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Latest Ronnie news (Read 28,189 times)
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Latest Ronnie news
Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:15am
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While Fleet Street's finest clamour for an interview, Ronnie Wood tells all to the 'FT'

The pink paper pips the red tops with its unlikely scoop on the Stone's latest exploits

By Jonathan Owen
Sunday, 20 July 2008

A week or so ago, word went round medialand that Rolling Stone Ronnie Wood,61, was entangled with a 19-year-old Russian cocktail waitress. Suddenly, the rocker's London home was laid siege by tabloid reporters. Sad – or not – to say, they never cornered him.

How galling, then, for them to discover yesterday that he had, at the tabloids' moment of greatest need, been secure in the custody of that well-known scandal sheet The Financial Times. We know this because the FT's interview was published yesterday, and what a welter of confessions the pink paper wrung from him: that it took a "17-year apprenticeship" to be accepted wholly by the Stones ("Charlie and Bill stood up for me"); Lucian Freud loves his landscape paintings; and that Tracey Emin is a friend ("She's like my aunt").

And then, of course, there's his famed drinking. He'd been up drinking all of the night before (not a normal confession for FT interview subjects); there were 20 pubs within a square mile of his Dublin home; and "sometimes I get so bored I think I'll have a drink. I don't mean any harm but I just go off the rails." He was, apparently, trained for it, telling how, when his childhood home's lawn was dug up, 1,700 Guinness bottles were discovered buried under it.

Then, as talk turns to Wood's latest art exhibition, his "Little Red Rooster" ringtone goes off.

"He seems agitated," writes the interviewer. "The call brings news," he says, "of the Sun door-stepping his home in Kingston, south-west London."

The FT, unpractised at lowering the tone in its interviews, does not press for further, unseemly details. But, adds the paper's man: "A few days after our lunch, I realise that he had been given news that the paper was about to write a story about how during the week of our meeting, he was holed up with a young Russian waitress." Timing, as they say, is everything.
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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:31am by Deathgod »  

RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #1 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:16am
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Ronnie Wood confused over his love life

Sunday, July 20 2008, 10:01 BST

By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter
Ronnie Wood confused over his love life

Ronnie Wood is struggling to decide on the future of his relationships as he receives treatment for alcoholism in rehab.

The Rolling Stone is confused about whether he wants to win back his wife Jo, or stick with the Russian bargirl he fled to Ireland with.

Wood checked in to rehab last week after his affair with 18-year-old Ekaterina Ivanova was made public.

According to the News of the World, in a phone call to Jo this week, Ronnie announced: "I love Ekaterina, I don't f***ing love you any more."

However, just minutes later, he telephoned again to say: "I'm not gonna take anymore of this cr*p. I love you."

A source told the newspaper: "Ronnie is in a real state. He's so confused he's forgetting what's happening for long periods."

Friends of the couple have confirmed that Jo will fight to save her marriage, despite appearing to give up on Ronnie before he entered rehab. Speaking to pals at the beginning of last week, she said: "Ronnie is welcome to that Russian tart. I have had enough now."

An insider explained yesterday: "Ronnie and his wife are set to have counselling together, which is an integral part of his healing. I suppose there's going to be some hostility from Jo after what she's been through. But that's what the doctor's ordered."
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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:31am by Deathgod »  

RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #2 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:17am
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Ronnie Wood keeps forgetting whom he loves
Posted July 20th, 2008 by Kiran Pahwa

Ronnie Wood keeps forgetting whom he lovesLondon, July 20: Ronnie Wood is so caught up in his life that he can’t decide whom he’s actually in love with – wife or the Russian mistress.

The rambling rocker is now having double minds as to whether he loves his wife or Ekaterina Ivanova, with whom he fled to County Kildare on a two-week booze-bender.

"Ronnie is in a real state. He''s so confused he''s forgetting what''s happening for long periods,” News of the World quoted a source, as saying.

Firstly the 61-year-old musician made drunken phone calls to his betrayed wife Jo, to talk about Ivanova.

He told her: "I love Ekaterina, I don''t f***ing love you any more."

Still, moments later, he again telephoned her, saying: "I''m not gonna take anymore of this cr*p. I love you."

In the meantime, it seems the confusion has even touched his 53-year-old wife, who is threatening to divorce Ronnie one minute and then agreeing to have marriage counselling with him the next.

