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Blues Brothers, Lou Marini (Read 540 times)
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Blues Brothers, Lou Marini
Oct 13th, 2009 at 11:41am
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Lou Marini is an Italian American saxophonist who was played with everyone, from James Taylor to Frank Zappa and the Rolling Stones.
He is also a member of the amazing Blues Brothers Band and even appeared as 'Blue Lou' in the cult 1980 movie which starred John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd.
The film came out nearly 30 years ago and John Belushi died in 1982, but the Blues Brothers band is still going strong.

Indeed it recently released an entertaining CD of Italian folk songs, but sung in a Blues Brothers style.
And its title - O Soul Mio - instead of - O Sole Mio - is a clever play on words.

Lou Marini Talks about the early days of the Blues Brothers Band:

'We just thought it wasd going to be a very nice paying and a lot of fun for a couple of weeks of reharsal and 13 days. or 10 days, whatever it was. in Los Angeles, and when we went out and did the gig, every night it was totally packed, sold out, and people gave us standing ovations every night.

Even night backstage De Niro, Bette Midler, Danny De Vito, Robin Williams, everybody was hanging out backstage.
They were all... people were freaking out about the Blues Brothers band and I remember one night looking out in the audience and the person closest to me was Jack Nicholson, he was at the front row seat, you know, and he looked up at me and he took his sunglasses and he lowered then below so

I could see his eyes and he went like "Wow!" I mean, you know! It was hot in those early years when Belushi died, we felt that was the end of it but, five or six years later, Matt Murphy, the guitar player, was playing in Italy and an Italian promoter asked him if it was possible that the Blues Brothers band could get together and  play some concerts.

So he approcached everyone and we hooked up with a promoter here in the United States and we went to Italy and we played five concerts  -

it was in march of '87, I think - and then we came back and we played a month that summer, all over Europe, and then we've been touring ever since.'

                Italian Style
The album 'O Soul Mio' is released in Italy by N.A.R. International Eden.It is a joint production involving the Blues Brothers Band ( In the USA), and the Italian group, Blues for People (a charity
project which raises money for organisations like IN -PRESA).

For more Info on how to buy the CD ( or download its tracks legally) visit:

Lou: a man and his sax, in addition to playing various forms of saxophone (Alto, Tenor ect) ,
Italian American Lou Marini is also an accomplished flautist.
As a 'session man' he has playedwith many famous acts (including Frank Zappa, the Rolling Stones and Steve Wonder).

Yet he is most famous for being one of the original members of the Blues Brothers Band.
Their lates project, 'O Soul Mio' asks the interesting question:
"What would have happened if the Blues Brothers had been Italian?"
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Re: Blues Brothers, Lou Marini
Reply #1 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 12:57pm
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When did he play with the Stones?
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steel driving hammer
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Re: Blues Brothers, Lou Marini
Reply #2 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 1:03pm
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Saturday Night Live maybe baby?
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Unholy Trinity Admin

Rat Bastid      "We piss
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Re: Blues Brothers, Lou Marini
Reply #3 - Oct 13th, 2009 at 5:55pm
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Thats what sprung to mind, but the Stones didnt use any sax players on their only SNL appearance (in 1978)

A quick name search on nzentgraf.de shows that he did play on Peter Tosh's SNL performance later that year when Mick duetted with him. He's also played at shows featuring Mick Taylor (in 1988) and Bill Wyman (in 2004), but not with the Stones as a band.
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