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Desconectado Marcelo Quatraro

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« on: Julio 05, 2004, 01:26:39 pm »
de acuerdo a la información brindada por Cucho Peñaloza, la 1ra edición del libro se agotó.
Vos todavía no reservate tu libro?

Valor: 15 dolares
Disponibilidad: Envió a todo el mundo
Contacto para Sudamerica: Marcelo
Contacto para España y resto del Mundo: Gerardo
Posibilidad de canje: Cucho desea cambiar algunos libros por Bootlegs o remeras de los stones.

A los interesados dejar su mensaje aca, muchas gracias

Desconectado AlexStone

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #1 on: Julio 05, 2004, 02:04:35 pm »
estamos de acuerdo el libnro sale 15 dolares pero cuanto saldria el envio certificado, por ejemplo  a Chile

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Posibilidad de canje: Cucho desea cambiar algunos libros por
« Respuesta #2 on: Julio 05, 2004, 02:43:02 pm »
Posibilidad de canje: Cucho desea cambiar algunos libros por Bootlegs o remeras de los stones.

ami me interesa canjear bootlegs que tengo en video
entonces mi mail es

[email protected]

una ultima pregunta, marcelo ¿esta bueno el libro?


Desconectado Marcelo Quatraro

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #3 on: Julio 05, 2004, 03:12:50 pm »
A mi el libro me gusto, es ver una beta desconocida de los stones, como estos 2 viajes a Peru, donde no lo hacen por musica sino para escapar de la fama en el 1ro y para filmar una pelicula en el caso de jagger en el 2do viaje por casi 2 meses. Cosa desconocida por muchos de nosotros

Cucho realizó la investigación sobre el comportamiento de Jagger,  acompañado de información muy buena (mujeres. lugares, etc) fotos y con datos historicos de la banda.

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« Respuesta #4 on: Julio 05, 2004, 06:31:18 pm »
me parecio interesante hace mucho cuando lei
el anterior pòst, y me gustaria tenerlo para poder leerlo
que debo hacer para hacer el intercambio, tengo bastantes videos
difiles de conseguir para ver en la pc que quiza le interese.


Desconectado Gerardo

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #5 on: Agosto 15, 2004, 07:36:21 pm »
Voy a recibir de manos de una gran amiga de Cuho en México (de hecho creo que es Argentina) cinco ejemplares más

Para ellos que les interese, los tengo a la venta a $15.00 USD

Juan Ignacio

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Necesito 2 libros....
« Respuesta #6 on: Agosto 16, 2004, 11:36:58 pm »
Amigo Gerardo: Quiero dos de esos 5 ejemplares ...decime los pasos a seguir ,uno para el viejo Richard que en estos momentos esta vacacionando con su esposa justamente en Peru y otro para mi.

                                                                  Un abrazo

                                                                    Juan Ignacio

Desconectado Marcelo Quatraro

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #7 on: Agosto 18, 2004, 07:32:34 am »
Juan Ignacio: te llamo y arreglamos
saludos stones
Marcelo Quatraro

Desconectado Marcelo Quatraro

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #8 on: Agosto 25, 2004, 10:46:53 am »
Comentario Brasil

Os Rolling Stones e a América do Sul, uma velha combinação
* Nélio Rodrigues

Fontes confiáveis ligadas aos Rolling Stones deixaram escapar recentemente que o próximo giro da banda deve começar pela América do Sul, como querem Sir Jagger e Mr. Richards. O ponto de partida deve ser Buenos Aires, cidade que os acolheu em 1995 como New York aos Beatles, em 1964, tamanho o alvoroço provocado pelos fãs durante a permanência da banda na cidade.

Havendo confirmação, será a terceira visita do grupo ao continente sul-americano. Para quem ainda se lembra, a estréia dos Rolling Stones nessa parte do mundo ocorreu em 27 de janeiro de 1995, com um show apoteótico no Pacaembu. Contudo, a relação dos Rolling Stones com a América do Sul não é coisa tão recente assim, sobretudo com o Brasil, visitado por integrantes da banda desde janeiro de 1968. Algumas dessas histórias eu tive a felicidade de documentar em "Os Rolling Stones No Brasil: Do Descobrimento à Conquista (1968 -1999)", publicado em 2000 pela editora Ampersand.

