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The nonsense thread - Enter at your own risk! Warning… 100% off topic and full of nonsense inside (Read 911,726 times)
I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4200 - Mar 13th, 2019 at 8:54pm
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<  ------------   Some Guy  ?!  ... !!!!!!!   :


" David Ignatius: Populists and traditionalists are battling in both parties . "

" Dick Cheney, the former vice president, made just about the nastiest crack a Republican could about President Donald Trump’s foreign policy when he said it “looks a lot more like Barack Obama than Ronald Reagan.”

Obviously, the comparison is flawed. But say this much for Cheney: He’s the rare Republican who isn’t intimidated by Trump these days. Cheney made a string of blistering comments at a supposedly off-the-record conversation with Vice President Mike Pence at a gathering in Sea Island, Georgia, last weekend hosted by the American Enterprise Institute.

Cheney’s remarks tell us that we are experiencing what may be a political realignment, in which some of our political labels don’t work very well. There’s a populist wing in both parties, with Trump and some progressive Democrats expressing broadly similar concerns about U.S. overextension in the world and the unfairness of the existing global order to working people.

There’s a traditionalist wing in both parties, too, which supports the old Cheney-esque American-led world order and its network of alliances and trade agreements. This traditionalist approach was embodied in the invitation by Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to NATO’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, to address a joint session of Congress.

There’s a world of difference, to be sure, between Trump’s bullying, rich-guy version of populism and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders’ empathetic, progressive version. Similarly, Pelosi’s version of internationalism is less defense-oriented and hawkish than McConnell’s. But politics is confusing these days partly because the usual left-right spectrum doesn’t always apply. Is free trade liberal or conservative? How about internationalism? What about privacy protection?

American politics has always been more personality-driven than ideological. Eras are usually defined by presidents. George Washington personified the Federalist Era; Andrew Jackson defined a freewheeling Democratic Party assault on the elites; Abraham Lincoln created the modern Republican Party in the Civil War; and Theodore Roosevelt recast it in the Progressive Era; Franklin Roosevelt created a new Democratic coalition; and Reagan framed a new Republican one.

Is Trump such a transitional figure? I doubt it. He seems more an emblem of our current political disorder than the architect of a new political alignment. But he’s a harbinger of change in our party system.

Trump already has led one of the most successful insurgencies in American politics. He destroyed the existing Republican establishment, savaging the GOP’s field of presidential candidates in 2016. His defiant, carnival-barker politics of resentment was on display this month at the CPAC convention. It was a bizarre, idiosyncratic performance, but it clearly enthralled his audience.

Democrats these days can seem just as frightened as Republicans by a party base that’s in ferment. An example is former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, an ex-entrepreneur who created a bipartisan base in his home state. Hickenlooper is the embodiment of a moderate Democrat. But he verged on incoherence on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” when host Joe Scarborough asked him if he was a “socialist” or “capitalist.” Democrats might be as jittery about offending Sanders supporters as Republicans are of crossing Trump.

Maybe Sanders has the passion and progressive appeal to make “democratic socialism” a winning strategy for 2020. He undeniably appeals to the Democratic base; polls show him gaining steadily over the past two months, while most of the rest of the field treads water.

But I’ll be very surprised if Sanders can make it to the White House. The Democrat who can beat Trump is more likely to be a large, reassuring personality, acceptable to blue-collar Democrats and also exciting to younger voters — a more youthful version of Joe Biden, perhaps. People who occupy that space (on my mental map) include Sen. Michael Bennett; Sen. Kamala Harris, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Rep. Seth Moulton and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke.

Political systems can be like scientific theories. Sometimes there emerge so many anomalous elements that don’t fit the existing structure that the theory collapses, and a new one arises. In science, that means, for example, that the theory that the sun revolves around the Earth loses its explanatory power, and evidence proves the opposite is the case. In politics, new parties emerge, or the existing ones develop new identities.

We may be entering such a period. The definition of a winning Democrat may be that, in response to Trump’s rambling circus of self-aggrandizement, he or she could create a genuinely coherent new political order. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2019 at 4:45pm by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4201 - Mar 13th, 2019 at 9:00pm
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Joey wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 9:45pm:
[quote author=4D71737B41596B671E0 link=1469838687/4164#4164 date=1551717012]Can we get a drinking with Hickenlooper?


