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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #90 on: Noviembre 20, 2018, 12:57:41 pm »
Estimado Romulo
a disfrutarrrr

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #91 on: Noviembre 20, 2018, 04:01:20 pm »
Disfrutalo :D
¡¡¡Tienes suerte de haber salido de aquí vivo!!!

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #92 on: Noviembre 20, 2018, 06:56:47 pm »
El ritmo con el que Mick enumera las ciudades de la gira, sera una base de un tema nuevo?

Desconectado Gerardo

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #93 on: Noviembre 20, 2018, 07:04:46 pm »
Yo sali del infierno llamado Venezuela, dejé todo, casa, carro, mucha de mi ropa, TODA MI COLECCION DE LOS STONES  >:(, que la mandaré a buscar en algún momento, renuncié a mi carrera de 21 años como profesor universitario, estoy empezando literalmente desde cero, en un restaurante, limpiando mesas, como muchos de los Venezolanos regados por todas partes del mundo. 
Asi que, sin más que agregar, estoy en USA, así que sabía que tendría la oportunidad de verlos.  Hace unos años atrás  fui al estadio donde juegan los Dolphins a un juego de pretemporada, compré las entradas por Internet, y me registré, en consecuencia me llegó el correo del Hard Rock Stadium para la preventa de las entradas del próximo viernes, lo respondí de una vez, ya tengo en mi correo un mensaje que me dice que me va a llegar un link y un código de promoción, lo mejor del caso es que es directamente desde el web del estadio, por lo que mi preventa dice que será oficialmente el jueves 29 a las 12 del mediodia, o sea, un día antes que el resto. 
Pediré permiso, me votaran del trabajo, o renuncio o lo que sea, pero, me voy a ver a los Stones después de 17 AÑOS!!!, lo mejor del caso, es que los voy a ver en la apertura de la gira, no sabré si cambiaron el set list, con que abriran, que sorpresas traeran.  Tan solo deseo que llegue ese día y poder disfrutar nuevamente de las cosas que me gustan y que al igual como a muchos de mis compatriotas, nos robó la dictadura Chavista. 
Sin más que agregar de momento, digo lo siguiente:
Marcelo, ¿te puedo robar tu frase?, ¿falta mucho para el 29 de noviembre?, ¿falta mucho para el 20 de abril?

Rómulo no sabes qué gusto "verte" de regreso, qué bueno que estás en "buenas manos" luego te escribo, en la empresa en que trabajo teníamos dos plantas en Venezuela, ahora sólo una, yo llevo México, Centro América, Caribe y Venezuela y ésta era muy especial para poder meterle lana, de hecho sus estados financieros no se suman a los resultados globales porque salen números rarísimos, espero se arregle el tema, pero me dicen que arreglar Venezuela llevaría tres décadas. Espero esto no nos pase a ningún otro país en América Latina

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #94 on: Noviembre 20, 2018, 08:11:39 pm »
Argentina iba en camino a ser Venezuela ...luego de 12 años de POPULISMO,  pero en 2015 logramos ponerle un freno ... hoy no estamos bien, pero podría ser peor...

Desconectado Chorch Cluni

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #95 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 07:35:03 am »
Argentina iba en camino a ser Venezuela ...luego de 12 años de POPULISMO,  pero en 2015 logramos ponerle un freno ... hoy no estamos bien, pero podría ser peor...
Bue, bueh, bueh... Como diría mi santa madre "tampoco la pavada".

Desconectado SpainStone

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #96 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 10:48:41 am »
En Venezuela hay una dictadura opresora que nada tiene que ver con lo que vive o vivio Argentina...   El problema Argentino es una recesion economica una tras otra... quizas no haya ayudado la corrupcion y el trafico de influencias a niveles estratosfericos en los ultimos años... pero lo de Venezuela es caso aparte, un pais en el que un conductor de autobus pretende ser un Fidel pero en gordo...

Conectado Marcelo Quatraro

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #97 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 12:51:09 pm »
Amigos ya le dimos la bienvenida a Romulo Y SABEMOS DE SU HISTORIA DESDE HACE TIEMPO.
Por favor este post es SOBRE EL NUEVO TOUR!
Asi podemos compartir todos esta nueva experiencia.

Desconectado rogerriffin

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #98 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 12:55:14 pm »
Falta que se confirme la fecha del festival de Jazz en New Orleans, muchos que tienen boleto ni se imaginan aún quien se va a presentar!

Rock`n`Roll, Let`s Go!!!
Keith, Mèxico 1995.
Disculpen por la tardemia!
Mick, Monterrey 2006.

"Pon a los Stones para aterrizar mejor!" M-Clan

Desconectado SpainStone

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #99 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 02:16:22 pm »
Amigos ya le dimos la bienvenida a Romulo Y SABEMOS DE SU HISTORIA DESDE HACE TIEMPO.
Por favor este post es SOBRE EL NUEVO TOUR!
Asi podemos compartir todos esta nueva experiencia.

