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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3600 - Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:19pm
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<  ----------------  Some Guy   ?!  ........... !!!!!!   :


" Nikki Haley: When I challenge the president, I do it directly . "

By Nikki Haley

The writer  is U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. This first appeared in the Washington Post

" We have enough issues to deal with in the world, so it's unfortunate to have to take time to write this, but I feel compelled to address the claims in the anonymous "resistance" op-ed published last week in the New York Times.

The author might think he or she is doing a service to the country. I strongly disagree. What this "senior official in the Trump administration" has done, and is apparently intent on continuing to do, is a serious disservice — not just to the president but to the country.

I, too, am a senior Trump administration official. I proudly serve in this administration, and I enthusiastically support most of its decisions and the direction it is taking the country. But I don't agree with the president on everything. When there is disagreement, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it. I pick up the phone and call him or meet with him in person.

Like my colleagues in the Cabinet and on the National Security Council, I have very open access to the president. He does not shut out his advisers, and he does not demand that everyone agree with him. I can talk to him most any time, and I frequently do.

If I disagree with something and believe it is important enough to raise with the president, I do it. And he listens. Sometimes he changes course, sometimes he doesn't. That's the way the system should work. And the American people should be comfortable knowing that's the way the system does work in this administration.

What this anonymous author is doing is very dangerous. He or she claims to be putting the country first, and that is the right goal. Everyone in government owes a greater loyalty to our country and our Constitution than to any individual officeholder. But a central part of our democracy requires that those who work directly for the president not secretly try to undermine him or his policies. What the author is describing is an extra-constitutional method of addressing policy disputes within the administration. That's wrong on a fundamental level.

If the author truly is a senior administration official, then he or she has the kind of access to the president I described. If that is the case, this official has ample opportunity to try to persuade the president to change course. If the author is frustrated by an inability to persuade the president, then he or she is free to resign.

By making sweeping, but mostly unspecific, anonymous claims, the author creates many problems. Taking this course sows mistrust among the thousands of government workers who do their jobs honestly every day. It unfairly casts doubt on the president in a way that cannot be directly refuted because the anonymous accuser's credibility and knowledge cannot be judged. It encourages U.S. adversaries to promote their hostile claims about the stability of our government.

What's more, by throwing gas on a fire of endless distraction, the author and the frenzied media reaction to the op-ed have hurt all of us trying to do our jobs for the country.

Dissent is as American as apple pie. If you don't like this president, you are free to say so, and people do that quite frequently and loudly. But in the spirit of civility that the anonymous author claims to support, every American should want to see this administration succeed. If it does, it's a win for the American people.

As a former governor, I find it absolutely chilling to imagine that a high-ranking member of my team would secretly try to thwart my agenda. That is not the American way. It is fundamentally disloyal, not just to the chief executive, but to our country and our values.

To Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, I say: Step up and help the administration do great things for the country. If you disagree with some policies, make your case directly to the president. If that doesn't work, and you are truly bothered by the direction of the administration, then resign on principle. There is no shame in that. But do not stay in your position and secretly undermine the president and the rest of our team. It is cowardly, it is anti-democratic, and it is a disservice to our country. "
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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 8:56am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3601 - Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:22pm
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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 11:18am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3602 - Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:26pm
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<  ------------- GIMMEKEEF   ?!  ...  !!!!!!   :


" U.S. budget deficit widens to fifth-highest ever, CBO reports .  "

" The numbers: The U.S. budget deficit in August was $211 billion, nearly double the gap during the year-ago month, the Congressional Budget Office estimated late Monday.

Adjusted for shifts in the timing of payments that otherwise would have occurred on a weekend of holiday, the deficit would have grown by 19%. The Treasury Department will report final official numbers on Thursday, and they are usually very similar to the CBO’s.

What happened: Excluding timing shifts, outlays grew 8%, as the net interest on public debt jumped 25%, defense spending jumped 10%, outlays for Social Security grew 5%, and outlays for Medicare benefits rose 7%. There also was an Agriculture Department downward adjustment made in the year-ago August. One boost to government finances was an increase in spectrum payments to the Federal Communications Commission.

Receipts fell by 3%, with corporate taxes dropping by $5 billion, while revenue from income and payroll taxes rose marginally.

The big picture: The budget deficit is widening in a big way. In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the deficit was $895 billion, which is $222 billion more than the previous year. Outlays have climbed 7% while revenue rose 1%.