<  --------------- Another Friday Evening    ..................  Another Night of  ................ Wait for it !!!!!!!   .......   :

That is right .   THAT IS RIGHT !!!!!!   : 



*****  " DRINKING WITH Xi :     "  Steely Dan Edition ( PART II : Ode To Walter Becker ! )    !!!!!!!  "   *****

Hello Me Stonesian Brothers and Sisters    

“ I Can See The Ladies Talking   ……..  How The Times Are Getting Hard  ……  And That Fearsome Excavation  …...  On Magnolia Boulevard !  “

     Hello Me Stoneslings   ….  Springtime is almost officially upon us  ,  A Thaw is in the Air  , and the Upcoming Stones’ and Steely Dan ( “ Reelin’ in the Chips 2 “ )
concerts will soon entertain United States Audiences with a mostly “ Greatest Hits “ set of diverse selections from both band’s extraordinary catalog . Yes , Becker
and Fagen were Jagger and Richards in talent  , but not in mythos or swagger  ; just a couple of guys   -- a kinship of two people  , shooting the sh#t and sharing
overlapping passions in a bar somewhere   --- Indeed  ,  for many of us  , we continue to look for our Walter Becker in every new job we have  , at any party we
happen to attend : Where is the next friendship that might make us more than we are on our own ?  …….. cue a Phil Woods’ Saxophone Solo .

     It is with such mindset that Emperor Xi , his Entourage and myself sat down at the Brazen Head Bar Friday Evening  reminiscing  -- dare I say waxing nostalgic , 
about past summertime loves ,  ancient concert festivals and all the while imbibing copious Premium Guinness Pints . Xi was absolutely certain that former
Vice President Joe Biden was going to get in the race    --- and soon .  It will be The Great Man --  President Donald J. Trump ( “ PRECIOUS “ Leader ! ) and the
Former Vice President  both ‘ IN – THE – ARENA  ‘ going Toe – To – Toe ; just like Ali and Frazier ONE  [  …. circa 1971 ]  . Beautiful . May the Best Man Win !!!!
The only way President Trump can possibly lose is if the economy craters between now and November 2020  --- Highly Unlikely : That new Tax Law was Gold.
Speaking of precious , The Emperor and myself spent the previous twelve hours , hell , try the last forty – five years listening to the songs of Walter Becker ;
quite obvious there was something precious …….. seamless …… impeccable  …… irreproachable   ….. IDEAL !   A Sense of the Difference(s)   .
     Soon VIP Hostess Erin stopped by to say  ,  “ Hello “  , whispered  ‘ something ‘  into The Emperor’s Ear  , and the two of them disappeared into the Robert Emmet
Room for the entire weekend .  * Whew ! * Damn    --- What a TOMCAT !!!!!  **  …….  :   PRECIOUS INDEED  !   Smiley 


************************     ………..............……..  “  I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!  “   …………….   **************************


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« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2019 at 3:53pm by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4202 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:23am
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« Last Edit: Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:51am by Some Guy »  
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4203 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 12:38pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:23am:

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4204 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 1:35pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:23am:

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Edith Grove
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Disco STILL sucks!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4205 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 1:48pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:23am:

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4206 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 2:48pm
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Come at me bro.

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4207 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:57pm
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<   ----- Some Guy  ?!   ... !!!!!   :


" Jeffrey Selingo: What the parents in the admissions scandal got wrong about college .  "

" In a few weeks, selective colleges will announce their application totals for the year along with the usual superlatives to describe their recruits. The talking points will be familiar: The number of applications went up, and the acceptance rate reached an all-time low for yet another group of “amazing” students. Once again, anxious parents and disappointed applicants will be left to wonder just what else they had to do to get into their dream school.

The admissions scandal that broke Tuesday shows the extreme efforts that some people will employ to claw their way into elite college circles. Among those charged were 33 parents who were accused of paying bribes to get their children into selective colleges. But their logic, along with their alleged morals, is off-kilter.

