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The nonsense thread - Enter at your own risk! Warning… 100% off topic and full of nonsense inside (Read 916,126 times)
I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4175 - Mar 6th, 2019 at 9:02pm
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<  ------------  Some Guy   ?!   ...  !!!!!!   :


" Hugh Hewitt: Who is mothballing an aircraft carrier? And why?  "

" In the shadow of summit and scandal last week, there was stunning news from the Defense Department: “The Pentagon has decided to cut the aircraft carrier fleet from 11 today to 10,” Breaking Defense reported. “By retiring the Nimitz-class supercarrier USS Harry S. Truman at least two decades early, rather than refueling its nuclear reactor core in 2024 as planned, the military would save tens of billions on overhaul and operations costs that it could invest in other priorities.”

This jaw-dropping announcement — noted by the Washington Post’s David Ignatius — shocked even civilians with an amateur’s interest such as myself, because of the widespread assumption that President Donald Trump had committed to a significant expansion of naval power on his watch, not a drastic cut in the force most associated with the projection of U.S. power.

Who made this decision? Breaking Defense’s story begins: “The Pentagon has decided.” While the Pentagon does indeed decide a lot of things, it doesn’t get to decide the size of the carrier fleet. That is a joint decision made by the commander in chief and Congress.

Not even the most able of defense secretaries, chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff or chiefs of naval operations get to “decide” to cut a carrier.

The Pentagon’s leadership and bureaucracy have effectively slow-rolled the president on his campaign promise, repeated after his election on the deck of the USS Gerald R. Ford, to get the Navy to its “needed” ship count of 355. That expansion has been quietly deferred again and again, with only Adm. John Richardson, the chief of naval operations, admitting that that goal is in doubt.

But the president was clear: He wanted a 355-ship Navy and, specifically, a fleet of 12 aircraft carriers. My reporting is that this “decision” is counter to the advice of the uniformed professionals.

It is unclear whether the Office of Management and Budget, headed by Mick Mulvaney — who is also Trump’s acting chief of staff — had a role here, but it is difficult to imagine that national security adviser John Bolton is complicit in this proposed slashing of the capacity to project U.S. power.

Rarely does bureaucratic mutiny among the civilians at the Pentagon appear in such an unvarnished fashion as with this announcement about the decision to essentially halve the USS Truman’s lifespan.

Leaking this “decision” through the media was the most obvious of trial balloons. But that the Pentagon’s senior leadership has begun down this road without even a whisper in public to, say, the Senate Armed Services Committee and its chairman, Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., suggests that the Pentagon respects neither Congress nor the president and his national security team.

If acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is nominated to fill the position full time, this story should greatly complicate his confirmation path. Indeed, it wouldn’t surprise me if a Shanahan opponent leaked it for that very purpose.

Given that any new carriers will take a decade or longer to be commissioned, the presence or absence of the USS Truman in the fleet will affect at least three future presidents, possibly more. You can’t deploy assets that have been mothballed. You can’t project U.S. power with a so-called ghost fleet.

Expect defenders of this move to claim, “This is a temporary drop in size of the carrier fleet. We will get back to 12 carriers quickly.” That boat doesn’t float, and congressional oversight will get into the details of the supposed “plan of transition.” Even if persuasive, it isn’t the sort of decision the Pentagon gets to make on its own.

The issue of carrier vulnerability has been aired for years among Navy professionals, such as my frequent radio guest Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain and defense analyst.

But none of this discussion has been the focus of public debate. No one has stood up and said anything like: “The president is wrong. Carriers are too vulnerable to long-range missiles from the People’s Republic of China or swarms of drones from anywhere.” If carrier critics want to make a case, they need to unveil arguments, not announcements.

The Pentagon fired the first shot at the president and his on-the-record plans. Let’s see what the response is. If Trump has been sucker-punched, expect the reaction to be loud and public. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2019 at 8:51am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Omaha , NE
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4176 - Mar 6th, 2019 at 9:40pm
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<  -------  Don Emilio "The Wolf"  ......   "  THE WOLF !!!!!!!    "   Barzini and Don Vito Andolini Corleone : 

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2019 at 10:19am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4177 - Mar 6th, 2019 at 9:45pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 4th, 2019 at 10:30am:

<  --------------- Another Friday Evening    ..................  Another Night of  ................ Wait for it !!!!!!!   .......   :

That is right .   THAT IS RIGHT !!!!!!   : 



