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Joey? (Read 943,920 times)
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2325 - Nov 13th, 2017 at 8:50pm
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« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2017 at 8:46am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2326 - Nov 13th, 2017 at 8:56pm
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BONOISLOVE wrote on Nov 5th, 2017 at 5:13pm:
Is it too soon to arrest Trump?

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« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2017 at 8:49am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2327 - Nov 13th, 2017 at 9:03pm
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sirmoonie wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 11:53am:
Some Guy wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 6:39am:
moonie is fucking up.

If we're going to get this thread turned around, this is not helpful.  I've pm'ed all you guys separately with a proposed outline of initiatives for 2018, when I become moderator.  Poise and moxie for 2018!

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« Last Edit: Nov 14th, 2017 at 8:46am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2328 - Nov 14th, 2017 at 9:32pm
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<  -----  Kim Jong Un just put out a contract on President Trump . This makes Young Joey Scared for our Great President Donald J. Trump  (  ' Dear Leader ! '  )  !!!!!   :


" North Korea 'sentences Trump to death' for insulting Kim Jong-un "

" Regime-run newspaper says US president is ‘hideous criminal’ after he said North was a ‘cruel dictatorship’ and Kim ‘short and fat’  "

" North Korea’s state media has criticised Donald Trump for insulting leader Kim Jong-Un, saying the US president deserved the death penalty and calling him a coward for cancelling a visit to the inter-Korean border.

An editorial in the ruling party newspaper Rodong Sinmun focused its anger on Trump’s visit to South Korea last week, during which he denounced the North’s “cruel dictatorship” in a speech to legislators in Seoul.

The visit was part of a marathon five-nation Asia tour by the US president aimed largely at galvanising regional opposition to the North’s nuclear weapons ambitions.

“The worst crime for which he can never be pardoned is that he dared [to] malignantly hurt the dignity of the supreme leadership,” the editorial said.

“He should know that he is just a hideous criminal sentenced to death by the Korean people,” it added.

Since becoming president, Trump has engaged in an escalating war of words with Kim Jong-un, trading personal insults and threats of military strikes and raising concerns about an outbreak of hostilities.

Towards the end of his Asia tour, he sent a tweet from Hanoi that took the verbal jousting to a new level, taunting the North Korean leader over his height and weight.

“Why would Kim Jong-Un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat’?” he tweeted.

The members of the ruling Kim dynasty – past and present – enjoy near god-like status in North Korea, which has demonstrated extreme sensitivity to any remark that might be seen as mocking or disrespectful of the leadership.

The editorial also took a dig at Trump’s failure to tour the demilitarised zone (DMZ) dividing the two Koreas – a traditional stop-off for senior US officials visiting the South.

Trump’s helicopter taking him to the DMZ had turned back after just five minutes due to bad weather – an explanation the newspaper dismissed.

“It wasn’t the weather,” the editorial said: “He was just too scared to face the glaring eyes of our troops.”


Since you’re here …
… we have a small favour to ask. More people are reading the Guardian than ever but advertising revenues across the media are falling fast. And unlike many news organisations, we haven’t put up a paywall – we want to keep our journalism as open as we can. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. The Guardian’s independent, investigative journalism takes a lot of time, money and hard work to produce. But we do it because we believe our perspective matters – because it might well be your perspective, too.

I appreciate there not being a paywall: it is more democratic for the media to be available for all and not a commodity to be purchased by a few. I’m happy to make a contribution so others with less means still have access to information.
Thomasine F-R. "
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« Last Edit: Nov 15th, 2017 at 1:20pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2329 - Nov 15th, 2017 at 8:36am
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Are people still defending Trump unaware of their complete ignorance, hypocrisy and the massive irony.... Russia and Putin despise western democracy.... you literally defend an enemy of your country... making you a cunt tree traitor!
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2330 - Nov 15th, 2017 at 4:44pm
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2331 - Nov 15th, 2017 at 9:03pm
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<  ----------- Guess who was on Morning Joe Today  ?!   .... That is RIGHT !!!!!!    :