O assunto continua rendendo, já que as histórias de Mick Jagger e Keith Richards pela região não se esgotaram. Agora, porém, são as aventuras peruanas que aparecem contadas em livro por dois fãs locais: Cucho Penaloza e Sergio Galarza. Em "Los Rolling Stones En Peru", publicado recentemente pelo Fondo Editorial Cultura Peruana, de Lima, Cucho Penaloza e Sergio Galarza investigam a passagem dos dois Stones por Lima e Cusco, em janeiro de 1969, e a estada de Mick durante as filmagens de "Fitzcarraldo", em fins de 1980, início de 1981.

A primeira delas fez parte de um pacote que também teve o Brasil como cenário. A jornada teve início logo após as gravações do especial "The Rolling Stones Rock And Roll Circus" na segunda semana de dezembro de 1968, em Londres. Com o trabalho finalizado Mick e Keith, acompanhados de Marianne Faithfull e Anita Pallenberg, voaram para Lisboa e de lá embarcaram num navio com destino ao Brasil, onde desembarcaram em 29 de dezembro de 1968.

Na primeira escala desta longa viagem, eles atiraram flores para Iemanjá na virada do ano em Copacabana, tentaram passar despercebidos em São Paulo e compuseram "Country Honk" na fazenda do banqueiro Walther Moreira Salles em Matão. Só então, depois de mais de duas semanas em solo brasileiro, seguiram para Lima, Cusco e outros pequenos vilarejos andinos antes de retornarem a Inglaterra, no início de fevereiro de 1969.

No Brasil, o look exótico dos dois mereceu atenção especial por parte da imprensa local. As roupas eram "extravagantes", os cabelos "enormes", tudo bem ao "estilo hippie" da época. Em Lima, essa aparência "estranha" e a cara de poucos amigos dos roqueiros assustaram a direção do Hotel Crillón, que logo arrumou uma desculpa para expulsá-los de lá: má conduta e desrespeito às normas do hotel. Recém-chegados e sem saber para onde ir, Mick e Keith pediram ajuda a Embaixada Britânica que intercedeu em favor dos rapazes, conseguindo alojá-los no imponente Hotel Bolívar, do outro lado da rua. Hoje, por sinal, um hotel em franca decadência.

Foi assim, de forma conturbada, o início da segunda etapa do périplo sul-americano de Jagger e Richards. Essa aventura, dividida entre Brasil e Peru, é um prato cheio de histórias, envolvendo tensão, preconceito, perseguição, ameaças, sedução, música, sexo e elevado consumo de maconha. Aliás, tudo a ver com os Rolling Stones, símbolos máximos da rebeldia e da contracultura na década de sessenta.

Resta esperar pela chegada do livro.... Aliás, tem alguém aí pensando em fazer um excelente road movie?.

* Nélio Rodrigues é autor do livro "Os Rolling Stones no Brasil", pesquisador, historiador e colaborador de Senhor F.

Senhor F - A Revista do Rock
Copyright©Fernando Rosa


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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #9 on: Agosto 25, 2004, 11:11:29 am »
alguien tiene el mail de nelio rodriguez el que escribio la notaen la revista brazilera  ?

          gracias marcelo por colocarlo en el banquete


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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #10 on: Septiembre 08, 2004, 10:24:52 am »


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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #11 on: Octubre 13, 2004, 10:00:04 am »
me encanto el libro
saludos stones

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #12 on: Octubre 31, 2004, 11:23:41 am »



A brandnew book about the Stones is coming from Peru! Although I don't speak any Spanish I really liked the many previously unseen b&w pictures from MJ & KR's trip to South America in 1968 and from MJ's stay there during the shootings of Fitzcarraldo.
Book by Cucho Penaloza & Sergio Galarza "Los Rolling Stones En Perú" (Fondo Editorial Cultura Peruana, Lima, Peru).  