Corporate taxes have plummeted by 30% this fiscal year, both because of the lower rate as well as the expanded ability to immediately deduct the full value of equipment purchases. Individual income and payroll taxes have climbed 4%, as increasing wages — mostly, due to more people having jobs — offset a lower withholding rate.

Spending on Social Security and Medicare have climbed 4% as more baby boomers retire, outlays on net interest on the debt have jumped 19% in part due to a higher rate of inflation triggering more payments to inflation-protected securities holders, and defense spending has jumped 6%.

Kevin Hassett, the White House chief economic adviser, was careful in a briefing with reporters on Monday to say the corporate tax cuts — but not the whole package — would pay for themselves with higher growth.

“I think that the notion that the corporate tax side has about paid for itself is clearly in the data,” he said. “On the individual side, there was about a trillion-dollar cost. About $700 billion of that was a refundable child credit that got expanded at the last minute to get the votes they needed to pass it.”

(The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates the modification to the child tax credit to cost $573 billion over a decade, and that the individual side cost $1.13 trillion in total.)

Other administration officials have made more sweeping claims that the entire tax cut would pay for itself, including Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin and former National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn.

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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 11:21am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3603 - Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:35pm
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<  ------------- GIMMEKEEF   ?!   ... !!!!!!   :


" We responded with urgency to 9/11. Now we need to respond as urgently to China. "

" Almost two decades have passed since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but the sign on the wall as you walk into the CIA’s Mission Center for Counterterrorism still reads, “Today is September 12, 2001.”

The sign represents the sense of urgency that the officers who work there still bring to the job of protecting the country, every day, from terrorism. The effort has been a remarkable success, considering that extremist terrorists have repeatedly attempted to attack the U.S. homeland. International terrorism is by no means abolished; vigilance is still required. But the nation is much safer today than it was before 9/11, in no small part because we put our political differences aside in the interest of national security.

That solidarity has been shaken by rising political polarization in recent years — a dangerous development because, today, the United States faces staggering global security challenges. National unity is essential as the United States responds to myriad threats, including Russia’s attempts to weaken us at home and abroad, Iran’s military adventurism and support for terrorism, and North Korea’s continuing nuclear threat.

But the most formidable challenge, perhaps the most daunting the United States has faced since World War II, is how to respond to the rise of China.

Beyond wanting to restore its place as Asia’s dominant nation, China is seeking to become the most powerful and influential country in the world. Moreover, its economic success is allowing its authoritarian political system and mixed economic system to become a model for other countries. For the first time in decades, there is a worldwide debate about the best form of government and economic system.

China’s People’s Liberation Army is on a path to becoming a military power stronger than any the United States has encountered since the days of the Soviet Union. Beijing knows that any contest in Asia between China and an adversary, including the United States, would first be a naval- and air-combat engagement, and the Chinese have prepared accordingly, developing sophisticated capabilities at sea, in the air — and even in space. China’s military is also undergoing its most profound organizational reforms since the modern nation’s founding in 1949. Beijing is better capable of projecting military power than ever.

Beyond its growing military, China makes a particularly challenging adversary because it deploys legitimate economic and diplomatic tactics, such as free-trade agreements and development assistance, and illegitimate ones, such as intellectual property theft, economic coercion and the seizure of contested islands in the South China Sea.

The question of how an established power deals with the rise of a new global power is one at least as old as Thucydides. It is one the United States needs to answer, and answer soon.

We have not yet found a long-term strategy. But the status quo is not an option because, every day, China grows in confidence that it can go its own way. Similarly, containment is not an option because China’s power is already too great and the rest of the world’s dependence on it too significant.

Some in the national-security community believe there is a deal to be had, one in which the United States would cede some of its global influence in exchange for Beijing’s agreement to adhere to the rules of the international order. Others, questioning whether China even needs a deal with the United States to become the world’s most powerful nation, suggest that we need to think about how we best manage ourselves as No. 2, as Britain did after World War II.

Personally, I remain hopeful that a deal may be possible — but it will take the United States convincing China that if it wants to succeed in the world, it still needs us. That will happen only if the United States plays hardball when China violates long-standing rules, but accepts and even rewards Beijing when it follows them. This means pushing back hard against hostile moves such as militarizing the South China Sea, while welcoming Beijing’s launching of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank two years ago.

