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Message started by Edith Grove on May 7th, 2009 at 6:46pm

Title: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by Edith Grove on May 7th, 2009 at 6:46pm
Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets

May 08, 2009 12:00am
EVERY day rock world veteran Sam Cutler gets emails and Facebook messages from people congratulating him on his memoirs - except from the Rolling Stones.

His book You Can't Always Get What You Want: My Life with the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead and Other Wonderful Reprobates is in its second print run.

But still no feedback from its main subjects The Stones, for whom Cutler was a long-time tour manager, including at that fateful Altamont show.

"I sent them copies of the book but, who knows?" he told Confidential.

"Maybe they've forgotten how to read. Who knows what they're up to nowadays?

"But they got sent copies of it, so we'll see."

So of all the legends Cutler hung with - Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Pink Floyd among them - who was the hardiest partier?

He pauses.

"Hard to say. Well, I guess it would have to be Keith Richards," he says.

But giving the Strolling Bones axeman a run for his quid was Rick Danko of The Band.

"He liked to have fun. Most musicians do, of course."

But the downer award goes to the formerly heroin-addled Clapton, who "used to fall asleep all the time so he wasn't much of a partier, was he?".

As revealing as the memoir is, it seems You Can't Always Get What You Want wasn't quite a tell-all tome.

Cutler has promised to spill more backstage secrets of the stars when he joins a Q&A at next month's Noosa Longweekend festival (June 19-28).

"Lots of stuff didn't go in the book, just because you can't get everything in the book, can you?" he says.,23739,25444167-5012980,00.html

Title: Re: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by platter on May 7th, 2009 at 6:57pm
this much i know.....  the stones were't that silent backstage in the movie cocksucker blues.  some scary stuff in there.


Title: Re: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by mojoman on May 7th, 2009 at 6:57pm
poor rick danko.........

Title: Re: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by corgi37 on May 8th, 2009 at 7:12am
I'm going to Queensland in 3 weeks, but sadly, not as far as far as Noosa.

Title: Re: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by gimmekeef on May 8th, 2009 at 8:13am
Always loved Sam's intro to start Ya Ya's..........Still gives me a thrill

Title: Re: Rolling Stones silent on backstage secrets
Post by Heart Of Stone on May 8th, 2009 at 9:17am
I remember him so well from "Gimme Shelter" I watched the movie so many times, if I was to say 50, I wouldn't be to far off, as far as The Stones not reading his book, I'd say they get so many books written about them, they wouldn't have time to read everything that's out there, I wonder how many books exactly were written about The Stones?

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