She explained to a National Audience how she was the daughter of a Janitor and she worked hard  , cured Polio and fought for her Country in the Normandy Invasion , Inchon ,  Khe Sanh  , BOTH Iraqi Wars  , Afghanistan and is now a U.S. Senator . Amazing Woman !  Hope she runs for President so we can listen to her mewl , drone , grouse , bellyache , grumble , whine , beef , and complain every single day . Every White Male can not WAIT to vote for this Woman  -- Truly what the Democratic Party Needs at this critical historical juncture is another Ball Breaker . President Donald J. Trump ( ' Dear Leader ' ) has every single White Male in his pocket  -- Shhhh  . Please Keep This Quiet
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« Last Edit: Nov 16th, 2017 at 4:07pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2332 - Nov 15th, 2017 at 9:08pm
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Some Guy wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 6:39am:
moonie is fucking up.

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« Last Edit: Nov 16th, 2017 at 8:31am by Joey »  

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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2333 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 9:33am
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double the child tax credit?
Oh boy.
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2334 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 11:39am
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Joey wrote on Nov 15th, 2017 at 9:08pm:
Some Guy wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 6:39am:
moonie is fucking up.


all moonies overtures are unwanted.
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2335 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 2:30pm
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I wonder if Lorne Michaels will give him his job back ?

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2336 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 4:36pm
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Edith Grove wrote on Nov 16th, 2017 at 2:30pm:
I wonder if Lorne Michaels will give him his job back ?


He should be fully investigated and removed from office because of this. No question there is no room for people like this in public office Edith. I assume then you will have no problem having Trump removed for his past sexual misconducts either. Can't have it both ways.
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2337 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 5:23pm
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Franken is laughing is ass off.

Meanwhile, the most important man in the world is thinking about pussy grabbing, building a very very big wall,  and some asshole is showing his little gun to fourteen year olds.

And Al is still laughing.

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« Last Edit: Nov 16th, 2017 at 5:33pm by MrPleasant »  
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2338 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 9:50pm
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<  ----------------  Some Guy      ?!  ....  !!!!   :


" Bonfire of the Prosecutors "

" Political animosities are pushing the U.S. toward a significant political crisis.  "

By Daniel Henninger

" American politics has become an endless fox hunt. The hounds’ heads jerked up this week on news that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, responding to a request from House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, had asked the Justice Department’s career lawyers to look into the possibility of appointing a second special prosecutor, to investigate Hillary Clinton.

Set aside for a moment what the precise meaning of “investigate” might be. The day doesn’t pass anymore without a demand, from the Oval Office or the ozone, that someone should “look into” some political malefaction. Theoretically, we could have public officials being led to the executioner’s block weekly in Washington.

Indeed, the movement to name a second special prosecutor flows from the fact that the Washington press corps in January decided en masse to “look into” the notion that the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia to defeat Mrs. Clinton, a thought dropped into the water by the departing Obama administration.

What followed was a river of stories purporting Trump-Russian collusion. Months later, it remains true that the federal code recognizes no crime called “collusion.” Eventually the river of collusion stories joined with Oval Office mania over them to produce special prosecutor Robert Mueller.

A fiction exists that Mr. Mueller represents the “rule of law.” In truth, Mr. Mueller looks about as relevant as a lawyer wandering around the smoking battlefield at Gettysburg. We are in the midst of a multifront political war—between Republicans and Democrats, and President Trump and the Beltway media.

The central, contested issue in this war is the acceptability of Mr. Trump’s presidency. The Trump opposition believes that a Trump presidency remains unthinkable and abhorrent, so opposing it is a moral imperative. But however intense the imperative, it’s nothing more than that, because the formal politics are moot. Mr. Trump received more Electoral College votes than Mrs. Clinton.

But so deep is the antipathy to the existence of a Trump presidency—forget that someone has to deal with North Korea’s nuclear-armed missiles, the Middle East or the U.S. economy—that the opposition has spent nearly a year hoping just one more Russian collusion story would . . . do what? Make Mr. Trump evaporate?

So there is a kind of delicious temptation to embrace the idea of a second special prosecutor to “investigate” the Clintons. Why not? A lot of people on the right and left have been spoiling for a street fight over the 2016 election, so let’s have it out. Light the torch and set off a bonfire of special prosecutors.

