Foro Principal => Rolling Stones => Mensaje iniciado por: Gerardo en Agosto 26, 2003, 10:55:11 pm

Título: Finalmente el libro de Cucho verá la luz del día!!!!
Publicado por: Gerardo en Agosto 26, 2003, 10:55:11 pm
El artículo lo dice todo, nuestro gran amigo Cucho finalmente sacará su libro y no sólo eso sino un dicso y un tour!!!

Cucho asem{as tiene un programa de radio y uno de TV y es productor de hrupos de rock

Felicidades Cucho

Título: Finalmente el libro de Cucho verá la luz del día!!!!
Publicado por: Gerardo en Agosto 26, 2003, 10:55:32 pm
Congratulations to our super friend Cucho Peñaloza from Perú, a long-time member of Rocks Off and a personal friend of mine.

As you may remember he was writing a book about The Rolling Stones in Perú, during his two visits back in 1969 and 1981; some of the most rare episodes of their lives, not documented and very special. Probably the only thing which is well known is his acting for the Werner Herzog’s “Fitzcarraldo” but the scenes he acted didn’t make it in the final cut.


"He proved he was irreplaceable as after he left the film for the 1981 North American Tour, his part was cut. I left his entire part out in my final script because I liked him so much as a performer in the film. He was so extraordinaire I had the feeling that any kind of replacement would be an embarrassment. He’s a great actor and nobody has seen that" said Werner in a Rolling Stone interview.

Well, this is one of the few “well known” parts of his book, you’ll see a lot of interesting deeds and dirty deeds in his new book. Never seen photos, testimonies, funny facts and cool stuff. A real collector’s item babies!!


As you can see, this is such a detailed work, very well documented and for such an specific topic, one of the most original and strange books about the Stones.

Well he will presenting not just his long-awaited book, also a CD with Rolling Stones covers by Peruvian bands and soloists only, and there’s more! A Tour “40 Lamidas – Ya la hiciste” (40 Licks – Now you made it) all over his country.


Cucho as other Rocks Offers has his own radio station program, he conducts the Rocks program “Tránsito” on the local radio station “Radio Nacional” during week days from 16:00 to 18:00 and also a TV program “TV ROCK” on the air all weekends, Saturdays and Sundays at 11:00.

The Radio program can be heard on the net at or directly via this <a href="rtsp://">SIGNAL[/url]

The TV program can be watched on the net at Saturdays and Sundays 11:00 MT
Título: Finalmente el libro de Cucho verá la luz del día!!!!
Publicado por: Marcelo Quatraro en Agosto 27, 2003, 07:35:50 am
Felicitaciones Cucho!!
La verdad me pone muy contento que el libro salga a la venta, lo que lo conocemos sabemos de su incondicional pasión Stones.
saludos stones
Título: Finalmente el libro de Cucho verá la luz del día!!!!
Publicado por: en Agosto 27, 2003, 10:00:26 am
Felicitaciones Cucho!!!!
Un fuerte abrazo desde aqui!!