We may not all agree on a specific strategy, but collaborating across political divides is essential to developing and implementing a long-term plan sophisticated enough to address the challenge posed by China. With the political football in Washington today distracting so much attention, foreign policy issues are in danger of being overlooked until it is too late. The 9/11 attacks showed us the cost of being unprepared. "
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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 10:07am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3604 - Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:52pm
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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 9:54am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3605 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 10:19am
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We had a good run.
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3606 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 2:54pm
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Joey wrote on Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:26pm:
<  ------------- GIMMEKEEF   ?!  ...  !!!!!!   :


" U.S. budget deficit widens to fifth-highest ever, CBO reports .  "

" The numbers: The U.S. budget deficit in August was $211 billion, nearly double the gap during the year-ago month, the Congressional Budget Office estimated late Monday.

Adjusted for shifts in the timing of payments that otherwise would have occurred on a weekend of holiday, the deficit would have grown by 19%. The Treasury Department will report final official numbers on Thursday, and they are usually very similar to the CBO’s.

What happened: Excluding timing shifts, outlays grew 8%, as the net interest on public debt jumped 25%, defense spending jumped 10%, outlays for Social Security grew 5%, and outlays for Medicare benefits rose 7%. There also was an Agriculture Department downward adjustment made in the year-ago August. One boost to government finances was an increase in spectrum payments to the Federal Communications Commission.

Receipts fell by 3%, with corporate taxes dropping by $5 billion, while revenue from income and payroll taxes rose marginally.

The big picture: The budget deficit is widening in a big way. In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the deficit was $895 billion, which is $222 billion more than the previous year. Outlays have climbed 7% while revenue rose 1%.

Corporate taxes have plummeted by 30% this fiscal year, both because of the lower rate as well as the expanded ability to immediately deduct the full value of equipment purchases. Individual income and payroll taxes have climbed 4%, as increasing wages — mostly, due to more people having jobs — offset a lower withholding rate.

Spending on Social Security and Medicare have climbed 4% as more baby boomers retire, outlays on net interest on the debt have jumped 19% in part due to a higher rate of inflation triggering more payments to inflation-protected securities holders, and defense spending has jumped 6%.

Kevin Hassett, the White House chief economic adviser, was careful in a briefing with reporters on Monday to say the corporate tax cuts — but not the whole package — would pay for themselves with higher growth.

“I think that the notion that the corporate tax side has about paid for itself is clearly in the data,” he said. “On the individual side, there was about a trillion-dollar cost. About $700 billion of that was a refundable child credit that got expanded at the last minute to get the votes they needed to pass it.”

(The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates the modification to the child tax credit to cost $573 billion over a decade, and that the individual side cost $1.13 trillion in total.)

Other administration officials have made more sweeping claims that the entire tax cut would pay for itself, including Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin and former National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn.

I'm waiting for a Tweet that will blame Obama for this.....
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3607 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 8:50pm
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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2018 at 8:19am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3608 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 8:56pm
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< ------------ Some Guy   ?!   ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!   :


" Albert R. Hunt: It's too late to stop a blue wave, but Trump still might try .  "

"  A consensus is building in both U.S. political parties that Democrats are heavily favored to take control of the House of Representatives on Nov. 6 and to pick up half a dozen governors' offices, while Republicans hang on to their slim Senate majority.

But there's a caveat: Politics is unpredictable with President Donald Trump in the White House.

It would be foolish to rule out the possibility that the prospect of Republican losses in the midterm election will provoke Trump to take some kind of dramatic executive action during the next eight weeks. If he does, it could work for his party or it could just as easily backfire.

Democrats would need to pick up 23 Republican seats to take over the House and two to capture the Senate. There are 20 to 25 House seats and seven or eight Senate seats that remain toss-ups. Any of them could be tipped by mistakes, embarrassing revelations or unusual developments like ones that took place last week when Michigan's Republican governor refused to endorse his party's candidate to succeed him, or when Florida's Democratic gubernatorial candidate made a pedestrian choice of a running mate.

But the momentum building toward a Democratic wave, small or sizable, is unlikely to fade. "I've never seen a wave reverse or dissipate between midsummer and Election Day," said Charlie Cook, editor and publisher of the Cook Political Report and a sage of U.S. elections. "They have just remained constant or gotten bigger, like 1994 and 2006."

Over more than half a century, there have only been two midterm elections where a post-Labor Day event changed the dynamics of the overall race. In both cases, these involved weighty historical events, and Republicans were marginally hurt. One was in 1974, when President Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for crimes related to the Watergate scandal. The other was the Cuban missile crisis of 1962.