Para 4 que escribimos en el foro... un poco salido de tono este comentario...y en MAYÚSCULAS como si nos regañaras... :-\ :( se pueden compaginar toda clase de comentarios me parece...incluso enriquece el foro diría yo...

Desconectado Fedestone

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #100 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 02:23:49 pm »
Es que es IMPOSIBLE hablar de esos temas sin que se arme bardo y a diferencia de una charla cara a cara se presta a muchas malas interpretaciones. Me parece muy sensato el comentario de Marce.
Las charlas politicas, en mi caso, las dejo para tirarme con de todo pero en persona jajajaja.

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #101 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 02:38:05 pm »

As the tour was announced the Stones Mick Jagger and Keith Richards did an exclusive interview with iHeartMedia that they have shared. Below is the complete interview with Q104.3's Jim Kerr where they answered such questions as to whether or not this is the "farewell" tour.

Jim Kerr: What can we expect when we see you next year?

Keith Richards: “Well first off it’s great to be there playing back in America actually, I mean it’s been a while, basically our stomping ground from the early 60s, so I always feel like I’m coming home.”
Keith: “We finished off a few months ago in Europe and it just felt so good that when they said do you want to do the States? YEA, because I didn’t want to get off, I mean I thought we were just getting going.”

Jim Kerr: The band has been on a pretty consistent role when it comes to performing with tours – how do the Rolling Stones instead of dialing it down, keep turning it up?
Mick Jagger: “Well we’ve been pretty regularly on the road – we’ve not been doing long, long, long stints we’ve been doing a lot of short ones. Last year we did a lot in UK and a little bit in Europe.
Mick: “We’re keeping our hand in and not getting too rusty, I hope. I haven’t been to quite a few of these places in a while.”

Jim Kerr: What are the biggest challenges when it comes to playing Stadiums as opposed to Arenas?
Keith: “Actually, when it comes down it, if it’s Stadiums, it’s the weather – which way the wind is blowing, how hot or cold it is. It makes a lot of a difference.”
Keith: “Indoors is preferable cause it’s a controlled environment. Anyway, even if it if it rains I really don’t mind – we work well in the rain.”

Jim Kerr: What’s your personal training regimen like to get ready for those gigantic big stages?
Mick: “Well pretty stupidly, I made the stage even wider and a bit longer.”
Keith: “Oh thanks a lot, Mick.”
Mick: “Between these tours I have to keep a sort of plateau of fitness so after I talk to you I’m probably going to go into the gym. I do a little bit of sprints and jogs, and I do dancing.
Keith: If Mick can do it, I can do it.”

Jim Kerr: This year, we’ve seen a lot of pretty prominent artists announce that they are embarking on farewell tours. You have never said that:
Keith: “No other people have always said this could be the last one. Eventually I never think of it that way, no, this is a hello again tour.”

Jim Kerr: How do you decide which cities you’re going to visit – for example on this tour you’re going to visit Jacksonville, FL and you haven’t been there since the Steel Wheel’s tour in 1989:
Mick: “You want to pick towns that you haven’t been for a while. Last time, we toured a lot of the UK and a lot of those towns we haven’t been to in a very, very long time.”

Jim Kerr: Is there a favorite tour?
Keith: “It’s impossible to pick one out, it’s like picking out a favorite show after all this time. When it comes down to it, they are all favorites, and probably my favorite is gonna be the next one, you know?”

Jim Kerr: Would there be separate set lists for United Kingdom than for the Unites States?
Mick: “It will be slightly different, you know, if I do my research I can see that there are certain songs that might be popular in one place. Say slightly different songs in France might be more popular than say in Britain. I mean not all of them, but there are slightly regional variations.”
Mick: “I do look at it and go that’s a big song here so we can do that instead of this one.”

Jim Kerr: What songs are you most looking forward to performing?
Keith: I find that usually what happens in the weeks before when we’re rehearsing, I let it kind of develop then, when we’re all together.”
Keith: “I wouldn’t dream of making particular hardcore decisions right now about what we start with or what one I would sing. You wait until the guys are together in order to sort that out”

Jim Kerr: Do you lobby for any specific songs?
Keith: “Oh yes, I do, I do push a few in – “Under My Thumb” we started on again. I had an old one we did called “Cry To Me,” an old Solomon Burke song, which I broke into rehearsals. It didn’t make it yet on stage but I’m going to keep pushing that one.”

Jim Kerr: What is the meaning behind calling the tour, “No Filter”
Mick: “It’s supposed to mean that it’s pretty straight ahead and no frills.”
Rock`n`Roll, Let`s Go!!!
Keith, Mèxico 1995.
Disculpen por la tardemia!
Mick, Monterrey 2006.

"Pon a los Stones para aterrizar mejor!" M-Clan

Desconectado SpainStone

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #102 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 02:50:28 pm »

As the tour was announced the Stones Mick Jagger and Keith Richards did an exclusive interview with iHeartMedia that they have shared. Below is the complete interview with Q104.3's Jim Kerr where they answered such questions as to whether or not this is the "farewell" tour.