When you are wealthy, where your children go to college really doesn’t matter. These rich and powerful parents — like so many of us — seem to think that getting into the “perfect” school is the most important thing. College certainly matters.

But the notion that a specific college is going to transform your child’s life, especially when you’re already rich and powerful, isn’t borne out by research.

If the actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin and the other super-privileged parents considered for a moment the potential return on their allegedly criminal investment, they might have realized what a bad deal they got — that is, beyond the possibility of an orange jumpsuit.

Going to an elite school has little impact on the material outcomes of graduates, especially for those with the financial means and professional networks to pave the way for their children.

And most of all, the college search is supposed to be about finding the right fit — academically, emotionally and socially. If the indictments are true, these parents simply bypassed making the best match for their kids so they could brag about their offspring’s elite college education at cocktail parties.

And yet it seems everyone, including Hollywood stars, are obsessed with elite schools. Last spring, Eric Furda, the dean of admissions at the University of Pennsylvania, told me he spent part of early April responding to emails, phone calls and letters about admissions decisions, mostly from parents whose children were denied entry. (Penn accepted only 8 percent of applicants last year.)

What he noticed was that some parents started their inquiries by questioning the accomplishments of a student they knew was admitted rather than espousing the merits of their own child.

This anxiety reflects a perception that economic stability is increasingly scarce, and so are slots at the big-name, elite colleges that are supposed to guarantee it.

That perception isn’t entirely wrong: At many schools, class sizes have stayed stable even as applications have skyrocketed as higher education has turned from a local industry to a national and even international one.

In pursuit of this economic insurance policy, parents sign up their children for travel the real football teams and piano lessons, hire high-priced SAT and ACT tutors and pull out all affordable stops in pursuit of college acceptances.

Never mind that we don’t know exactly what a prestigious degree really means in terms of quality. Parents believe it buys access to a certain set of careers and the ability to rub shoulders with widely connected classmates and eventually alumni. It’s not because the education is so much better at those places; it’s because of the network. Research shows that lifetime earnings for students of comparable academic abilities are basically the same whether they went to an elite school or not.

What I found in the reporting for my last book is that how students go to college, from the majors they choose, to the research opportunities they pursue and the internships they get, matters more to success after graduation than the college’s name on the diploma.

The problem is too many students go to all kinds of schools, including elite campuses, and treat college like a spectator sport. By surveying tens of thousands of college graduates, Gallup and Strada Education Network found that undergraduates who engage in the campus around them by working closely with professors, taking on research projects and participating in outside-the-classroom activities were more likely to have a passion for life and work after graduation.

Without good measures of what makes a college good, we fall back to the power of popularity and exclusivity. The more applications a school gets and the more students it rejects, the better it seems. Those numbers are simply based on inputs, just like the standardized test scores the parents accused in the admissions scandal paid to fake for their children.

What really makes a college good is what it does over four years to turn adolescent students into adult graduates. It’s pretty hard to see how children whose parents cheated and bought their way into school are ready take on the challenges once they get there.


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« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:24am by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4208 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 8:58pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:14am by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4209 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 9:11pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:15am by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4210 - Mar 14th, 2019 at 9:19pm
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<  ----------------  GIMMEKEEF   ?!  .... !!!!!!!!!!!!   :   


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« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2019 at 11:14am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4211 - Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:17am
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President Donald Trump warned in an interview that his supporters could “play tough” and make things “very, very bad” if they “reach a certain point.” He cited the police, military and Bikers for Trump as his backers.

He didn’t define what that “certain point” might be in the Breitbart interview published Tuesday. But the implication was that his supporters would stand for a limited amount of political decisions that they opposed until the “tough people” made things “very, very bad.” Violence by a military opposed to political decisions would be a coup.