Ronnie has been in The Priory since July 15 when he returned to Britain in a private jet, only after eldest son Jesse, 30, flew to County Kildareto talk sense into him. (ANI)

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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:30am by Deathgod »  

RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #3 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:19am
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Ronnie’s a Stone but Jo’s a rock

Shane Watson

Towards the end of last year, I headed off to Richmond to interview Ronnie Wood and his wife, Jo, at home, for the launch of his autobiography. It’s unusual to interview couples together, particularly when one of them is a Rolling Stone, but you tend to think of Ronnie and Jo – unlike Keith and Patti or Mick and L’Wren – as a team. Whenever they are photographed in public, they are draped around each other: Ronnie looking gaunt and mischievous; Jo, blonde and smiley and remarkably like the girl she was when they met back in 1977.

The message is that this rock’n’roll marriage has survived all these years because, as Paul and Linda did, the Woods have made a point of sticking close together, and because – strangely enough, in a world where celebrity marriages can last four weeks – they still love each other. As well as talking to Ronnie about the sex and the drugs and the music, I was looking forward to finding out the secret of their long relationship.

Then, when I met them, I discovered that there’s another, more compelling reason Ronnie is comfortable being interviewed with Jo. Besides being entirely lacking in the kind of ego that usually goes with this territory, Ronnie Wood is dependent on his wife: he needs her to finish his sentences and prompt his best stories. He relies on her to chuckle when he gets doomy and to cluck when he starts to say something that might make him look foolish. Jo is to Ronnie what Sharon is to Ozzy (though their styles are very different): his rock, his compass, his biggest fan and the reason Ronnie the alcoholic is still here.

It was obvious that they adored each other but also that staying together had not been easy. “He fights his addiction every day,” Jo told me at one point, and Ronnie, looking very tired, added: “The trouble with me is I’ve never reached rock bottom – so all my therapists say.”

Those were not the words of a committed recovering alcoholic; they were the words of a man who knew it was only a matter of time before he fell off the wagon again. Over the course of the next few hours Ronnie admitted he was finding life without drink barely tolerable. I left thinking two things: God help Ronnie, and what an extraordinary marriage.

Last week everyone learnt about Ronnie’s crash-and-burn binge in Ireland, and you can bet most people’s reaction was: “She’s got to kick him out this time.”

Not so long ago I would have agreed – but now I’ve changed my mind. Notwithstanding everything we know about alcoholism – the need for Ronnie to “hit rock bottom”; the need for Jo to “let go with love” – I can’t help admiring a marriage that has so far survived drink, drug addiction (on both sides), groupies, the hellish trials of touring and a friendship with Keith Richards so intense that at times Jo might as well have been married to both of them.

From the modern perspective, she is an enabler, a doormat, someone who almost certainly suffers from low self-esteem (how else could she possibly have accepted the humiliation of being dumped while her husband absconded to Ireland with a 20-year-old?). I can hear her girlfriends now: reminding her what she owes herself; persuading her that Ronnie is ruining her life. But the truth is that Ronnie is Jo’s life. Maybe she can’t walk away because she wouldn’t know what to do with herself; maybe she can’t bear to see their tightknit family compromised.

Whatever the case, she’s something you don’t see much of any more: a woman who is unfashionably wedded to a man for better or worse.

Before I got married, two years ago, I had strong views about what was and wasn’t tolerable in a relationship (it’s the single woman’s favourite hobby: watching other people’s marriages from the sidelines and passing judgment). More than once, I’ve said to a girlfriend: “Leave now. You don’t need this.”

But then I didn’t appreciate what loving someone enough to marry them meant, and I hadn’t worked out the big difference between marriage and other relationships: marriage means never being able to say, “Your problems are screwing up my life, therefore I’m off”, because now they’re your problems too. It’s about tolerance and forgiveness, no matter how much the goalposts shift. (Okay, there are rare exceptions – violence and serial infidelity among them – but not the checklist of opt-outs that we’ve come to accept as grounds for walking.) And, besides, it’s the crises that weld you together and dig in the roots.

Somewhere along the way, our desire to protect ourselves from anything unpleasant has made us forget this basic requirement of a loving relationship – you cleave together, come hell or high water – which is why we are awestruck when a woman marries her severely burnt soldier fiancé, and so appalled when a woman such as Jo Wood sticks with her apparently hopeless husband.

I did ask Ronnie what he thought was the secret of a successful marriage. He said: “You have to be great friends and be able to go to each other and say, ‘I’m in trouble – what the hell do I do now?’ ” Which is, let’s hope, exactly what’s happening right now.

In the same week that a granny had to beat off shop thieves with a broomstick, Boots, the chemist, has been chastised for detaining a 12-year-old who helped herself to some nail varnish. The big mistake Boots made, on this occasion, was to pick on a pretty, nicely dressed grammar school pupil.

