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GENERAL >> MAIN BOARD >> Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String$500

Message started by tumbledsomebody on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:37pm

Title: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String$500
Post by tumbledsomebody on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:37pm

You can buy a Keith Richards used guitar string made into a bracelet
for a mere $500.   100% of profits donated to : Nordoff Robbins UK

Disregard they are sold out!

Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by Edith Grove on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:41pm
Well, let me just whip out my credit card!  :boring

Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by tumbledsomebody on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:45pm
I know  

but here is the charity chosen by the artist which it will benefit:  which is pretty cool

Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy is founded on the principles of the pioneering music therapy work of American pianist and composer, Paul Nordoff (1909-77) and British educationalist Clive Robbins (b.1927). A national charity (RCN 280960) established in 1976, becoming registered in 1980, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy is the largest charitable provider of music therapy in the UK.

Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy promotes health, well-being and social inclusion through the skilled use of music with individuals, groups and communities who are challenged by disability, illness or injustice.

 © Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy / Photo: John Marshall

The Objects of the charity are:

To provide and extend music therapy services in the UK.

To train professional music therapists, and transmit music therapy knowledge and skills through broader educational programmes.

To research and develop music therapy as a professional practice and an academic discipline.

In order to fulfil these Objects, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy:

Provides and maintains the necessary resources and facilities.

Develops collaborations with individuals and organisations in Arts, Education, Health or Social Care Sectors.

Develops collaborations with associated professions and academic disciplines.

Pauline Etkin has led the charity since 1991, first as Managing Director, becoming Chief Executive Officer in 2008. She is assisted by a Senior Management Team comprising the Directors of the three operational departments of the charity (Services, Education, Research) as well as the Directors of Fundraising and Finance. The charity receives no statutory funding and is completely reliant on the generosity of individual and corporate support. For over 30 years it has been immensely fortunate to be one of the main charities supported by the UK music industry.

A sister charity, Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy in Scotland, provides access to, and develops awareness of, music therapy across Scotland. It is closely involved in the delivery of the Nordoff-Robbins Masters degree training programme at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

Music therapists trained in the Nordoff-Robbins approach are active throughout the world, including USA, Australia, Europe, South Africa and the Far East. Many music therapy training programmes worldwide have been influenced, or are based on the approach, and there are specific Nordoff-Robbins training programmes in New York and Sydney. Our Links page provides details of Nordoff-Robbins organisations worldwide.

you have arrived when you can sell your trash for $500

Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by platter on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:48pm
damn...i need to find a second job


Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by tumbledsomebody on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:52pm
Pete Towhshend is only $300

Keith's are sold out dam its time for a new tour for this reason alone!

Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by Saint Sway on Jul 10th, 2009 at 10:41am

Tumbled wrote on Jul 9th, 2009 at 6:52pm:
Pete Towhshend is only $300

Only $300?...

Normally when I re-string, I just toss the old strings out. When clearly all along I should've been making them into bracelets and necklaces.

Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by platter on Jul 10th, 2009 at 4:40pm
the materials to make these cost probably no more that 30-50 cents.  what a mark up.


Title: Re: Wear your Music - Bracelet of KR Guitar String
Post by tumbledsomebody on Jul 10th, 2009 at 5:11pm
Its for a good cause right?   Pete T's charity of choice is Michael G. Fox Foundation (Parkinsons and MS)
in theory you could write it off as a charitable contribution at the end of the year.

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