The people who brought us the Trump-Russia collusion narrative are now weeping crocodile tears that the appointment of a second prosecutor would mean that President Trump is politicizing and weaponizing the Justice Department. Oh my. They should have thought of that before they approved how the nation’s security agencies weaponized the press last January.

Time to sober up. A self-indulgent American political class, reveling in perpetual tumult, is pushing the U.S. toward a significant crisis. The appointment of a second special prosecutor would bring that crisis closer.

Primary U.S. institutions are already on thin ice with the American people. Start with the malperformance of institutions once thought trustworthy, whether the unprecedented collusion leaks from the intelligence agencies or James Comey’s ham-handed and too-public tenure at the FBI.

Mr. Mueller’s team of prosecutors represents a rebuke of the Justice Department’s credibility and standing. His first act, the Paul Manafort indictment, was a pre-existing case that Justice offloaded to Mr. Mueller. If Mike Flynn or anyone else has violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, Justice should prosecute, not the deus ex machina of a special prosecutor.

Political accountability remains crucial in a system as open as ours, and historically the press has provided much of that oversight. That’s changed. The media’s referee role has morphed into relentless political tendentiousness.

The media dresses up its collusion stories with insinuations that something illegal has occurred. In fact, the criminal law’s traditionally high bar of proof is being replaced by a weaker, more volatile standard from prehistory. In short, where’s there’s smoke, there must be guilt, so erect a special prosecutor to concoct indictments. This is a formula for creating unappeasable political resentments. Pressure builds; the system blows.

If you want to hate Donald Trump, feel free. But a sane world would have dropped the Russia stuff months ago, just as a sane world would get over Hillary’s crimes so that what’s left of the country’s institutions could get back to normal governing.

It won’t happen. Politics as a permanent bonfire has become both a thrill ride and a business model. But let me wonder who benefits from this scenario:

The day that the Trump Justice Department names a Clinton special prosecutor will be the day Mr. Trump’s impeachment is guaranteed, if the Democrats take the House in 2018. After that, let ’er rip.
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« Last Edit: Nov 16th, 2017 at 9:56pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2339 - Nov 16th, 2017 at 10:39pm
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Roy Moore abruptly leaves press conference when reporters ask about molestation accusations
The Alabama GOP Senate candidate had just seized on allegations against Al Franken to hit Mitch McConnell
Charlie May11.16.2017•4:58 PM

Flanked by leaders of several pro-life religious organizations, Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore held a bizarre campaign event on Thursday that began with a
weird story about hemorrhoids.

Moore talked about a time when he first got into politics and a seasoned judge told him about three things he needed to succeed in politics. The judge told him he first needed eyeglasses so he could appear to be intelligent and to prove to people that he reads a lot. Second, Moore was told to develop gray or thinning hair to show old age and experience.

"You have to have one other thing," Moore said the judge told him. "You have to have hemorrhoids," because "it gives you a concerned look."

    Roy Moore...makes a hemorrhoids joke. pic.twitter.com/spAe5mz6fQ

    — Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) November 16, 2017


Moore eventually abruptly left Thursday's event after refusing to answer questions related to the multiple molestation accusations he is facing — but not before he also pledged that he wouldn't drop out of the race and demanded Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., step down instead.

"I'll tell you who needs to step down, that's Mitch McConnell," Moore said, according to CBS News. He added, "There's been comments about me taking a stand. I'll quit standing when they lay me on that box and put me in the ground."

Moore slammed the allegations against him as "untrue" as he has repeatedly done in recent days. Over a dozen pro-life religious organizations reaffirmed their support for Moore, presenting a letter that was signed by "pro-family leaders and pastors from across the nation."

"We stand with Judge Roy Moore, a man of integrity who has never wavered from his valiant defense of the unborn, the Ten Commandments, and the Constitution," the letter said, according to CBS. "We are confident the voters of Alabama will not be fooled by suspiciously timed accusations without evidence and will reject the politics of personal destruction led by the Washington Post," the letter stated.

Moore ended up walking out of the event after the floor was opened for questions from the press and reporters insisted the Senate candidate speak for himself. 

    Roy Moore’s reaction when reporters asked about molestation accusations. He left the press conference. Asked for questions on the “issues” pic.twitter.com/BIh0SQUwWi

    — Alex Thompson (@AlxThomp) November 16, 2017

Before the event even started, Moore weighed in on Twitter about the allegations against him by seizing upon the recent allegations levied against Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn, and proved he doesn't know the definition of "zero evidence."