An international crisis is possible, especially if Trump seeks to create a distraction from his own scandals. Whether real or manufactured, Trump would be called upon to handle it with the same skill President John Kennedy displayed during the Cuban nuclear confrontation in the Cold War. That's far-fetched.

The 2018 do-nothing Congress still has a month to go. House Republican leaders want to pass a few spending bills and get out by early October so endangered incumbents can campaign. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell will probably keep the Senate in session for most of October to inhibit Democratic incumbents from spending more time on the campaign trail and to force votes on federal judicial nominations.

For all the fury over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, he's expected to be confirmed on a mostly party-line vote, perhaps by Oct. 1, when the Supreme Court convenes. Politically, the fight probably is a wash or a slight energizer for Democrats.

These plans could be sidetracked if Trump threatens a government shutdown to try to force Congress to approve money for his wall on the southern border. The issue of a small pay raise for federal employees, which budget director Mick Mulvaney nixed, could get ensnared in this. Fearing the pay raise could cost them a half-dozen House seats, Republican leaders would like to pass a modified version but fear Trump won't go along.

The president earlier threatened a shutdown, then last week seemed to retreat, only to renew the threat yet again. As Stan Collender, a commentator on the federal budget, noted, "Nothing Trump says on any particular day should be treated as gospel."

Trump retains the support of his most loyal fans, but his credibility among other Americans is eroding. The Washington Post's fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, reported Sept. 4 that the president has made 4,713 false or misleading statements since he took the oath of office in 2017; the summer months saw new highs.

Trump's unpredictability is bound to be amplified in the coming weeks. He has already lashed out wildly over revelations in a new book by Washington-watcher Bob Woodward and an anonymous New York Times op-ed column about White House dysfunction and efforts by staffers there to undermine their boss. Soon-to-be released books by the journalist Michael Lewis on chaos in important agencies and the communications scholar Kathleen Hall Jamieson on Russian manipulation of the 2016 presidential election — not to mention continuing fallout from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation of possible links between the Trump campaign and the election meddling — are likely to enrage this unstable president even more.

I remember the dark moods of White House aides during the Watergate scandal and after the exposure in 1998 of President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. But these were mild compared to the gloom in the Trump White House, where hardly anyone trusts anyone else.

For the midterms, one slim hope for Republicans is that they tend to narrow their polling deficits right before an election. That's often because Democratic voters aren't motivated. This November, however, Democrats have the great motivator sitting in the White House.  "

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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2018 at 8:49am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3609 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 8:56pm
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gimmekeef wrote on Sep 11th, 2018 at 2:54pm:
Joey wrote on Sep 10th, 2018 at 9:26pm:
<  ------------- GIMMEKEEF   ?!  ...  !!!!!!   :


" U.S. budget deficit widens to fifth-highest ever, CBO reports .  "

" The numbers: The U.S. budget deficit in August was $211 billion, nearly double the gap during the year-ago month, the Congressional Budget Office estimated late Monday.

Adjusted for shifts in the timing of payments that otherwise would have occurred on a weekend of holiday, the deficit would have grown by 19%. The Treasury Department will report final official numbers on Thursday, and they are usually very similar to the CBO’s.

What happened: Excluding timing shifts, outlays grew 8%, as the net interest on public debt jumped 25%, defense spending jumped 10%, outlays for Social Security grew 5%, and outlays for Medicare benefits rose 7%. There also was an Agriculture Department downward adjustment made in the year-ago August. One boost to government finances was an increase in spectrum payments to the Federal Communications Commission.

Receipts fell by 3%, with corporate taxes dropping by $5 billion, while revenue from income and payroll taxes rose marginally.

The big picture: The budget deficit is widening in a big way. In the first 11 months of the fiscal year, the deficit was $895 billion, which is $222 billion more than the previous year. Outlays have climbed 7% while revenue rose 1%.

Corporate taxes have plummeted by 30% this fiscal year, both because of the lower rate as well as the expanded ability to immediately deduct the full value of equipment purchases. Individual income and payroll taxes have climbed 4%, as increasing wages — mostly, due to more people having jobs — offset a lower withholding rate.

Spending on Social Security and Medicare have climbed 4% as more baby boomers retire, outlays on net interest on the debt have jumped 19% in part due to a higher rate of inflation triggering more payments to inflation-protected securities holders, and defense spending has jumped 6%.

Kevin Hassett, the White House chief economic adviser, was careful in a briefing with reporters on Monday to say the corporate tax cuts — but not the whole package — would pay for themselves with higher growth.

