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Another silly news article with SC (yawn) (Read 204 times)
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Another silly news article with SC (yawn)
Sep 8th, 2009 at 11:42am
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TV charmer Nigel Havers comes clean on partying with Mick Jagger, the pain of losing his wife and rumours of a royal romance
By Lisa Sewards
Last updated at 11:25 PM on 03rd September 2009
Comments (9) Add to My Stories The Hon Nigel Havers cuts an elegant figure in a blue open-neck shirt and grey slacks and by his very presence transforms the hotel bar where we meet into a mini Merchant Ivory film scene.

Still boyish at 57, the instant effect Havers has on women has enabled him to romp through life with twin careers as professional actor and ladies' man.

As befits his cavalier attitude, Havers tends to steer clear of serious work, opting instead for the comedies that made him a household sex symbol.
Sex symbol: Nigel Havers admits to being a 'prolific' lover but denied any romance with Princess Diana

So his latest role in BBC sitcom Lunch Monkeys is a departure from type  -  rather than a dandy or cad, he plays a serious-minded solicitor.

However, Havers is at a slight advantage, coming from a distinguished legal family.

His grandfather, Sir Cecil Havers, was the High Court judge who sentenced to death Ruth Ellis, who shot her lover and became the last woman in the UK to be hanged; his father, Lord Havers, was Attorney General and later Lord Chancellor; his Aunt Lizzie is Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, also a High Court judge and the former president of the High Court Family Division. Even his brother Philip is a top QC.

Havers himself never considered a career in law and chose the thespian route instead. The decision paid off with a solid body of work and roles including the multi-Oscar winning film of 1981, Chariots Of Fire, A Passage To India, Empire Of The Sun and the television series The Charmer  -  all of which helped to form the perception of him as the Englishman's Englishman, always ready with a snooty putdown or arrogant toss of his blond fringe.

'The law? Oh no, I was never tempted. It seemed to me, as a sensitive soul, that it would be much harder work than acting.'
  Sadness: Nigel lost his second wife Polly Williams, to ovarian cancer (left). He is now happily married to his third wife Georgiana Bronfman

But did this decision leave him with a touch of an inferiority complex? 'More a feeling of second-class citizen. My brother was doing everything in the right way and I was the black sheep of the family who went off the radar,' he says.

'My brother is 18 months older than me but it's like he's 20 years older, because he's a proper, serious grown-up and he always was, even aged 12. I try not to think about how silly the business I am in is because then I wouldn't be able to do it. When you think of the impressive things some people do with their lives, it makes me seem ridiculous.'

People like your family? 'Precisely. Law runs through the Havers family like blood through veins,' he explains, recalling the day he watched his father cross-examine Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper.

'He would pause and it was as if someone had sucked the air out of the room. Yet here I am, a grown man, pretending to be other people for a living. I would be insane to take it too seriously. I try to avoid talking to my wife about work because it sends her to sleep.'

Havers is even embarrassed to talk about his role in Lunch Monkeys as Mike Cranford, described as 'the glamour and power of the law personified'. 'Is that what the BBC say about the part?' he laughs.

'They make it as important as they can, bless them. But I can't expect people to take me seriously if I started talking about the solicitor character I play.'

In a survey two years ago, Havers was voted among the top 20 most powerful people in British theatre, just behind playwright Harold Pinter. Not that he cares much, as his passion is the pursuit of hedonism.

'Well, I do love a do,' he grins. 'One of my earliest memories is being taught to open a bottle of wine by my father so that I might be sent to fetch more when they were entertaining. We had wonderful parties  -  lots of actors from the Garrick Club. The evenings would end with me and Dad having a pee on the lawn at 2am and him saying, "Another wonderful night".'

But his first real taste of the rock 'n' roll lifestyle came when Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones were arrested for drugs offences back in 1967.

'Dad had already made a name for himself as a lawyer and when the story about their arrest came on the TV news, he turned to me and laughed, saying that he hoped he wouldn't have to defend them. Well, guess what? He did.'

The case became a cause celebre, but his father's defence was successful and Jagger and Richards became his friends, as well as clients. It meant that young Nigel was suddenly thrust into the Stones' circle.

At the party following the Stones' court triumph, Marianne Faithfull, Jagger's girlfriend, was not wearing underwear. Havers confesses he was smitten. 'It was the party of all parties.

'Dad thought they were really intelligent and nice people. He adored Mick. He even took them to the Garrick, which raised a few eyebrows because there was a strict dress code  -  suits, ties and starched shirts  -  but Mick and Keith turned up in kaftans.

'But Dad didn't care what his fellow club members thought. The case had changed him  -  made him more relaxed and informal  -  and after that, for him, stiff collars were a thing of the past.'

The pattern was set for the life of Austin Powers which Havers began to lead in his parents' flat just off London's Fleet Street: 'The only worry was if the girl got pregnant, but then the pill came along and, boy, was that wonderful.'

He describes his mother, Lady Havers (who remarried after the death of his father), as a fantastic hostess and general good egg. 'We were encouraged to bring our women home to meet Mum and Dad and they were allowed in our beds,' he recalls.

With his aristocratic good looks, Nigel was a hit with the ladies. His lovers included nudes in studios, leading ladies and air stewardesses. It's known that Diana, Princess of Wales was an admirer, although Havers insists the only thing that went on between them was a bit of harmless flirting.