On July 26, Nikki Sudden's great new album with Mick Taylor on two tracks (killer solo on House Of Cards) and Ian McLagan on five other tracks will be out in the whole of Europe. Other guests include Anthony Thistlethwaite (Waterboys), Darrell Bath (Lurkers), Dave Kusworth (Jacobites) and pedal steel virtuoso B.J. Cole, but overall it's Nikki's album and it's probably his best one yet. Get a signed advanced copy via Nikki's website, here.
CD Nikki Sudden & The Last Bandits "Treasure Island" (Rookwood 001).  



Just re-released in Europe is The Rolling Stones Songbook, an attempt of Andrew Oldham to cash in with instrumental re-recordings of 11 tracks made famous by the Stones. For example you find here the version of The Last Time famously sampled by The Verve for their big hit Bitter Sweet Symphony. The jewel case of the CD comes in an additional cardboard sleeve with some alternate coverwork. This is the only big difference to the original release. Better try to find the Japanese re-release on Deram from 1989, which had six bonus tracks.
CD by The Andrew Oldham Orchestra "The Rolling Stones Songbook" (Decca/Universal 9816711)  



After the Embassy-DVD (see entry on February 15) was withdrawn, Bill Wyman just released an authorised version of a Rhythm Kings live-DVD. This was shot in January 2004 on a short England tour and also includes a 45-min. bonus documentary about the tour. Available here.
DVD by Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings "Let The Good Times Roll" (Classic Pictures DVD 7084X)  



The Barrelhouse Blues Orchestra just released a single in memory of British soccer legend Jack Rowley. They chose a live version of Jumping Jack Flash, taken from a concert in 2003 with Mick Taylor on guitar.
CD-single by The Barrelhouse Blues Orchestra "Jumping Jack Flash" (Springboard Media SMCDSBBO001).  



Re-released for the umpteenth time, but this time you get real value for your money. The Jeff Beck Group's second album (with Woody on bass) is finally available in remastered sound, with detailled liner notes and four previously unreleased bonus tracks. Especially the outtake of B.B. King's Sweet Little Angel is fantastic.
CD by The Jeff Beck Group "Beck-Ola" (EMI 7243 5 78750 2 8).  



The Rhythm Kings' fifth album bears no surprises, but if you liked the first four then you will find some great music on this. Only disappointment to me is that none of the three tracks recorded with Mick Taylor made it onto the album. Get it at
CD by Bill Wyman' Rhythm Kings "Just For A Thrill" (R And M Records RAMCD007).  



Rush released in Russia and CIS countries (six weeks before it will be available in Europe to tie in with his tour in Russia and the Ukraine) is Nikki Sudden's long awaited new album which boasts two great tracks feat. Mick Taylor and five songs with Ian 'Mac' McLagan. The Russian version is already available via Nikki's website, get it here.
CD Nikki Sudden & The Last Bandits "Treasure Island" (Soyuz Music/Rookwood 001, -Russia).  


Attention promo collectors: For the upcoming Charlie Watts & The Tentet live album (due out in June) there is a one track-promo single, interestingly a jazz arrangement of Satisfaction. Also there is a promo for the first of the three abkco singles-boxes, which includes all 33 tracks taken from the various singles on one disc. Click on the cover to the left to see more infos.

Promo single-CD by Charlie Watts & The Tentet "Faction" (Sanctuary Records) & Promo CD by The Rolling Stones "Singles 1963 - 1965 Vol. 1" (Universal Music)


The first volume of a series of three singles-boxes from the Decca-years comprises nine 60's singles and the Stones' three EP's in CD format. All 12 discs come in their original sleeves and the layout of the discs was done nicely (looking like vinly singles). Additionally the box has some bogus goodies like three postcards and a 28-page booklet.

12 CD-box The Rolling Stones "Singles 1963 - 1965" (ABKCO 602 498 188 644).  


Wow, that was quick! Hardly three months since it's first volume (about Brian Jones) author Clayson releases the sequel to his series of books about all individual members of the Stones. It will be out in the UK from May 1 onwards.

Book by Alan Clayson "Charlie Watts" (Sanctuary Publishing, Ltd., London, ISBN 1-86074-581-4).  