“I think that the notion that the corporate tax side has about paid for itself is clearly in the data,” he said. “On the individual side, there was about a trillion-dollar cost. About $700 billion of that was a refundable child credit that got expanded at the last minute to get the votes they needed to pass it.”

(The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates the modification to the child tax credit to cost $573 billion over a decade, and that the individual side cost $1.13 trillion in total.)

Other administration officials have made more sweeping claims that the entire tax cut would pay for itself, including Treasury Sec. Steven Mnuchin and former National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn.

I'm waiting for a Tweet that will blame Obama for this.....

Another line of bullshit that has never happened and never will. Anyone with a decent amount of wisdom and common sense and has listened to real economists over the decades should know this.
Of course with wisdom and common sense on the decline over my lifetime, and the major uptick of not attempting to use it if one has these attributes, far too many are clueless. The voluntary non use is jaw dropping, especially these past few years.


"Share the pain and laughter in a world beset with fools." Jagger/Richards
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« Last Edit: Sep 11th, 2018 at 9:26pm by Maxmeister »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3610 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 9:03pm
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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2018 at 9:39am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3611 - Sep 11th, 2018 at 9:14pm
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<  --------------- Another Friday Evening    ..................  Another Night of  ................ Wait for it !!!!!!!   .......   :

That is right .   THAT IS RIGHT !!!!!!   : 



*********  " DRINKING WITH Xi !!!!!!!  "   ***********

Hello Me Stoneslings  ,   

Last Friday Evening  ,  Emperor Xi arrived at The Brazen Head right on time  -- approximately 10:00 PM  ; CDT .
Xi’s Entourage pulled up in the back patio area as The Emperor himself decided to say  , “ Hi “  to many of the local ladies . 
This resulted in Bar Manager Christy having to go ahead and give away The Emperor’s waiting VIP Guinness to another patron 
as he prefers the correct temperature / carbonation with a Shamrock Imprinted Beer Head  😊 .
     After about a ½ half hour , Xi and myself sat down together and began to discuss our favorite subject  --- Pocahontas .
Xi stated that he witnessed Pocahontas on Morning Joe   ---   droning on and on that day about some new , prodigious 
‘ pet ‘ project .  I brayed ,  “ Speaking of  ‘ pets  ‘ ,  that particular episode led to numerous , mysterious animal expirations . “
Apparently , during the course of the interview  , as the audience drifted away  ,  turned the channel or anxiously unplugged their cable ;
Nielsen Media Research confirmed MSNBC had one type of viewer left that morning : individuals who leave their televisions
on all day long in order to keep their pets company   ---  this salient aspect having some rather deleterious effects .
There were numerous reports of animal suicides  ,  pets getting shocked as they chewed the cable wire in order to remove
that Pocahontas’ image / whine   ,  animals dying of heart attacks  ,  one dog in particular could not take her incessant murmuring and
literally , LITERALLY ran across the living room whilst building up enough speed in order to smash through a huge pane
glass window  --- thus falling fifty stories to his death   .  NASTY WOMAN !!!!!!  We both agreed that next time Pocahontas
should open up her Lil’ Spit Kit  ( ' … that Lil’ Kit !!!!!   …… THAT LIL’ KIT !!!!! ' ) live on television and prove to the World her Native
American Heritage ( ………..High Cheekbones can only get you so far on the Reservation )  .
     Xi and myself continue , CONTINUE to pray Pocahontas runs against our Great President Donald J. Trump
( PARAMOUNT Leader ! ) in 2020 . That will assure a Republican Fifty State Victory as not one single male will give her a vote .
At that point the Emperor escorted some of his newfound ‘ local ladies ‘ into the Robert Emmet Room not to be seen again for the
rest of the evening .

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« Last Edit: Sep 12th, 2018 at 2:08pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3612 - Sep 12th, 2018 at 11:46am
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JP Morgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon threw out some fighting words in President Donald Trump’s direction.

“I think I could beat Trump... because I’m as tough as he is, I’m smarter than he is” Dimon said at a Wednesday event in New York, according to CNBC.

“And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money. It wasn’t a gift from daddy.”
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Edith Grove
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3613 - Sep 12th, 2018 at 1:22pm
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Hurricane Florence: Washington Post declares Trump is 'complicit' for dangerous storm

The editorial board of the Washington Post has declared that President Trump is “complicit” for Hurricane Florence because of his views on climate change.

The massive storm has not made landfall yet, but the Post published a column on Wednesday headlined, “Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.”