Her middle-class parents were outraged, not because their daughter had seen fit to break the seal on a bottle and try on some nail varnish that she didn’t have the money to pay for, but because she had been treated like a criminal. (The Daily Mail reported that no testers were available for “tearful Hannah”. But you don’t get nail-varnish testers in Boots. That’s the whole point. If you want to try it, you have to buy it.)

Had poor, wronged Hannah ticked all the right boxes (Croydon facelift, hoop earrings, fag on the go), this incident would have been filed away as yet another example of lack of respect for the law. And would Boots have been accused of overreacting then? Don’t think so.

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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #4 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:22am
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Profile: Ronnie Wood

Devil who keeps on rolling

TO CALL Ronnie Wood the everyman of the Rolling Stones is a bit like describing Lembit Opik as the least boring politician in the House of Commons; everything, after all, is relative.
But Wood is inevitably viewed in comparison with his bandmates: less sexy than Mick Jagger; not as musically creative as Keith Richards; more interesting than Charlie Watts – but a less snazzy dresser. Wood doesn't even do scandal as well as Jagger
, let alone ex-Stone Bill Wyman.

When Wyman hit the front pages over his dangerous liaison in 1983, after all, it was with Mandy Smith, who was then just 13. No one seems quite sure how old Ekaterina Ivanova is, though the youngest age claimed for her is 18. She may, in fact, be 20 – though she looks much younger in her Facebook pose, wearing a short cropped Tinkerbell T-shirt and sucking her thumb provocatively.

When news broke last week that alcoholic Wood had fallen off the wagon and run off to Ireland with the Russian cocktail waitress, the consensus was that, at 61, he should be chasing babushkas, not babe-ushkas.

His wife, Jo, was reported to be ready to divorce him after 23 years of marriage, and a son was dispatched to bring daddy back to the bosom of his family – and the Priory Clinic. It is said to be his seventh time in rehab during an epic rock'n'roll life.

Ronald David Wood was born in London on June 1, 1947, to a family of itinerant canal barge operators. He and older brothers Art and Ted were the first generation to be born on dry land, and grew up on a council estate near Heathrow. The young Wood played guitar but saw his future as an artist, especially after, aged nine, he won a competition run by the popular TV show Sketch Club.

He followed his brothers to Ealing Art College, where music began to take over his life – a process that started when he saw a youthful Rolling Stones play the Richmond Jazz and Blues festival in 1964. "I thought, that looks like a good job," he later said. "One day I'm going to be in that band." That would take another 12 years in a musical odyssey that began with the Birds.

Not to be confused with the more successful US band the Byrds, the English group was initially formed as the Thunderbirds with Kim Gardner, a teenage pal of Wood's, and other college mates. Signed to Decca, they released a handful of singles before Wood and Gardner quit to join mods the Creation. Wood had to swap his guitar for a bass for his next step up, with the Jeff Beck Group in 1967, but his big break came with a return to his instrument of choice for the Small Faces.

With Rod Stewart also joining the band in 1969, success – and excess – followed. When the renamed Faces hit the road in the US they were the first band to have a bar onstage. "We could drink our way through the set without ever having to go offstage," Wood later (somehow) recalled. At the time his average day would start with eight pints of Guinness "then onto the vodka, a couple of bottles of that. Then go on to the sambuca, a bottle of that."

Despite the booze, Wood was remarkably prolific, co-writing 'Stay With Me' and other hits as well as churning out the first of seven solo albums (12 if you include live recordings), I've Got My Own Album To Do, in 1974. In between, he found time to marry model Krissy Findlay in 1971 and produce son Jesse.

During this period he also linked up with his former inspirations for the first time. He co-wrote 'It's Only Rock'n'Roll (But I Like It)' with Jagger in 1973 and, while still a member of the Faces, filled in when Mick Taylor left the Stones in 1975. The move became permanent in February 1976 after the Faces broke up, but curiously Wood remained on a salary with the Stones for 14 years, only being made a full financial partner in 1990.

Not that Wood, now worth an estimated £70m, seems to have lacked funds. By the mid-1970s he had put so much cocaine up his nose that he had a plastic septum fitted. The impact this had on his private life can only be imagined, and he and Krissy divorced in 1978. A year later he started 'freebase' smoking cocaine and continued doing so for five years.

In his autobiography, Ronnie, Wood often plays down his fame. He claims that when he met Jo at a party she did not recognise him or his name, even though she was a Stones fan. He had to track her down to the Woolworths she worked in the next day to persuade her to go out with him. They married in 1985 and would eventually add Leah and Tyrone to the family, as well as Jamie, Jo's son from an earlier relationship.