Some new session work by Keith: He sings and plays on the new album of Toots & The Maytals on the song Careless Ethoipians. The album is only available in the US by now, Europeans will have to wait for it's release until May 17.

CD by Toots And The Maytals "True Love" (V2 Records 63881-27186-2, -US)  


The official release date was November 2003, but now it finally seems to be out: The Genesis Publications-like tome about the sixth Stone (who was in fact the 2nd Stone) Ian "Stu" Stewart. Only 950 copies of this book were made and all surviving Stones contributed in different ways. Unfortunately the price for this must have book is very high: £ 570,- plus shipping! More infos here.

Book "STU" (Out-Take Limited, London. No ISBN-number.)  


Charlie Watts' first proper production work was with the jazz outfit The People Band in 1968. The album was released in 1969 and was very hard to find soon after. Now it was finally re-released on a small jazz label in the U.K., available here.

CD "The People Band" (Emanem 4102)  


Out on DVD in the US since December and finally released in Germany is the most entertaining movie Pirates Of The Caribbean in which Johnny Depp based his character partly on Keith Richards. The bonus disc includes an interview with Keith Richards as an easter egg (hidden track). How to find it: Go to the main menu on disc 2, access the Moonlight Serenade option. Highlight the Main Menu option and press down twice to highlight the tooth. Click on it to watch the interview.

DVD "Pirates Of The Caribbean - The Curse Of The Black Pearl" (Walt Disney Home Video)  


Some new session work by Mick Taylor, who plays on four songs (and co-wrote two of them) on the new album by British singer/guitarist Andy Sharrocks. Available here at Detour Records.

CD by Andy Sharrocks "Walking In Familiar Footsteps" (Lanta Records KOHCD1)  


I just learned from Olaf that the CD-re-release of this nice gem from 1973 has an interesting bonus track: One of the four tracks on which Woody plays (So Sad) in it's rare alternate single version.

CD by Alvin Lee & Mylon Lefevre "On The Road To Freedom" (Repertoire Records/SPV 4780, -Germany)  


Ivan Neville (one of the X-Pensive Winos) did release his "new" album already two years ago under the title Saturday Morning Music. KR plays guitar on the song Silence Is Better. Pretendedly only 1000 copies from SMM could be sold before the label, where it was on, was closed. Hence this re-release (with new title, new cover and one [live] bonus track). Worth-while, if you haven't got the original.

CD by Ivan Neville "Scrape" (Evangeline/ Soulfood GEL 4072)  


Thanks to Roland I just found out about another session work of Ronnie Wood, done last year. Jimmy "Whirlwind" White is a snooker champion and good friends with Woody. He did his first (charity) single and Woody plays guitar on it.

Single-CD by Jimmy White "Minted" (Wotknot SDJWCD 001)  


A new live DVD from The Rhythm Kings. Unfortunately this is not a brandnew recording, but an archive release from a previously unknown gig done in London in May 2000 (their first live DVD was a show from April 2000!), but at least we get treated with a lot of new and unheard songs (click on the cover to the left to read the tracklist). I just hear that the first circulating copies were unauthorized. The DVD will soon be available through

DVD by Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings "Live At The Embassy Rooms" (Ripple Records 2004)  


This is said to be the first of a series of biographies on each member of the Rolling Stones all done by Alan Clayson (he already did this about all four Beatles members). The book itself consists of 194 pages and has no pictures. It's doubtful if Clayson throws any new light on his subject. $14,95.

Book by Alan Clayson "Brian Jones" (Sanctuary Publishing, Ltd., London, ISBN 1-86074-544-X)  


It took some time to find out about this DVD, so this is not brandnew, but from last year. It comes from Hungaria and compiles artists who performed on the Gastroblues Festival in Paks (Hungaria). Among them is Mick Taylor with one song (I Wonder Why), playing with a unusual backing band consisting a little known bass player and John Coghlan (ex-Status Quo!) on drums.

DVD and VHS by Various Artists "Tis Fesztival, Paks 1993 - 2002" (Lezer L-DVD 017; Hungaria

nik j

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"Los Rolling Stones en Perú" libros disponibles
« Respuesta #13 on: Noviembre 09, 2004, 09:36:04 am »