Read about more misinformation from WAPO here:
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“What rap did that was impressive was to show there are so many tone-deaf people out there,” he says. “All they need is a drum beat and somebody yelling over it and they’re happy. There’s an enormous market for people who can’t tell one note from another.” - Keef
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3614 - Sep 12th, 2018 at 9:44pm
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<  ---------------  YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :







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« Last Edit: Sep 13th, 2018 at 12:55pm by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3615 - Sep 13th, 2018 at 8:01am
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Edith Grove wrote on Sep 12th, 2018 at 1:22pm:
Hurricane Florence: Washington Post declares Trump is 'complicit' for dangerous storm

The editorial board of the Washington Post has declared that President Trump is “complicit” for Hurricane Florence because of his views on climate change.

The massive storm has not made landfall yet, but the Post published a column on Wednesday headlined, “Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit.”

Read about more misinformation from WAPO here:

Meanwhile Sean Hannity says its sunny today because of his pal Trump. This shit is off the rails
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3616 - Sep 13th, 2018 at 8:57pm
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<  --------------- THIS IS SO COOL !!!!!!!   :

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3617 - Sep 13th, 2018 at 9:04pm
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3618 - Sep 13th, 2018 at 9:19pm
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<  -------------- GIMMEKEEF   ?!    .... !!!!!!   :


" Michael Gerson: Kavanaugh is better than his senatorial accusers . "

" A surefire ideological Kool-Aid test? Those who think Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was wounded during his hearings have heavily imbibed.

Democratic senators on the Judiciary Committee set out to prove Kavanaugh is a mendacious political hack with the strategy of acting like mendacious political hacks. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., offered to sacrifice his political career in a move obviously calculated to serve his political career, boldly releasing “confidential” committee documents that had already been released and that did nothing to prove Kavanaugh’s unfitness.

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., hinted darkly at the malignant influence of the Federalist Society — though it turned out that every member of the current Supreme Court, and Whitehouse himself, had participated in Federalist Society events. Kavanaugh displayed many skills during his Senate hearings, but one above all: the ability to suffer political fools.

A few Democratic members, including the consistently thoughtful Sen. Chris Coons, attempted to discuss the law. But this was largely a distraction from a series of “scandals” that never rose above the level of clarifications. Was Kavanaugh somehow responsible for an enhanced interrogation program that was above his security clearance and that he was never briefed about? Was he somehow responsible for knowing that information from swiped Democratic briefing memos had made their way into material he read? Was he somehow responsible for the birth-control views of a plaintiff because the nominee made reference to it? This last charge, summarized by Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., as a “dog whistle going after birth control,” earned “Four Pinocchios” from the Washington Post’s Fact Checker.

Each political side has chosen to live in a post-truth world. In one case, deceit serves the president’s interests and ego. In the other case, deceit serves progressive ideology. But in both instances, loyalty is proved by lies.

And by viciousness. Attempts by progressive interest groups to influence the undecided Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, in her words, “have been laced with threats, with profanity, with vulgar language, completely inappropriate.” Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., calls this “unfortunate.” Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., calls it “shameful.” Tennessee Senate candidate Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, says he is “embarrassed by the circus” that Supreme Court confirmations have become. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., began a round of questions with an apology to Kavanaugh: “I’m sorry about the circumstances, but we’ll get through it.” And she was later slammed by progressives for this demonstration of disloyal politeness.

Bitterness in this broken process is, of course, nothing new. But there has been a serious decline in the quality of calumny. When the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., went after Judge Robert Bork in 1987, even the deceptions had more gravity. “Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions,” Kennedy thundered, “blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of government.”

What are some of the closing charges against Kavanaugh? In Kavanaugh’s America, sports fans spend unsustainable amounts on season tickets, judges refuse to shake the hand of a stranger they don’t realize is the parent of a shooting victim and meaningless papers that pass through the hands of a White House staff secretary are withheld at whim. And if you don’t wear an outfit from “The Handmaid’s Tale” and constantly interrupt your enemies, you are a (expletive deleted).

I have no doubt that some senators will attempt to channel Kennedy’s charges against Kavanaugh during the floor debate. But this nominee has none of Bork’s air of menace. He is a careful, thoughtful judge of originalist convictions and moderate temperament. And he is more than qualified for the court. A statement from faculty at Yale University calls him “a true intellectual” and “one of the most learned judges in America.”