'I'd only just got married and a more serious liaison was never the brief,' he explains.

This was a rare moment of restraint. He recalls celebrating director David Lean's knighthood. Although Lean had cast him in A Passage To India and Havers respected him enormously, it didn't stop him inviting Lean's glamorous wife Sandy upstairs. 'Very enjoyable until we were rather rudely interrupted by David,' he says. 'But he didn't seem to mind.'

He can't begin to recall how many women he has slept with, but life is different now. 'I think I probably was prolific, but you never get 100 per cent of the women you want. You're lucky if you get 50 per cent. I don't think I could manage it now. Age creeps up on you. Now, I'm fond of a kip.'

Does his wife, Georgiana, mind about his prolific sexual history? 'She does laugh for a bit, then she says: "Now forget it. Don't look back. We'll look forward."'

Two years ago, Havers married his third wife, Georgiana Bronfman, 57, the Essex-born ex-wife of an extremely wealthy American media tycoon, then the fifth-richest man in America.

But he denies they can afford to retire. 'She didn't take him to the cleaners at all, in fact. I have to work and she has to work as well. So I'm not very, very rich because of her. I'm very, very poor.'

This is nonsense, of course, as they own a London flat and a home in Wiltshire.

However, their relationship raised eyebrows since it appeared to start just weeks after the death of his second wife, Polly Williams, from ovarian cancer in 2004.

'I never expected to find anyone after Polly because I never think more than two minutes ahead. Also, I'm better off being with someone than being on my own.'

Havers had watched Polly deteriorate for months; he turned down work and cooked and kept house while her health grew worse. He supported cancer charities and devoted himself to her.

He has never talked openly about Polly's five years of illness but says: 'It was a long battle that she just sort of fought and fought.' He accepts that Polly's death is his 'allocation of s***' in an otherwise 'very lucky' life.

'Women,' he confesses, 'have given me some of the most wonderful and some of the hardest moments in my life. Polly was extraordinary, a really tough character and that makes it even worse in a way. She was a strong personality, so that leaves a bigger gap.'

He is a natural optimist. 'I have built-in Prozac. It's protective, really. I've always said to myself, you've got to be positive. That's me, Mr Micawber, always waiting for something good to turn up.'

But despite having played dirty, rotten scoundrels over the years, he was dismayed to find himself cast as the real-life rogue in 1987, when he was still married to his first wife, Carolyn (by whom he has a daughter, Kate, now 32), and his three-year affair with Polly Williams became public.

Then he dashed between the two, physically and emotionally, unable to decide whom he wanted. He finally chose Polly.

At the time he was working hard, filming Empire Of The Sun in Shanghai, then Farewell To The King in Borneo. He buried his head in the sand for a while, but eventually wound up in a psychiatric hospital.

'I was on a roll work-wise and having to do all these films one after the other. That certainly contributed to the meltdown, that lack of control. Plus, I didn't know which woman to be with. And you end up thinking: "I wish I could just have them both." Which is not allowed.'

He says there is nothing of the cad about him in reality and that Georgiana puts up with his obsessive cleaning rituals. 'I vacuum a lot, he admits. 'It has driven several women in my life mad. If Georgiana stands still long enough she's put into a cupboard.'

As well as being a bon viveur, Havers is excellent company and can regale any audience with a good yarn, like the night his parents' Wimbledon home was bombed by the IRA because Dad had sent down the Guildford Four.

'They were in Spain at the time, thank God. Various clothes and things were found on Wimbledon Common, which is quite a long way away.

'My dad was guarded 24 hours a day so the family got to know the two coppers; they were really nice guys and they used to carry guns and things, and when my daughter was very young she liked to see the guns out on the table  -  that was a big thrill for her.

'One Boxing Day, we were staying at my parents' house when they were away staying with friends, and Kate, then only four years old, managed to hit the panic alarm button and I didn't realise until we were completely surrounded by police; it was amazing.'

Next up for Havers is another trip to America to film more episodes of the television series Brothers And Sisters. Georgiana will accompany him because Havers admits he would be a 'nightmare' if he was on his own.

This will be followed by a film which is destined to get off the ground based on those heady events of 1967. With the working title of Butterfly On A Wheel, after William Rees-Mogg's famous newspaper editorial defending Jagger and Richards, Havers hopes to play his father, while Jagger's son, James, is on a wish-list to play the old rock star.

'I've got some of Dad's notes and one of the policemen who actually raided Keith Richards' house has given me his notes  -  they're hysterical. We've got plenty of information and we've got it all strapped down, it's just a matter of now turning it into a really fun movie about the period. The script is under way.

'I may not have followed in Dad's footsteps, but at least I can bring his legal career to the screen. It's just a shame I'm no longer 16.'

LUNCH MONKEYS, a six-part comedy series, begins on BBC Three on Thursday at 10.30pm.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1211060/TV-charmer-Nigel-Havers-com...
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« Last Edit: Sep 8th, 2009 at 11:46am by Tumbled »  

Remember to keep your nose to the grindstone, your shoulder to the wheel, your feet on the ground, your eye on the ball, your ear to the ground, your finger on the pulse, your head on your shoulders, the pedal to the metal, a song in your heart, your hand on the helm and the bull by the horns
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