Wood's second marriage became regarded as one of the most secure in show business, but it did not stop the partying. Wood remained a notorious boozer, even as his prolific output continued, from working with David Bowie and Eric Clapton, to joining Bob Dylan, with Keith Richards, on his Live Aid set in Philadelphia in 1985.

The Ronnie Wood Band also toured in 2001 and 2002, with Guns N' Roses axeman Slash and Andrea Corr in the line up, and Wooden Records was launched in 2005 to release material from his old touring band the New Barbarians. But by now the Stones were also engaged in a series of lucrative comeback gigs.

After one tour in 2003 Wood was rumoured to have given up booze – and yet he was back in rehab in June 2006. "I just don't think my body can handle it any more," he said. "I did try a little drink a while back and I was actually physically ill. So that's it. I'm over it. I am." The same year, Jo said the cleaned-up Ronnie had become a fan of her organic cooking – and even her body lotion range. Could it be true? Had this Rolling Stone gathered some moss-extract anti-wrinkle cream?

Wood also spoke of spending his down time in his hotel room after gigs engaging in his first great passion, painting. Art had always remained a key part of his life: he co-owns Scream Gallery in London with his sons, and his work hangs in various galleries and, thanks to an Andrew Lloyd Webber commission, in Drury Lane Theatre, London.

But art also played a part in Wood's downfall last week. Ivanova – whose father Sergei is also an artist (though about 10 years younger than Wood) and who lives on the Orkney island of Papa Westray – is said to be the subject of Photography Nude 11. This painting, by Wood, was found on sale for £8,000 in Gallery Number One in Dublin – just 20 miles from the County Kildare bolthole the unlikely couple fled to.

It is also the Wood family's second home, and this may have been the insult that finally made Jo lose sympathy for her devil of a husband. At least he seems to have known the right answer when she gave him her ultimatum: it's the Priory or the by-way.

You've been Googled

• Wood once house-shared with Jimi Hendrix, who he described as a "great, relaxed" flatmate.

• Wood Appeared in The Last Waltz in 1976 with the Band and others. He also had a cameo as a gatecrasher in the 1984 teen comedy The Wild Life and played an art gallery visitor in the steamy 9 Weeks.

• He created an old-style pub in an outbuilding at his £3m County Kildare home in memory of his father. He called it Yer Father's Yacht, and said it "became my creative hub".

• In October 2007 Wood appeared on BBC's Top Gear, achieving a lap time of one minute, 49.5 seconds in the traditional celebrity challenge.

• "If Ronnie didn't have such a good diet he wouldn't be in such good health. He might not even be here because he has abused his body a lot... really, a lot." – Jo Wood.

• "You never think you are going to lose your gorgeous girlfriend to a wrinkly old man – but that's exactly what happened." Ekaterina Ivanova's boyfriend Chris Kiely, 26, last week.
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RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #5 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:23am
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I'm sober & know what I'm doing.. I don't want Jo back

By Lara Gould & Adrian Butler [email protected] 20/07/2008

Ronnie Wood has finally sobered up after his booze marathon - and decided to dump wife Jo for his teen lover.

The ageing rocker's pals were hoping he would try to save his 23-year marriage after drying out in rehab.

Instead Ronnie, 61, is pining to see 19-year-old model Ekaterina Ivanova - the girl he whisked off to his Ireland bolt-hole.

A source close to the Rolling Stone said last night: "Ronnie's family and friends were expecting him to see the error of his ways after having the chance to dry out.

"But rehab seems to have had the opposite effect.

"Ronnie's off the booze. But it's Katia he's been asking for and Katia he wants to be with.

"Their separation has made him realise how much he cares for her. On or off the bottle Ronnie seems to be prepared to throw away his marriage to be with this girl."

Jo, 53, was being comforted by friends in Barcelona last night after fleeing the family home in Kingston, Surrey.

The source added: "Jo is under a lot of strain.

"She wanted to give Ronnie another chance to fight for his marriage. But the future is looking bleak."

Ronnie, who flew back to London accompanied by son Jesse, 30, in a private jet paid for by artist and pal Damien Hirst, is expected to remain in rehab for the next two months.

Katia - who he met in a seedy escort bar - is holed up in East London, where she ventured out to the shops yesterday.

In an interview while the pair were in Ireland, the star - on two bottles of vodka a day - spoke of his booze struggles.

He said: "That's always been the problem with me. I find it hard to say no.