It is simply not credible to hold Kavanaugh responsible for the offense of replacing the Supreme Court’s swing vote. It is not credible to hold Kavanaugh responsible for the shabby treatment that President Barack Obama’s nominee, Merrick Garland, received. And it is not credible to impose a pro-choice litmus test on the nominee of a pro-life president.

Kavanaugh is the best of his judicial peers; he is better than his senatorial accusers; and, if there is any justice, he is headed for confirmation.  "
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« Last Edit: Sep 14th, 2018 at 8:46am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3619 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 10:23am
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Some Guy wrote on Aug 27th, 2018 at 3:45pm:


< --------------------  POLITICS AIN'T BEANBAG !!!!!!!!!!!!  :

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3620 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 10:29am
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Some Guy wrote on Sep 12th, 2018 at 11:46am:
JP Morgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon threw out some fighting words in President Donald Trump’s direction.

“I think I could beat Trump... because I’m as tough as he is, I’m smarter than he is” Dimon said at a Wednesday event in New York, according to CNBC.

“And by the way this wealthy New Yorker actually earned his money. It wasn’t a gift from daddy.”

<  -------------- SOME GUY   ... ?! ... !!!!!   :

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3621 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 10:34am
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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3622 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 10:36am
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<  ------ I AM NOW ENERGIZED !!!!!!!!  ..........................  FEELING FRISKY !!!!!    ...................... 
AND YOU   ?!      ....... POLITICS AIN'T BEANBAG    :


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« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2018 at 8:58am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3623 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 10:38am
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<  --------------- Another Friday Evening    ..................  Another Night of  ................ Wait for it !!!!!!!   .......   :

That is right .   THAT IS RIGHT !!!!!!   : 



*********  " DRINKING WITH Xi !!!!!!!  "   ***********

Hello Me Stoneslings  ,   

     It was an unusually hot , humid  , VERY late summer September Evening as Emperor Xi and myself met up at The Brazen Head
Friday Night   ----  The Emperor dressed quite casually  [ Tan Causal Classic Blazer ( No Stretch ) and Loafers ] for once and even
arrived early so he could sit at the bar and chat up Assistant Bar Manager Heather .  Upon my arrival  , Xi motioned me over to my
reserved seat as he promptly ordered up some Guinness Pints and a couple of shots of his newfound love : BarenJager ( Honey Liqueur) .
Xi absolutely LOVES this stuff and we drank so much Friday Night I swear I was going to turn into a Friggin BEE ! 

     Anyway  , Emperor Xi noticed that I was wearing an Ankle Brace and he asked  , “ What Happened ? “  I said , what do you THINK
Happened ? “  Xi immediately nodded (  ……  with a sly , all – knowing smile on his face ) as I told him the harrowing story of 
what I experienced in my very own home was eerily reminiscent of that excellent scene from one of our favorite movies : PATTON .
The referenced storyline concerns this particular Lead In    …..   what took place right before the 1943 Battle of Kasserine Pass of the Tunisia
Campaign of World War II  .  The Emperor subtly hinted that he knew EXACTLTY what I was talking about but said , 
“ Tell Me More .  “  I explained how I woke up a bit late one day last week [ 6:10 AM  ; CDT ] , turned on Morning Joe quite loud and   
went into the bathroom in order to take my Morning Sh#t !!!!  I related that I was sitting on the Bog -- preparing to crap up  -- when
all of a sudden my pet cat and my girlfriend’s toy dog began to nervously pace the house whilst emitting frightful , terrifying mewls and
meows . In the distance I could hear all of the neighbor’s animals do exactly the same thing (  .. panicked barking  , incessant growling
and fierce yapping with even the Mustangs at the horse ranch ten miles away trying to break through the fences ) . I always leave the 
bathroom door open so I can hear the television when all of a sudden Mika bellowed  ,  “  and we will be right back with our special
guest    …………….. :   POCAHONTAS !!!!!!  “    ****   OMFG !!!! ….I immediately reared up my butt cheeks , hopped off the Bog
and as I raced to switch the television channel I slipped on the bathroom rug and smacked me head up against the baseboard wall . 
In a state of groggy delirium I crawled through the hallway , into the bedroom , picked up a shoe and threw it at the television .
Luckily ,  a ‘ million to one ‘  shot turned off the set just as our ‘ Poca ‘ was about to speak  . * WHEW !!! *  My pets thanked
me for saving them by profusely licking me all over my body  --- Heck , I did not even need to take a shower  😊

     Emperor Xi patted me on the back and stated his citizenry goes through the EXACT same torment and we both agreed
if there is such a thing as ‘ Weather Alerts ‘ and ‘ Amber Alerts ‘ why not ‘ Pocahontas Alerts ‘ ?  * NASTY WOMAN !!!!! *

     Suddenly , Bar Manager Christy (  …. I thought she was on Holiday? ) emerged from the shadows , gave Xi
a long , passionate Hug and the two of them disappeared into the Robert Emmet Room for the rest of the evening .      