*********  " DRINKING WITH Xi :     "  Steely Dan Edition   !!!!!!!  "   ***********

Hello Me Stonesian Brothers and Sisters    

“ Five Names that I Can Hardly Stand to Hear !  ……………………….      Including Yours and Mine    ………………. And One More Chimp Who Is Not HERE !  “ 

     Hello Me Stoneslings    ….. Winter just got a Lil’ Warmer  .  What am I talking about ?  Well , there is the upcoming Steely Dan Las Vegas Residency
at the Venetian   ,  the upcoming Stones’ Tour [   …. will President Trump attend a Springtime Stones’ Gig(s)  ?  ] and Russian Imperial Stouts .  Me kins ,
there is only one beer that pares well with a ‘ Reelin’ In The Chips ‘ springtime residency at a Sin City Hotel and Casino   ….. The Russian Imperial Stout .
Often referred to as the ‘ King of Stouts ‘  ,  Russian Imperial Stouts were originally created in the nineteenth century by brewers looking to curry favor
with Queen Catherine II ; too wild and multitudinous to heel to written characterizations , Emperor Xi and myself simply close our eyes and reach for 
metaphors : tastes of dark fruit and little to no hop character    …  very high alcohol by volume  (  13.4 % ABV )   …  a hearty brew best served alongside The 
Brazen Head’s very own oysters , chocolate and soft cheeses .  The Emperor even goes one step further and ventures deep into Steely Dan’s mid – 1970’s :
he envisions Walter Becker ( RIP )  , his hair long and shiny , wearing sunglasses and the spectacularly wide – collared shirt from the band’s appearance on
the Television show  ‘  The Midnight Special  ‘  wagging a finger  --- ‘ Good Luck  , Friend  ,  ‘   is what he is saying .  Katy Lies :  “  YES !!!!  …..   YES !!!!   “ 

     Enough of the Crap !    Xi and myself soon got down to business   …. We both agreed that some sort of United States and Chinese Trade Deal will be struck
   …. and soon . Very Soon . The Great Man    --- President Donald J. Trump ( ‘ SUPREME “ Leader ! ) is working assiduously to make a deal . Once completed ,
signed , sealed and delivered , look for the U.S. Stock Market to hit absolutely unprecedented highs    -- so high that not even former Vice President Joe
Biden can defeat Incumbent President Trump . Why ?   ….. The Economy follows the Stock Market  :  we could very well hit five , six even seven percent
GDP Numbers by Election Day 2020   ---- Mount Rushmore here we come  Smiley

     It was at that EXACT moment when brand new  sous – chef  Jenny stopped by to say ,  “ Hello “  ;   Grabbed Xi’s  “ Hog “  and the two of them disappeared
into the Robert Emmet Room not to be seen again for the rest of the evening .         


************************     ………..............……..  “  I LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!  “   …………….   **************************


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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2019 at 10:25am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Omaha , NE
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4178 - Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:10pm
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<  ------ GIMMEKEEF   ?!   .... !!!!!!!   :


" US budget deficit up 77 percent so far this budget year . "

" WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government recorded a budget surplus in January. But so far this budget year, the total deficit is 77 percent higher than the same period a year ago.

The Treasury Department said Tuesday that the deficit for the first four months of this budget year, which began Oct. 1, totaled $310.3 billion. That’s up from a deficit of $175.7 billion in the same period a year ago. The surplus in January was $8.7 billion.

The higher deficit reflected greater spending in areas such as Social Security, defense and interest payments on the national debt. Meanwhile, the government collected lower taxes from individuals and corporations, reflecting the impact of the $1.5 trillion tax cut President Donald Trump pushed through Congress in 2017.

Individual income taxes withheld from paychecks total $818 billion for the October-January period, down 3 percent from the same period last year. Corporate income taxes total $73 billion over the four-month period, down 23 percent.

Revenue, however, is up is in tariffs — border taxes collected on imports — which totaled $25 billion in the October-January period, up 91 percent from the same period a year ago. This reflects the higher tariffs the Trump administration has imposed on China and other nations in various trade disputes.

The border taxes are not paid by the countries where the goods are being produced but rather by the U.S. companies importing the products into the United States. Those costs are generally passed on to American consumers.

The $8.7 billion surplus in January was down from a larger $49.2 billion surplus in January 2018. January, a month when both individuals and corporations make tax payments, has run surpluses in 26 of the past 65 years.

The Congressional Budget Office is projecting that this year’s deficit will hit $897 billion, up 15.1 percent from the $779 billion deficit recorded last year. In the CBO’s projections for the next decade, it forecasts that the deficit will once again top $1 trillion annually beginning in 2022 and will never fall below $1 trillion over the rest of the forecast period.