Jim Kerr: What can we expect when we see you next year?

Keith Richards: “Well first off it’s great to be there playing back in America actually, I mean it’s been a while, basically our stomping ground from the early 60s, so I always feel like I’m coming home.”
Keith: “We finished off a few months ago in Europe and it just felt so good that when they said do you want to do the States? YEA, because I didn’t want to get off, I mean I thought we were just getting going.”

Jim Kerr: The band has been on a pretty consistent role when it comes to performing with tours – how do the Rolling Stones instead of dialing it down, keep turning it up?
Mick Jagger: “Well we’ve been pretty regularly on the road – we’ve not been doing long, long, long stints we’ve been doing a lot of short ones. Last year we did a lot in UK and a little bit in Europe.
Mick: “We’re keeping our hand in and not getting too rusty, I hope. I haven’t been to quite a few of these places in a while.”

Jim Kerr: What are the biggest challenges when it comes to playing Stadiums as opposed to Arenas?
Keith: “Actually, when it comes down it, if it’s Stadiums, it’s the weather – which way the wind is blowing, how hot or cold it is. It makes a lot of a difference.”
Keith: “Indoors is preferable cause it’s a controlled environment. Anyway, even if it if it rains I really don’t mind – we work well in the rain.”

Jim Kerr: What’s your personal training regimen like to get ready for those gigantic big stages?
Mick: “Well pretty stupidly, I made the stage even wider and a bit longer.”
Keith: “Oh thanks a lot, Mick.”
Mick: “Between these tours I have to keep a sort of plateau of fitness so after I talk to you I’m probably going to go into the gym. I do a little bit of sprints and jogs, and I do dancing.
Keith: If Mick can do it, I can do it.”

Jim Kerr: This year, we’ve seen a lot of pretty prominent artists announce that they are embarking on farewell tours. You have never said that:
Keith: “No other people have always said this could be the last one. Eventually I never think of it that way, no, this is a hello again tour.”

Jim Kerr: How do you decide which cities you’re going to visit – for example on this tour you’re going to visit Jacksonville, FL and you haven’t been there since the Steel Wheel’s tour in 1989:
Mick: “You want to pick towns that you haven’t been for a while. Last time, we toured a lot of the UK and a lot of those towns we haven’t been to in a very, very long time.”

Jim Kerr: Is there a favorite tour?
Keith: “It’s impossible to pick one out, it’s like picking out a favorite show after all this time. When it comes down to it, they are all favorites, and probably my favorite is gonna be the next one, you know?”

Jim Kerr: Would there be separate set lists for United Kingdom than for the Unites States?
Mick: “It will be slightly different, you know, if I do my research I can see that there are certain songs that might be popular in one place. Say slightly different songs in France might be more popular than say in Britain. I mean not all of them, but there are slightly regional variations.”
Mick: “I do look at it and go that’s a big song here so we can do that instead of this one.”

Jim Kerr: What songs are you most looking forward to performing?
Keith: I find that usually what happens in the weeks before when we’re rehearsing, I let it kind of develop then, when we’re all together.”
Keith: “I wouldn’t dream of making particular hardcore decisions right now about what we start with or what one I would sing. You wait until the guys are together in order to sort that out”

Jim Kerr: Do you lobby for any specific songs?
Keith: “Oh yes, I do, I do push a few in – “Under My Thumb” we started on again. I had an old one we did called “Cry To Me,” an old Solomon Burke song, which I broke into rehearsals. It didn’t make it yet on stage but I’m going to keep pushing that one.”

Jim Kerr: What is the meaning behind calling the tour, “No Filter”
Mick: “It’s supposed to mean that it’s pretty straight ahead and no frills.”

" Si Mick puede hacerlo , yo puedo hacerlo"   me encantó ese ataque orgullo de Keith jajajaj aunque me imagino la cara del pirata pegando un par de sprints nos muere...

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #103 on: Noviembre 21, 2018, 06:00:41 pm »
Argentina iba en camino a ser Venezuela ...luego de 12 años de POPULISMO,  pero en 2015 logramos ponerle un freno ... hoy no estamos bien, pero podría ser peor...

khe ajajajajaj

perdon marce, no pude resistirme

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Re:Ya no hay duda... tour 2019
« Respuesta #104 on: Noviembre 22, 2018, 04:29:43 am »
Yo comparto la opinión de Marce, hablemos de los Stones, porque hablar de política en este foro sólo nos va a traer desencuentros. No se trata de regañar, se trata de poner cordura en un tema que con la política podía haberse salido de madre. Yo no entro en Facebook hace meses por las discusiones en ese tema que lo enmierdan todo. Para hablar de política prefiero estar sentado en un sofá y con la nevera cargada de cerveza que delante de una pantalla donde no aprecio matices ni hay tanta inmediatez.

Sigamos hablando del USA Tour 2019!!!
Ya se que es solo rocanrol, pero me gusta !!!