get back into the studio Stones

Streets of Love part 2,  can't wait, the excitements almost unbearable
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