    Al Franken admits guilt after photographic evidence of his abuse surfaces.

    Mitch: "Let's investigate." In Alabama, ZERO evidence, allegations 100% rejected. Mitch: "Moore must quit immediately or be expelled." — Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) November 16, 2017

But despite pressure from the Republican Party, the Alabama GOP has decided to firmly stand with Moore, despite the allegations that he sexually preyed on minors.

"The ALGOP Steering Committee supports Judge Roy Moore as our nominee and trusts the voters as they make the ultimate decision in this crucial race," the ALGOP said in a statement, according to Politico. The statement continued, "Judge Moore has vehemently denied the allegations made against him. He deserves to be presumed innocent of the accusations unless proven otherwise. He will continue to take his case straight to the people of Alabama."

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders would only offer the president's continued silence on the matter. "He thinks that the people of Alabama should make the decision on who their next senator should be," Sanders said on Thursday.

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2340 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:28am
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If Trump thinks the people of Alabama should pick their senator.....then why was he openly campaigning for Moore's opponent in primary? Huckabee continues the trend.....
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2341 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:42am
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gimmekeef wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:28am:
If Trump thinks the people of Alabama should pick their senator.....then why was he openly campaigning for Moore's opponent in primary? Huckabee continues the trend.....

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2342 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:49am
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gimmekeef wrote on Nov 13th, 2017 at 10:12am:
One of Moonie's neighbors just called me. Can't figure out why he is out in yard destroying his Keurig coffee machine.....

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2343 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:49am
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Some Guy wrote on Nov 16th, 2017 at 9:33am:
double the child tax credit?
Oh boy.

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2344 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:51am
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Some Guy wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 6:39am:
moonie is fucking up.

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« Last Edit: Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:36pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2345 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 1:32pm
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Joey wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 9:51am:
Some Guy wrote on Nov 6th, 2017 at 6:39am:
moonie is fucking up.


I heard he has a secret son...Some Young Guy from Atlanta....
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2346 - Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:14pm
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I've been away at trial.

Guys, the rhetoric is getting way too high.  We need to dial this down a notch.


Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:12pm
sirmoonie says: 'The REVOLUTION will NOT be televised. '
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"But in terms of what's left of white people, we're still it." - Andrew Moof Oldham
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2347 - Nov 18th, 2017 at 8:57am
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sirmoonie wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:14pm:
I've been away at trial.

Guys, the rhetoric is getting way too high.  We need to dial this down a notch.


Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:12pm
sirmoonie says: The REVOLUTION will NOT be televised.

<  -----------------    Sir Moonie   .......   ?!  ..... !!!!!!    :


" Californians Worth Their SALT "

" Tax reform passes the House, thanks to the support of 11 Golden State Republicans. "

By Kimberley A. Strassel

" Hell hath no fury like a swamp creature scorned, and that ferocity was trained almost exclusively these past weeks on California House Republicans. The attack was a case study in standing up to entrenched special tax interests, and a lesson to other Republicans in the virtues of having the backbone to go on offense.

The House GOP passed its tax-reform bill on Thursday, and special medals of valor go to the 11 of 14 California Republicans who voted in support. The lobbyist brigade had joined with Democrats to target the Golden State delegation, seeing it as their best shot at peeling off enough Republicans to kill the bill. The assault was brutal, dishonest and all-out.

The National Association of Realtors, incensed that the nation’s millionaires might face limits on their mortgage-interest deduction, staged a “fly-in” to Washington, sending dozens of real-estate agents to harass Californians. The California Association of Realtors took out full-page ads in state and national newspapers, accusing Republicans of “punishing” state homeowners. National and California-based housing and building associations staged press conferences, online ad campaigns, petition drives—targeting everyone from Palmdale’s Steve Knight to the Central Valley’s David Valadao.

Gov. Jerry Brown unleashed on state Republicans, calling them “sheep” for supporting an end to most state and local tax, or SALT, deductions, and sending them letters deploring the tax hit on residents of high-tax California. Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi accused them of “looting” the state. Her Senate counterpart, New York’s Chuck Schumer, warned of “political fallout” that would be “catastrophic.” Liberal groups, super PACs and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee unfurled a digital and TV ad blitz, charging the GOP with “eliminating middle-class tax deductions” to help the wealthy.