From October through January, government revenues total $1.11 trillion, down 1.7 percent from the same period a year ago. Government spending totals $1.15 trillion, up 8.8 percent from the same period a year ago.

On March 2, the government’s debt limit, which had been suspended, went back into effect at the current $22 trillion level of debt. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has begun taking actions, such as halting investments in civil service pension funds, to keep from exceeding the debt ceiling.

CBO has estimated these various maneuvers will keep the government operating without threatening a devastating default on the government debt until probably September. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 7th, 2019 at 11:14am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4179 - Mar 7th, 2019 at 9:07pm
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“The most important thing a man has to tell you is what he’s not telling you,” he said. “The most important thing he has to say is what he’s trying not to say.”
― Robert A. Caro, Master of the Senate

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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2019 at 9:26am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4180 - Mar 7th, 2019 at 9:09pm
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“Hospitality has always been a potent political weapon. Moses used it like a master. Coupled with his overpowering personality, a buffet often did as much for a proposal as a bribe.”
― Robert A. Caro, The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2019 at 9:27am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4181 - Mar 7th, 2019 at 9:31pm
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“But although the cliche says that power always corrupts, what is seldom said ... is that power always reveals. When a man is climbing, trying to persuade others to give him power, concealment is necessary. ... But as a man obtains more power, camouflage becomes less necessary.”
― Robert A. Caro, The Passage of Power



" “If you can’t come into a room and tell right away who is for you and who is against you, you have no business in politics.”
― Robert A. Caro, The Path to Power
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2019 at 9:29am by Joey »  

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Rocks Off Regular

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4182 - Mar 8th, 2019 at 8:39am
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Joey wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:10pm:
<  ------ GIMMEKEEF   ?!   .... !!!!!!!   :


" US budget deficit up 77 percent so far this budget year . "

" WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal government recorded a budget surplus in January. But so far this budget year, the total deficit is 77 percent higher than the same period a year ago.

The Treasury Department said Tuesday that the deficit for the first four months of this budget year, which began Oct. 1, totaled $310.3 billion. That’s up from a deficit of $175.7 billion in the same period a year ago. The surplus in January was $8.7 billion.

The higher deficit reflected greater spending in areas such as Social Security, defense and interest payments on the national debt. Meanwhile, the government collected lower taxes from individuals and corporations, reflecting the impact of the $1.5 trillion tax cut President Donald Trump pushed through Congress in 2017.

Individual income taxes withheld from paychecks total $818 billion for the October-January period, down 3 percent from the same period last year. Corporate income taxes total $73 billion over the four-month period, down 23 percent.

Revenue, however, is up is in tariffs — border taxes collected on imports — which totaled $25 billion in the October-January period, up 91 percent from the same period a year ago. This reflects the higher tariffs the Trump administration has imposed on China and other nations in various trade disputes.

The border taxes are not paid by the countries where the goods are being produced but rather by the U.S. companies importing the products into the United States. Those costs are generally passed on to American consumers.

The $8.7 billion surplus in January was down from a larger $49.2 billion surplus in January 2018. January, a month when both individuals and corporations make tax payments, has run surpluses in 26 of the past 65 years.

The Congressional Budget Office is projecting that this year’s deficit will hit $897 billion, up 15.1 percent from the $779 billion deficit recorded last year. In the CBO’s projections for the next decade, it forecasts that the deficit will once again top $1 trillion annually beginning in 2022 and will never fall below $1 trillion over the rest of the forecast period.

From October through January, government revenues total $1.11 trillion, down 1.7 percent from the same period a year ago. Government spending totals $1.15 trillion, up 8.8 percent from the same period a year ago.

On March 2, the government’s debt limit, which had been suspended, went back into effect at the current $22 trillion level of debt. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has begun taking actions, such as halting investments in civil service pension funds, to keep from exceeding the debt ceiling.

CBO has estimated these various maneuvers will keep the government operating without threatening a devastating default on the government debt until probably September. "


When in doubt fuck the pensions of workers. How much more winning can we handle?
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4183 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 9:33am
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Rocks Off Regular

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4184 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 9:40am
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 10th, 2019 at 9:33am:

Somehow I can't see a happy ending to all of this!
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"Runnin Like A Cat In A Thunderstorm"
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4185 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 3:27pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 10th, 2019 at 9:33am:

Huffington Post and some broad named Papenfuss.