"A friend came over. I hadn't seen him for years so we had a few drinks. It ended up being seven in the morning."
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #6 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:26am
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Eka and the geek

A DEAD ringer for Harry Potter told last night of his fling with Ronnie Wood’s Russian temptress — and how she could not wait to jump into bed with him.

Geeky IT student Will Jones, 22, romped with Ekaterina Ivanova at his parents’ house after she askedhimforadrinkataLondonclubandtheyendedupsnogging.Hesaid:“Iwasabitshocked—I’donlyjustmether.Butthat’sEkaterinaallover.She’simpetuousandspontaneoustotheextreme.”FromRussiawithlove...EkasnoggingwithgeekyITstudentWill[img]http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00534/SNN1908A-380_534589a.jpg

Her ex-lover broke his silence as it emerged married Rolling Stone Ronnie, 61, was giving an interview about his chronic boozing when he learned about The Sun’s world exclusive that he was shacked up with the 20-year-old in Ireland.

Ronnie was in the middle of opening his heart to a journalist in Dublin about giving in to “temptation” when he got a phone call tipping him off a week ago. He admitted in the interview: “I don’t mean any harm but I just go off the rails.”

Will told how Moscow-born Ekaterina pestered him to take her to his Brighton home when she fell for his schoolboy wizard looks at an indie music night in the capital called After School.

They hopped on the first train to the South Coast after she begged him: “Let’s have an adventure.”

Will said: “It was 4am. Within a few hours we were back at my parents’ house making love. I remember she was very cute and very sensitive in bed. She wasn’t really wild — it was very gentle.”

The student blasted Ronnie for preying on the “naive” cocktail waitress.

He insisted: “Ekaterina is the most beautiful, intelligent girl you could ever meet. But she’s very innocent, almost childlike — and very vulnerable.


“She’s desperate for a father figure and Ronnie’s definitely taken advantage of her.”

Will’s fling with Ekaterina two years ago lasted three months. He said: “At the time she was flitting from job to job in London.

“She wanted to see the world but didn’t have any real direction. She didn’t know what she wanted from life. Ekaterina is really bubbly and giggly. But she can be very serious at times too. I got the feeling she needed guidance.

“She had no money but was going out and getting hammered most nights in the week.”

Ronnie’s devoted wife Jo, 53, has given the alcoholic dad of four the boot after he spent three booze-fuelled weeks with the girl he calls “Eka” at his bolthole in County Kildare, Ireland.

The multi-millionaire guitarist — wed for 23 years — never let on he was cheating on ex-model Jo during his Dublin interview last week.

The rocker, who has been in and out of drying-out clinics and met the Russian in a seedy escort club, confessed to hitting the bottle because “sometimes I get so bored”.

Spellbound ... Harry Potter double Will

He said: “Here I am at 61 and I’ve never felt better. The clinic said I had the body of a 40-year-old. That's always been a big problem with me. I find it hard to get old and hard to say no.

“I’m more lost when I’m not on tour. I’m in a bit of a muddle at 9pm . . . ‘Where’s the stage?’

“On tour there are people directing and supervising you.”

Ekaterina told The Sun: “I love him”. But pals of Ronnie, who was last night back in rehab, say he is desperate to save his marriage.

Will admitted that even when he was dating Ekaterina she was never shy about taking advantage of older men. He said: “When we went out she would flirt with older guys to get them to buy her drinks before just walking off.

“But when she got a job in a Covent Garden clothes shop it only lasted a few days because her boss — a much older guy — kept leering at her. It’s all a bit ironic given what’s happened with Ronnie.”

He recalled how before his own affair with her “fizzled out” she one night insisted on watching the Disney movie Aladdin.

He said: “We sat singing along to all the songs in the film. I thought then how childlike she was.”

Will described her as “a real indie girl”. He said: “All indie girls dream of dating someone in a band. Ronnie’s in one of the biggest bands of all time.”

Yesterday a tiler who worked on the swimming pool at Ronnie’s hideaway in Clane, County Kildare, told how the star has a huge red Indian tent in his back garden with a giant circular waterbed in it.

The Rolling Stone let Liam Whelan look into the 30ft-high teepee after he inquired about it. Liam, 38, said: “The inside was painted psychedelic and a bit freaky.”
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RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #7 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:29am
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Addicted to a game of Russian roulette
Having fallen off the wagon and into the arms of a teenager, rehab is the best place for Ronnie Wood, says Barry Egan


Sunday July 20 2008

MICK and Keith tried to make him go into rehab. He said yeah yeah, man. It was immediately prior to the Rolling Stones world tour in early 2006, when Ronnie Wood fell unceremoniously off the wagon.