“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,” he said. “I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4212 - Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:32am
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“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,”

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« Last Edit: Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:34am by Some Guy »  
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4213 - Mar 15th, 2019 at 10:52am
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:32am:
“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,”


That's an old GIF from the Obummer years. Looks more like this now:

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Rocks Off Regular

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4214 - Mar 15th, 2019 at 11:14am
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Edith Grove wrote on Mar 15th, 2019 at 10:52am:
Some Guy wrote on Mar 15th, 2019 at 9:32am:
“I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of Bikers for Trump,”


That's an old GIF from the Obummer years. Looks more like this now:


not so sure all the "tough" guys are behind the Liar In Chief.....take a look at his budget proposal? another lie...I will never touch Medicare!
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4215 - Mar 15th, 2019 at 2:49pm
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Look out for that shower door, Bernie.
  Oh no! not you again

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4216 - Mar 18th, 2019 at 8:56pm
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<  ----- Some Guy   ?!   ....  !!!!!   :


" David Ignatius: The Pentagon can't get everything it wants.  "

" WASHINGTON -- Sen. Mark Warner is all for defense modernization. But just don't touch those aircraft carriers, six of which are based in Norfolk.

The Virginia Democrat had said a year ago year that rather than investing in 20th-century military technology, he wanted to discuss "a reallocation of some of those resources" to deal with the 21st-century challenge of cyber threats. But when the Navy last week proposed to retire the carrier Harry S. Truman to save money for modernization, Warner urged it to "reassess the decision."

This battle between past and future is the hidden drama within the gargantuan $750 billion fiscal 2020 defense budget proposal. Nearly everyone favors high-tech weapons to combat great-power adversaries in the new millennium, in principle. But meanwhile, the military-industrial-congressional complex, as the late Sen. John McCain termed it, keeps pumping vast sums to sustain legacy weapons systems.

The 2020 budget, shaped by acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, does propose some important changes. Spending for space programs will increase about 15 percent, and cyber programs will rise 10 percent. Yes, the Navy wants to add two new carriers while dropping the Truman, but it also proposes to build two big drone warships and some unmanned subs. The Army plans to cut or reduce 93 outmoded programs for vehicles, weapons and helicopters to make room for modernization.

"Overall, I think it's moving in the right direction," says Christian Brose, former staff director of the Senate Armed Services Committee. "The emphasis on modernization is clear and welcome."

But Brose offers some "caveats" about how the process will play out. The budget proposes $104 billion for research, development, testing and evaluation, the biggest R&D request since the 1940s. But Brose says some of this will be "old wine in new bottles," like spending for the wildly expensive F-35 fighter program, rather than disruptive new technology.

Some high-tech spending involves classic Pentagon log-rolling among the military services. Take, for example, "hypersonic" weapons, the bright shiny objects (literally and figuratively) that will be streaking across Pentagon skies. The 2020 budget proposes to increase spending on hypersonic weapons to $2.6 billion from $2.4 billion (good), but it gives the Army, Navy and Air Force their own hypersonic systems (crazy). The argument is that America will want air, land and sea versions, but why?

When there's new technology around, every service wants a piece of the action. Pentagon old-timers recall the battle in the 1950s between Army and Air Force generals about whether missiles were munitions or air weapons.

A deeper worry is whether some of the modernization spending in the 2020 budget will be thrown overboard to preserve legacy systems when Congress starts cutting the $750 billion Trump administration request, as Democrats will demand. The final figure will probably be many tens of billions less, and powerful members of Congress will fight to preserve the aircraft carrier and F-35 procurements that protect jobs in their states and districts.

"Often, it's the future that ends up without a chair when the music stops," says Brose. He now works for a startup company called Anduril Industries that wants to be a disrupter. It has built a system that uses artificial intelligence to fuse sensors and drones to solve defense problems, such as perimeter security at military bases or along the border, more effectively and cheaply than conventional systems. The Pentagon seems interested, but Congress will have the final say.

Military leaders are working to adapt old platforms to meet new challenges, and that's both good and bad. Adm. John Richardson, the chief of Naval Operations and a consistent advocate of innovation, says the Navy has made aircraft carriers stealthier, using electronic warfare and other measures, and by the end of this year will start arming carriers with lasers that can shoot down attacking missiles and planes.

"The aircraft carrier is less vulnerable than it's been since World War II," Richardson told me in a recent interview. He argues that in combating Chinese military power in Asia, "the aircraft carrier is the most sustainable airfield in the theater."