That's all you need to know!
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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4186 - Mar 11th, 2019 at 8:48pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2019 at 8:08am by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4187 - Mar 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm
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<  -------------  VERY VERY STRONG AND POWERFUL LEADER !!!!!!!      :

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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2019 at 8:53am by Joey »  

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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4188 - Mar 11th, 2019 at 9:05pm
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<  ----- Some Guy   ?!   ....  !!!!!!   :


" Erdogan sabotages Turkey’s progress by turning away from the West .  "

By David Ignatius

" For a scary snapshot of what a “post-American” world looks like, consider the rupture that has been developing through three administrations in the U.S.-Turkey relationship. Turkey has come to think it can call the shots, regardless of U.S. interests.

The prime mover has been President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Over the past decade, he has altered Turkey’s political geography — undoing the Western-facing secular republic created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and creating a neo-Ottoman Turkey that’s more aligned with its eastern neighbors, including Russia.

“Ever since the end of the Cold War, this relationship has been in trouble, because the common threat of the Soviet Union has disappeared,” argues Bulent Aliriza, who heads the Turkey Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. U.S. presidents have tried to coerce and cajole Erdogan, but to little effect.

The two countries are now heading toward the most serious confrontation yet. The Pentagon warned Monday that Turkey would face “grave consequences” if it went ahead with its planned purchase of a Russian S-400 air-defense system rather than the Patriot system the United States has offered. NATO commander Gen. Curtis Scaparrotti on Tuesday implored Ankara to “reconsider.”

Erdogan responded, in effect, by flipping the bird. “It’s done,” Erdogan said Wednesday of the S-400 purchase. “There can never be a turning back. This would not be ethical, it would be immoral. Nobody should ask us to lick up what we spat.”

Erdogan’s defiant decision comes despite U.S. warnings that Turkey was jeopardizing its role as a partner in building the F-35 fighter — the very weapon the S-400 is designed to shoot down. Having the rival weapons systems in the same country could compromise the security of the F-35, U.S. officials believe. They are now scrambling with Lockheed Martin, the lead contractor, to find alternative sources for fuselage parts and hundreds of other F-35 components that were to be made in Turkey.

“We have to take them [the Turkish government] at their word,” says a senior Trump administration official. “We have a responsibility on our side to take the steps that are necessary.”

“Turkey is a totally unreliable ally,” argues Eric Edelman, who served as U.S. ambassador to Ankara from 2003 to 2005. Edelman was warning about Erdogan’s “authoritarian loner streak” back then, in a January 2004 cable revealed by WikiLeaks: “Erdogan has traits which render him seriously vulnerable to miscalculating the political dynamic, especially in foreign affairs.”

The Turkish pendulum has been swinging away from the West, despite attempts by the past three U.S. presidents to reassure the Turkish leader. Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama both pushed Europe to admit Turkey into the European Union; Obama treated Erdogan as a model Muslim leader during the Arab Spring, courting the Turkish leader in more than 20 personal phone calls. President Trump embraced Erdogan as a kindred spirit and offered in December to withdraw U.S. troops from northeast Syria and let Turkish forces take over there, a position he has since reversed.

The United States and the NATO alliance are strong enough to survive Erdogan’s mischief. The tragedy is that the Turkish leader has been sabotaging his own country’s progress, which had been one of the world’s great success stories. Erdogan crushed a thriving free press, enfeebled a once-strong military, jailed thousands of dissidents and undermined the Turkish economy, once the jewel of the emerging markets.

Erdogan’s version of populist nationalism features strident attacks on the Kurdish Workers Party, or PKK, that approaches Kurdophobia. A decade ago he was exploring a possible truce with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan; now he blasts the group and its Syrian Kurdish affiliate, the YPG, as terrorist organizations — even though the YPG has been America’s best ally against the Islamic State. This anti-PKK zealotry moved a step further this week, when Turkey’s interior minister said Turkey and Iran were planning joint operations against the group.

There has been a string of anti-American moves by Erdogan in recent years: undermining U.S. sanctions against Iran; jailing pastor Andrew Brunson; blaming the United States for the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey; allowing his bodyguards to attack demonstrators in Washington in 2017; and touting Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro in a January phone call, saying, “Maduro brother, stand tall, Turkey stands with you,” according to a tweet by Erdogan’s spokesman, Ibrahim Kalin.

In today’s messy world, the United States seems to be everyone’s target, and authoritarian leaders take potshots at will. And for now, sadly, Erdogan is a wrecking ball for Turkish efforts to build a modern, Western-style democracy. But eventually, the political pendulum swings back. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2019 at 12:22pm by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4189 - Mar 11th, 2019 at 9:29pm
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<  ------------  GIMMEKEEF   ?!   .... !!!!!!   :


" Los Angeles Times: Time’s running out on daylight saving shift . " 

" The biannual shifting of the clocks took place Sunday morning, and you may be a little discombobulated.