It was, he recalled later that summer, his fifth visit to rehab (the Priory in London and Cottonwood in Arizona, among others).

"Or maybe it was my sixth?" Ronnie mumbled. "What can I say? I'm an alcoholic; it's what I do. Obviously, normal people don't go out to work drunk, but for an alcoholic it's entirely normal to go to work out of your f**king brain, and that's exactly what I did. For years."

He thought for a second before appearing to reach a point of clarity in a brain fogged by decades of cocaine and alcohol abuse.

"I just think my body can't handle it anymore," he said. "I did try a little drink a while back, and I was actually physically ill. I went into an immediate depression, and felt awful, just dreadful. So that's it. I'm over it now. I am."

No one believed him, least of all, perhaps, Ronnie Wood.

This was the man who in 1984, according to the Stones biographer Stephen Davis, had a cocaine habit that was costing $5,000 a day to feed. This was the matchstick man who reportedly became so addicted to coke, he once banned his children from eating meringues in the house after he allegedly mistook a white crumb for a chunk of the drug and attempted to smoke it.

Keith Richards, that well- known party pooper and herbal tea-drinker, once became so furious with Ronnie for freebasing purified cocaine that he pulled a gun on him.

"He stormed off to get his gun," Wood recalls in his book. "I warned everyone to 'clear the decks'. Keith came back with his Derringer gun, pointed it at me and yelled, 'You f***ing bastard Woody!' But I had my own gun, a .44 Magnum. I didn't have any bullets for it but I calmly pulled it out. And that was the last time Keith pulled a gun on me -- until the next time."

There are also drunken tales of Wood and John Hurt on all-night vodka, red wine and Guinness beanos.

I met Ron a few years ago in the Shelbourne hotel and tried, unsuccessfully, to interview him. He fell asleep mid- sentence (maybe it was more to do with my interview questions than his drug intake), only to awake a full three minutes later in the exact spot in the anecdote where he had left off. I had to marvel at the genius of it all.

He then mused, not inaccurately, that he had been surrounded by people who had OD'd: Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Moon. "All these people I used to hang out with are dropping like flies."

He recalled that he and The Who drummer Keith Moon "were hitting it really hard. I used to say to Keith, 'You're meant to take one of those tablets, not the whole bottle.' Keith would literally take a whole bottle of Valium. So it didn't surprise me when he died, when he OD'd.

"I loved drinking with Peter Cook and the lovely Monty Python, Graham Chapman," he recalled. "I loved Peter, I really miss him. I think of him almost every day when something funny happens. The last thing Peter said to me was, 'I've done my bit for the Chinese.' He meant that Chinese bird he married."

Ronnie perhaps should have concentrated on the English bird he married ...

The warning signs were there as far back as the late Nineties. In 1999, he confessed that he couldn't be "left unsupervised" -- as recent events with a certain teenage Russian lady by the name of Ekaterina Ivanova have proved.

I'm not trying to excuse his caddish behaviour, but Ronnie Wood is a member of the Rolling Stones not the British Conservative Party (possibly a bad choice, I know, to contrast Ronnie Wood with, as the Tories are historically the kinkiest politicians in Europe, but you take my meaning).

And I suspect his long-suffering wife Jo Wood had some inkling of what she was letting herself in for when she married him 30 years ago. She might have also known a thing or two about his history: drugs, drink and an alleged affair with the Canadian Prime Minister's wife, Margaret Trudeau, in the mid-Seventies.

Not forgetting that when model Jo Howard met Ronnie at a party in 1976, he was still married to model Krissy. There was also the matter of Krissy being pregnant with Ronnie's child when he met Ms Howard. A year after the child, Jesse, was born, Ronnie and Krissy divorced. Jo was cited in the divorce. (Three years ago, Krissy died of a suspected Valium OD.)

In his most recent autobiography, Ronnie recalls how even his wife-to-be Jo did not recognise him or his name when he presented himself at a party, trying to impress her.

So Jo, to recap, married someone with a history of straying, a man with a deep-rooted low self-esteem.

Psychologists would have a field day with Ronnie's mid-to-late life crisis, going back on the drink -- apparently two bottles of vodka a day -- coupled with running off with a woman a decade younger than his daughter Leah.

Admittedly, the writing was on the wall somewhat when The Sun published a story that Ronnie Wood was hiring dwarfs to perform at the wedding of Leah,29, last month.

The tabloids informed us that wedding planners were looking for male and female dwarfs, under 4ft tall, to dress as "mischievous, giggling little imps".

Sadly, it appears that Wood is the one acting like a mischievous, giggling little imp on two bottles of Smirnoff a day. The lovable rogue seemed set to drink himself to death this time -- but once again he saw the light just in time and agreed to go back into rehab.