Certainly, America needs aircraft carriers. But does it need 10 of them, as the 2020 budget contemplates (or 11, if Congress preserves the Harry S. Truman, as seems likely)? We need F-35s, too, but is the massive buy in the 2020 budget needed?

The Pentagon can't have everything it wants, and the danger is that when it's time to start cutting, the military-industrial-congressional complex will jettison the new weapons we need to keep the old ones we don't. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:00am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4217 - Mar 18th, 2019 at 9:04pm
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<  -----  Some Guy ,  Our Hottie Wall Street Journal Investigative Reporter is beginning to cause some serious disturbances inside the Trump Campaign / Organization .

I sense an innate consternation that should not be taken lightly nor disregarded .

All she needs is for ‘ Somebody ‘ to take her out for drinks one Midweek Evening Happy Hour and I promise you the very next day she will be purring like a Kitten for President Trump .

In fact , with her great looks and smarts  [ ….. a Harvard Education definitely helps Smiley ]  she would be a tremendous ASSET in the Trump 2020 re-election Campaign   -- Give her the title " Holy Roman Empress . "  Whatever she wants  ............
Yes   …………. Yes !  ..... We must act now before the Biden People make their move and snatch her up   . 



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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 2:52pm by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4218 - Mar 18th, 2019 at 9:19pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 19th, 2019 at 8:53am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4219 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:09pm
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<  ------------   SOME GUY   ?!   .... !!!!!!!!!!!!   :


" Marc A. Thiessen: The losers running for the Democratic nomination .  "

" WASHINGTON -- Look at the losers running, or considering a run, for the Democratic presidential nomination.

I don't mean that pejoratively. I mean it literally.

Beto O'Rourke's presidential candidacy is the ultimate expression of the participation trophy culture on the left. It used to be you had to win on the state level before taking the national stage. Barack Obama won a Senate seat from Illinois before immediately declaring his intention to run for president.

At the time, that was considered pretty audacious. He hadn't accomplished anything in the Senate before he decided on a presidential run. But at least he won. O'Rourke lost his race to unseat Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, last year. He got a participation trophy. Apparently, he thinks that qualifies him to be the leader of the free world.

Well, he must have some accomplishments other than almost winning a Senate seat, right? Not really. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was flummoxed when asked what O'Rourke had accomplished in Congress, saying he "brought a great deal of vitality" to his work "preserving our planet and protecting our people." (In fact, O'Rourke passed a single bill, H.R. 5873, which renamed a courthouse in his hometown of El Paso.)

Texas Democratic Party Chairman Gilberto Hinojosa was questioned by Ed Henry on Fox News, "What would you say is Beto O'Rourke's top accomplishment that he brings to the table?" Hinojosa could not name a single one. "I'm not even talking about Congress," Henry said. "What has he done in his life?" "Your question is meaningless," Hinojosa replied.

So, if O'Rourke hasn't accomplished anything, he must at least have some clear ideas of what he wants to accomplish in the Oval Office, right? Nope. The Washington Post reports that "unlike candidates such as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, who launched their campaigns with clearly articulated policy platforms, O'Rourke focuses more on sweeping calls for unity and pitching himself as the best antidote to the country's toxic politics." The motivation for his run, apparently, is him. As Vanity Fair's Joe Hagan explains in a recent profile, O'Rourke "can't deny the pull of his own gifts." He tells a reporter, "Man, I'm just born to be in it."

He's not the only statewide loser taking the national stage. Stacey Abrams lost the governor's race in Georgia in 2018, yet national Democrats tapped her to deliver the official rebuttal to the State of the Union -- a task normally given to those who actually won their races. And now, the Washington Post reports, she is considering a race for president as well. "I think that I am a skilled communicator," she said. "I think I'm a very good thinker. No, I know I'm a good thinker. I know I have policy chops. I have foreign policy experience."

Foreign policy experience? She served as minority leader of the state House of Representatives. Her official bio lists her as "former term member of the Council on Foreign Relations" (a temporary membership for young people) as well as "a Council on Italy Fellow, a British-American Project Fellow, a Salzburg Seminar-Freeman Fellow on U.S.-East Asian Relations, a Salzburg Seminar Fellow on youth and civic engagement and a Yukos Fellow for U.S.-Russian Relations."