If the twice-a-year clock-resetting leaves you grumpy, you’re not alone; there’s a growing global movement to end this pointless and, frankly, weird 20th century tradition that has persisted despite having no real practical benefit. The European Parliament is expected to vote to stop observing daylight saving time later this month. Last year, the Florida Legislature voted to move to full-time daylight saving if Congress allows it. And in November, Californians voted to start the process to move to year-round daylight saving time as well.

But there’s a danger that this could deepen the time confusion. Legislative proposals in other states would have them returning to year-round standard time (the time we currently keep during winter months). Currently, all states except Hawaii and Arizona observe daylight saving time, but about half are considering proposals to stop doing so, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

You can see the potential problem: If a handful of states decided to stop changing clocks and revert to standard time while the rest of the nation continues to go back and forth and a few states lobby for permission to go to full-time daylight saving time, it could lead to chaos, with a bunch of different states on a bunch of different times.

For the record, we would prefer a national shift to year-round daylight saving, which means more daylight in the evening during the winter, when more people are awake. A 2001 study by the California Energy Commission estimated that there might be small savings in energy usage by sticking with permanent daylight saving time. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., has introduced a bill to make daylight saving time permanent for the entire country.

What Congress should not do is allow states to do their own thing or force the nation to keep observing this outdated time shift. The length of day does not increase; even all our fancy technology can’t alter the tilt of Earth’s axis as it orbits the sun. We don’t save energy; the expected large-scale energy savings that drove the invention of daylight saving time during World War I never materialized in peacetime.

And though many people were told that the shift had something to do with agriculture, farmers apparently couldn’t care less. In fact, farmers were the main opponents of the 1949 ballot initiative that started the clock-changing tradition in California.

The California Legislature should move to the next stage of this process and pass the bill that would make permanent daylight saving if Congress allows it — but only if it is done by the rest of the country as well. It would be better to stick with the relatively harmless, if annoying, practice of falling back and springing forward an hour every year than to become a place out of time. "

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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2019 at 9:17am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4190 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:07am
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This thread is killing new memberships.
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Voodoo Chile in Wonderland
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4191 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 11:48am
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:07am:
This thread is killing new memberships.

Yes, I think the warning in the subject title must be more dramatic, I mean more real
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I only get my rocks off while I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping with your girlfriend!!
WWW gerardo.liedo rocksoffmessageboard  
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4192 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm
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Voodoo Chile in Wonderland wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 11:48am:
Some Guy wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:07am:
This thread is killing new memberships.

Yes, I think the warning in the subject title must be more dramatic, I mean more real

Why not call it "Fox News on Rocks Off."

At least you'd be getting the straight scoop:

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4193 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 1:22pm
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Edith Grove wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm:
Voodoo Chile in Wonderland wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 11:48am:
Some Guy wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:07am:
This thread is killing new memberships.

Yes, I think the warning in the subject title must be more dramatic, I mean more real

Why not call it "Fox News on Rocks Off."

At least you'd be getting the straight scoop:


Let's go with White Trash supremacy thread.
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Edith Grove
Agent Provocateur

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4194 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 2:33pm
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 1:22pm:
Let's go with White Trash supremacy thread.

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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Some Guy
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4195 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 6:17pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 12th, 2019 at 6:21pm by Some Guy »  
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I Have No Life!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4196 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 9:28pm
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« Last Edit: Mar 13th, 2019 at 9:17am by Joey »  

...&&&&D.J. Jazzy Joe and the Fresh Prince of Boca Raton !™&& *** " VICTORY !!!! " ***...
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Some Guy
Resident Cretin

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4197 - Mar 13th, 2019 at 9:13am
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Edith Grove wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 2:33pm:
Some Guy wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 1:22pm:
Let's go with White Trash supremacy thread.


You can't spell HATRED without a RED HAT.
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Rocks Off Regular

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to rock!

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4198 - Mar 13th, 2019 at 11:21am
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Why not call it "Fox News on Rocks Off."

At least you'd be getting the straight scoop:

Now that's beyond comedy gold. Awesome.


Sad Sad Sad.

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Always know if the juice is worth the squeeze.
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Voodoo Chile in Wonderland
Unholy Trinity Admin

The Stones are back you

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #4199 - Mar 13th, 2019 at 11:31am
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Some Guy wrote on Mar 13th, 2019 at 9:13am:
You can't spell HATRED without a RED HAT

LOL brilliant

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I only get my rocks off while I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping with your girlfriend!!
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