This is the reward for attempting to simplify the tax code—the forces of distortion scurry to protect their privileges. Democrats had hoped Republican infighting would tank tax reform. But as the GOP kept marching, the left and special interests instead turned to picking off blue-state Republicans with scare campaigns about mortgage interest and SALT. Most of the New York and New Jersey GOP contingencies quickly caved, which left the Californians to field all the incoming fire. Had they defected in the same manner as their Northeastern colleagues, the bill would have failed.

Their resistance instead shows the virtues of aggressively arguing the tax-reform case. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Ways and Means member Devin Nunes are Californians themselves, and they worked to keep the delegation armed against the disinformation. The press, for instance, continued to parrot Realtor-fed numbers about super-high house values, even though much of the state outside pricey San Francisco and Los Angeles would not be hit. In Central Valley districts like Mr. Nunes’s, approximately 98% of homes aren’t worth enough to be subject to the $500,000 proposed principal limit on the mortgage-interest deduction. Members made a point of repeating this. Some also reminded middle-class constituents that the left often notes the mortgage deduction mostly benefits wealthier Americans.

The tax reform’s clampdown on SALT deductions is more politically fraught, given that six million Californians claim these tax breaks annually. But tax writers made sure state Republicans came armed with analyses showing how other reforms—cuts in individual rates, the doubling of the standard deduction, the elimination of the alternative minimum tax—would more than offset a SALT elimination, and members forcefully made the case.

What proved most effective, however, was the state Republicans’ willingness to go on offense and throw SALT in Gov. Brown’s face. California has the heaviest tax burden in the country and only just implemented a punishing new 12-cent-a-gallon-increase in its gasoline tax. Mr. McCarthy used the occasion to release a video pouncing on that hike and noting that “if Gov. Brown is worried about the tax burden, let’s make cutting [taxes] a federal and state project.”

Other state Republicans ran with that message, even more bluntly. “Why punish the rest of the nation because California is stupid?” asked Rep. Duncan Hunter in a local TV interview. Even Rep. Darrell Issa, who voted “no” on Thursday (along with Dana Rohrabacher and Tom McClintock ), zapped a letter back to Gov. Brown, noting that if SALT had become a big issue, it was “a direct result of the tremendous weight that your misguided policies have put on California taxpayers.”

“The idea of Jerry Brown and Nancy Pelosi, who have spent entire careers making it more expensive to live, work and do business in California lecturing us on taxes is pretty unbelievable,” Ken Calvert, dean of the California delegation, told me after Thursday’s successful vote.

Many Republicans have become so shy of the left’s class-warfare arguments, they’ve forgotten the best way to win on taxes is to enter the debate head on. And it’s a model all Republicans could benefit from as the tax fight rolls on.  "
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« Last Edit: Nov 18th, 2017 at 8:58am by Joey »  

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Rocks Off Regular

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2348 - Nov 18th, 2017 at 12:00pm
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Joey wrote on Nov 18th, 2017 at 8:57am:
sirmoonie wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:14pm:
I've been away at trial.

Guys, the rhetoric is getting way too high.  We need to dial this down a notch.


Nov 17th, 2017 at 4:12pm
Joey says: The REVOLUTION will NOT be televised.

<  -----------------    Sir Moonie   .......   ?!  ..... !!!!!!    :

" Californians Worth Their SALT "

" Tax reform passes the House, thanks to the support of 11 Golden State Republicans. "

Channel biffwad. 


Agreed.  Banning is a last resort.  I know some guys have put a lot of effort into posting.  I'm sensitive to that, and I'm not qoing to start willy nilly hacking names off the List.

The Revolution will not be televised.

Ooga chacka ooga chacka ooga ooga ooga chacka.

What's with the Trump buffoonery going on around the country?  I don't get the appeal.  No higher road higher.  No principled approach. 

The Morgenthau Plan would have possibly pre-empted this.
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"But in terms of what's left of white people, we're still it." - Andrew Moof Oldham
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Rocks Off Regular

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!)
Reply #2349 - Nov 18th, 2017 at 12:09pm
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