"The AA stuff rubs off a bit," he said a few years ago when on the dry. "But once you put down the books and stop thinking you have to follow it to the letter, you realise it's down to the individual. Something clicks and hopefully you're able to say, 'Just for today, I choose not to have a drink'."

Ironically, given his present dilemma with drink, Ronnie was one of the first of his family to be born on dry land.

"All of my family, right back to the 1700s -- as far as I've traced them -- have been on the barges, as navigators or helmsmen or whatever," he told the Sunday Times in 2003, adding that his father Arthur -- apparently a man also fond of a sup -- was born on a barge called the Antelope; his mother, Elizabeth, on the Orient.

Not surprisingly, Wood named the pub in his back garden in Kildare, On Yer Father's Yacht.

(Memo to Jo: perhaps it wasn't a good idea to let your alco husband have a pub in the back garden. Most people seem to make do with a gazebo or a shed to potter about in.)

Wood was asked a few years ago, at the time of another infamous and very public battle with booze, whether it was true that his boss from the band, Mr Jagger, was furious enough to threaten him with his P45 if he didn't sober up.

"Mick is very supportive," he said then. "He didn't threaten me at all. There were stories that I was going to be kicked out of the Stones. That's all bollocks. He just came as a friend and said, 'Ronnie, you can't just have one drink can you? Please. I love you. Help yourself'."

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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #8 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 7:37am
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Ronnie Wood Sounds Pretty Together In The FT Interview

by Paul Cashmere - July 20 2008
photo by Ros O'Gorman

The worst thing that can happen to the tabloid press is when their out-of-control subject turns up and is completely sane. And so we put a close to the end of a week of sensationalism in the life of Rolling Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood.

Wood has been outed as a sane guy by that anti-tabloid paper, the Financial Times.

Right at the height of Ron`s alcoholic binge session and seedy sexual escapades with an 18-year old Russian girl, he goes and has a sensible and informative interview with the FT. How dare he make the Murdoch press look like sleazy liars.

In an interview with FT journalist Rob Blackhurst near his home in Dublin, the recovering alcoholic Wood admitted to having a few drinks the night before.

Ron granted the interview to the FT to talk about his upcoming painting exhibition. In more dirt from the interview, we learn that Ron`s biggest customer is a cancer-curing doctor from Florida. Oh dear, the Murdoch press are going to go wild on that one. Can`t you just see the headline now “Saint Funds Alcoholic Rock Star”, maybe'

Wood is in demand as a painter. He was commission by Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber to paint the patrons of the restaurant The Ivy. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is awaiting Wood to paint him but Wood doesn`t like doing commissioned work. He likes to paint what he feels.

Wood talks about his part in The Stones. He said he had a 17-year apprenticeship before becoming “part of the empire, finally”.

He also says they are talking about a 2009 tour.

And yes, Ron was in rehab. He says in last weeks interview that he put himself into rehab before his daughter, Leah`s wedding last month so he didn`t miss the big day.

In a surprisingly open discussion, Wood says he started drinking as a teenager after his girlfriend at the time, Stephanie, was killed travelling to one of his gigs. "When Stephanie got killed I sort of drowned my sorrows," he tells me, "and I suppose I`ve never looked back since."

As for Wood`s current state of health' “Here I am at 61 and I`ve never felt better. I`ve never had a cleaner bill of health. I was just in the Mayr Clinic in Austria. They said, `We want to use you as an example of how we want people to end up.` They said I had the body of a 40-year-old."

For the record, Wood`s phone went off during the interview with Blackhurst. His ringtone is `Little Red Rooster`.

The Ron Wood exhibition `Ireland Studio` is on at Scream, 34 Bruton St, London until August 17.
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RO old skool : Posts: 1170 | Registered: Nov 2002
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #9 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49am
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I wonder if Ronnie uses his frequent rehab card, after ten visits and the card is full, you can get a free sandwhich.
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left shoe shuffle
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #10 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:46am
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Pdog wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49am:
I wonder if Ronnie uses his frequent rehab card, after ten visits and the card is full, you can get a free sandwhich.

He's working on his second sandwich...
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #11 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:48am
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Pdog wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49am:
I wonder if Ronnie uses his frequent rehab card, after ten visits and the card is full, you can get a free sandwhich.

Never mind the sandwiches, the way he's going he'll soon be toast.
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left shoe shuffle
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #12 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:52am
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Gazza wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:48am:
Never mind the sandwiches

Great album!