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« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2018 at 10:03am by Joey »  

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Re: Politics thread (ssc!!) - Enter at your own risk! Warning… Probable bullcrap inside
Reply #3624 - Sep 17th, 2018 at 8:48pm
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<  ------------ Some Guy  ?!  .... !!!!!   :


" Michael Gerson: Kavanaugh nomination now hangs by thinnest of strings .  "

" WASHINGTON -- It is difficult to comment on an unfolding news story, but this one demands it. It is hard to write about someone you know and like, especially concerning matters of character. But sometimes there is little choice.

In the case of Brett Kavanaugh vs. Christine Blasey Ford, the moral issues are not fuzzy or unclear. It is seriously wrong even for a teenager to force himself on a woman in a drunken stupor -- if it happened. It is seriously wrong for a Supreme Court nominee to lie about his past failures -- if he did. It is seriously wrong to make false, inflammatory accusations -- if she has.

The problem comes in interpreting the facts of the case and applying an unavoidably political criteria of worthiness. American politics is not conducted in a courtroom. The standard is not "beyond a reasonable doubt." Yet there must be some standard, or else accusation would always mean conviction. Under this circumstance, fewer good men and women would take the risk of public service, knowing their credibility could be so easily destroyed.

The proper standard for public judgment is credibility. Were the charges of creepy and disturbing sexual behavior against Senate candidate Roy Moore credible? I think so, based on the testimony of multiple, credible victims, who do not seem to have ulterior motives. The case against Moore was not certain, but I found his guilt likely.

Are the charges of sexual exploitation and assault true against Bill Clinton and Donald Trump? In both cases, there is a pattern of credible accusations. With Trump, there is also a tape on which he brags of sexual assault, which speaks to his mental and moral attitude toward women.

The current state of the case against Kavanaugh does not yet match the credibility of these other accusations. So far, the charge against Kavanaugh is not corroborated by anyone else at the party in question. The later notes from Ford's therapist are ambiguous and do not include Kavanaugh's name. And there are no other accusations that might indicate a pattern of wrongdoing.

I would add -- as a matter of disclosure -- that I worked closely with Kavanaugh for years at the White House. I can't be a completely unbiased judge. But a columnist can't recuse himself from the largest issue of the day. For what it is worth, the charge of sexual assault is utterly inconsistent with everything I saw of Kavanaugh's character and behavior toward women. He is distinguished by his unfailingly kind, considerate and respectful demeanor. To me, it is completely incredible to think of him as a sexual predator.

And yet, I know that friends and coworkers of Ford might claim the same about her character and veracity. If her charge is true, making it public -- given the media's saturation coverage and scrutiny -- is a costly and admirable act. And all the testimonials for Kavanaugh in the world might not shed light on the way he might have been as a drunken teen.

This charge needs to be fully examined by members of the Judiciary Committee, no matter how much additional time that takes. They will be tasked with answering two questions: Is it credible that this assault happened? And is it part of a pattern of similar abuse?

The theoretical issue -- should a terrible act done by a 17-year-old disqualify his 53-year-old self from a sensitive government job? -- is an interesting one. How about a 17-year-old who kills someone while driving drunk? Or a 17-year-old who deals drugs?

In most cases, if we were talking about a single incident in someone's youth, we might be lenient. But we properly place sexual assault in a special category of cruelty because of the type of lasting damage it inflicts. And we properly expect higher standards of probity from a judge than from other officials.

But these are not likely to be the decisive issues. If the charge by Ford against Kavanaugh is true, it means he had boldly lied by categorically denying it. And those he lied to -- his Senate jury -- would properly find this disqualifying.

The Kavanaugh nomination now hangs by the thinnest of strings. If Ford's accusation is supported by other credible witnesses who were at the party, or if additional, credible accusations emerge from later in Kavanaugh's life, he should withdraw. If there is only a single, unsupported accusation, the Senate would be setting an unsustainable precedent by letting this determine the membership of the Supreme Court.  "
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« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2018 at 8:27am by Joey »  

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