That might qualify her for an entry-level job at a left-wing think tank, but it hardly qualifies her to be commander in chief. Even O'Rourke can claim experience on the House Armed Services Committee.

Democrats point out that President Donald Trump had never won statewide office before running for president. That's true. But he also had not run for state office and lost. He ran as a successful outsider, not as a failed insider. And unlike O'Rourke, he had actual accomplishments -- including a multibillion-dollar real estate empire.

This is not to dismiss O'Rourke's chances. He raised a whopping $6.1 million in his first 24 hours as a candidate, just edging out Sanders' first day haul of almost $6 million. That is the best of any Democrat running for president so far. As the New York Times noted, "In a single day online, he raised nearly a quarter of what Barack Obama, then a senator, did in the entire first quarter of 2007."

Apparently, Democrats like losers. We'll soon see if one can win the presidency. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2019 at 3:10pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4221 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:26pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:52pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4222 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 9:31pm
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" Biden Tells Supporters He Plans to Run for President . "

" Former Vice President Joe Biden called six of his supporters on March 19, told them he is running for president, and asked them to line up major donors so he can quickly rake in millions in contributions, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a person familiar with the matter.

Biden told the supporters that he won’t be able to quickly raise enough contributions from small donors to outpace socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and former Texas Rep. Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, both of whom raised hefty sums in the 24 hours following their formal 2020 bid announcements. Sanders raised $5.9 million in the 24 hours following his announcement on Feb. 19. O’Rourke reported raising $6.1 after announcing his bid on March 14.

Biden wants to outpace O’Rourke and Sanders in what some call the “money primary” to enhance his standing.

In an average of early 2020 Democratic primary polls tallied by Real Clear Politics, Biden is polling ahead of 14 Democrats who have formally announced 2020 bids. He is 8 points ahead of Sanders and 23 points ahead of O’Rourke.

Biden’s strategist, Steve Ricchetti, has been telling Democrats and would-be candidates that Biden is 95 percent likely to enter the race, The New York Times reported on March 7. Biden made a verbal slip during a speech at a Delaware Democratic Party dinner, saying “I have the most progressive record of anybody running for the–anybody who would run.”

The slip earned him a jab from President Donald Trump, who is running for re-election in 2020.

“Joe Biden got tongue-tied over the weekend when he was unable to properly deliver a very simple line about his decision to run for President,” Trump wrote on Twitter on March 18. “Get used to it, another low I.Q. individual!”

Biden quickly corrected himself after the verbal slip, clarifying that he meant to say “anybody who would run,” then added, “I didn’t mean it.”

The Democratic primary field is crowded with far-left candidates embracing the socialist Green New Deal and Medicare for All policies. Biden’s stance on either policy is unknown, but he will likely be asked about both once he begins the media circuit after announcing his bid.

Biden was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He served as a senator representing Delaware from 1973 to 2009 when he was elected as vice president on a ticket with Barack Obama.

Trump said in a 2018 interview that he especially hoped to run against Biden in 2020.

“I dream about Biden. That’s a dream,” Trump said. “Look, Joe Biden ran three times. He never got more than 1 percent and President Obama took him out of the garbage heap, and everybody was shocked that he did. I’d love to have it be Biden.”

Biden failed to develop a strong base of political support in his two previous presidential runs, dropping out of the race both times. If he were to be elected, he would be 78 years old when taking office, which would make him the oldest president-elect in U.S. history.

Biden has been a frequent critic of Trump, and both have shot barbed words at each other during the last two years.

During his speech to Delaware Democrats, Biden repeatedly attacked Trump and accused him of stoking division. Biden also bemoaned how the rising “new left” of his own party had criticized him for being cordial to Republicans. "
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« Last Edit: Mar 20th, 2019 at 3:29pm by Joey »  

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Reply #4223 - Mar 19th, 2019 at 10:00pm
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Reply #4224 - Mar 20th, 2019 at 7:42am
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