'Sub Mission' is my favorite track...
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #13 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:00am
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left shoe shuffle wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:52am:
Gazza wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:48am:
Never mind the sandwiches

Great album!

'Sub Mission' is my favorite track...

Anarchy In The Hoagie
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left shoe shuffle
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #14 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:06am
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Pdog wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:00am:
left shoe shuffle wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:52am:
Gazza wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 10:48am:
Never mind the sandwiches

Great album!

'Sub Mission' is my favorite track...

Anarchy In The Hoagie

Always thought that one was called 'Anchovy In The Hoagie'...

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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:07am by left shoe shuffle »  

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Factory Girl
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #15 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:38am
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Ronnie will be buying a dacha shortly.   Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

"Back in the USSR, you don't know how lucky you are"  Lennon/Macca
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #16 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 12:04pm
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Pdog wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49am:
I wonder if Ronnie uses his frequent rehab card, after ten visits and the card is full, you can get a free sandwhich.

or a free drink.
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Factory Girl
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #17 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 3:06pm
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Holden wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 12:04pm:
Pdog wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49am:
I wonder if Ronnie uses his frequent rehab card, after ten visits and the card is full, you can get a free sandwhich.

or a free drink.

Or, a free pie.    Oh, never mind.   Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #18 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 6:39pm
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Factory Girl wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 11:38am:
Ronnie will be buying a dacha shortly.   Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

"Back in the USSR, you don't know how lucky you are"  Lennon/Macca

or buying a farm........
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #19 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:49pm
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am I the only one who feels nauseous upon reading this thread?

saltines all around.. on me
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Factory Girl
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #20 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:50pm
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LOL.  I think Ronnie's dacha's bound.... young pie optional.

PS.  This may not apply to Ronnie W. exclusively.
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... &&Government is an association of men who do violence to the rest of us. &&Leo Tolstoy &&
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #21 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:57pm
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Factory Girl wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 8:50pm:
LOL.  I think Ronnie's dacha's bound.... young pie optional.

PS.  This may not apply to Ronnie W. exclusively.

from life experience he has exactly 9 mos. to live at the point of hooking back up with alky girl and 12 mos. with family intervention and 3 or 4 rehabs. the last of which he runs out of the hospital in his gown and hails a cab to the liquor store approx 2 weeks before dying in his sleep.. during the christmas holiday..
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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:01pm by Tumbled »  

Remember to keep your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel, your feet on the ground, your eye on the ball, your ear to the ground, your finger on the pulse, your head on your shoulders, the pedal to the metal, a song in your heart, your hand on the helm and the bull by the horns
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #22 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:02pm
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He also says they are talking about a 2009 tour.


That should keep Ronnie sober and provide something to focus on besides his personal troubles. The media is all over his drunken affair, and half of these stories are made up. Give him a fvcking break already with the rehab!
On with the tour!
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #23 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:06pm
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Bitch wrote on Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:02pm:
He also says they are talking about a 2009 tour.


That should keep Ronnie sober and provide something to focus on besides his personal troubles. The media is all over his drunken affair, and half of these stories are made up. Give him a fvcking break already with the rehab!
On with the tour!

dream on bitch... he'll do anything but quit drinking.  reading between the lines..... how many months would anyone last withi a vodka drinking 19 year old with a young liver full tilt?

ronnie turns me off to the rolling stones.. truth  

he's "bored" ... .fuck you ronnie we are all bored with this age old "man gets bored" story.  so trade her in for a new one ey?  its just someone that gave up her life and career to see you through butt head.

having hung out with some 90 year old men and women this weekend, I gotta say,they know how to keep the love alive among their generation, they know how to enjoy themselves.  What happened
My gma has a 90 year old boyfriend who gives her flowers.  why is it now that once you are 50 -60 years old you are disposable?
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« Last Edit: Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:20pm by Tumbled »  

Remember to keep your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel, your feet on the ground, your eye on the ball, your ear to the ground, your finger on the pulse, your head on your shoulders, the pedal to the metal, a song in your heart, your hand on the helm and the bull by the horns
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Re: Latest Ronnie news
Reply #24 - Jul 20th, 2008 at 9:17pm
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dream on bitch... he'll do anything but quit drinking.  reading between the lines..... how many months would anyone last withi a vodka drinking 19 year old with a young liver full tilt?

ronnie turns me off to the rolling stones.. truth

Hey I agree, rehab is a waste of time, Ronnie doesnt want to totally quit drinking, but he thinks he can control it better when he's on tour. He said it himself, tours have demands with people looking after him and it keeps him focused.

What turns you off about Ronnie? The affair or the drinking or both?
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