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Message started by moy on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:04pm

Title: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctuality
Post by moy on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:04pm
Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctuality when he turfed up at the Orsay restaurant in New York for a late lunch. “I’m sorry, Mr Jagger. We stop serving lunch at 3pm,” said the maître d’. The time? 3.01pm precisely. So it’s true then: you can’t always get what you want, even if you are a hungry rock god.

:Youmakeagrownmancrylikejoey :wtf3

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by fireontheplatter on Oct 8th, 2008 at 6:07pm
serves him right


Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by glencar on Oct 8th, 2008 at 7:27pm
I hope Mick didn't starve! Maybe he gave a small tip last time?

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Sioux on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:41pm
Wow, that guy had balls. I can't imagine saying "No, Mr. Jagger, you can't eat lunch now! It's too late...." I would have gushed and said "Would you like the table in the corner, or by the window?" ;)

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Sioux on Oct 8th, 2008 at 10:42pm
And then I guess I would have had to excuse myself to the kitchen---to cook the meal that the chef wouldn't cook because he had probably gone home! ::)

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Ian Billen on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:04am

Maybe if I was Mick I would say ...."listen mate, either you can serve me lunch at 3:01 p.m. or I can buy this restaurant, fire you, and serve lunch around the clock. The choice is yours".



Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by gimmekeef on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:05am
At least if it had been Keith showing up for lunch the waiter could have said..well its 9 pm.... dinner perhaps?

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by BILL PERKS on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:07am

Ian Billen wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 1:04am:
Maybe if I was Mick I would say ...."listen mate, either you can serve me lunch at 3:01 p.m. or I can buy this restaurant, fire you, and serve lunch around the clock. The choice is yours".




Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Joey on Oct 9th, 2008 at 10:11am


Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Holden on Oct 9th, 2008 at 11:41am

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Bitch on Oct 9th, 2008 at 9:29pm
Actually I heard about this, he was 10 minutes late. Mick was highly insulted.

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by MaineMotels on Oct 10th, 2008 at 7:33am

Bitch wrote on Oct 9th, 2008 at 9:29pm:
Mick was highly insulted.

Understandable. He's probably not used to being denied instant gratification.

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Love Child on Oct 10th, 2008 at 10:39am
You mean he was treated like anyone else would have been?  Well, I would have been highly insulted too.  :pullanolte

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Ian Billen on Oct 10th, 2008 at 4:52pm
In all fairness and seriousness.

If it was 10 minutes after 3:00 p.m. and lunch stopped being served at 3:00 then what is the major issue?

I realize just by Mick Jagger simply eating in your restaurant it can do a heck of a lot for your business and your reputation (also if not a whole lot of famous people visit it would be cool, as well as wise to get a pic of him there).


I would not go to a resteraunt (or anywhere) expecting real special favors simply because I am famous.
Nor would I go anywhere expecting them to alter their services based on me. If they decided to make him lunch based on who he is well then great. If they don't, they don't...
I wouldn't make a fuss or be let-down and I certainly wouldn't expect special services because of who I am.

What happens when they close a ride at an amusement park? Do they open it up for Mick if he wants to stop in? No.

What happens if a beach is closed because it is after hours and it is closed after dark. Do they open it and let Mick swim because he's Mick? No.

You know, he really should not expect special favors. If he gets them (and we all know he does tons of the time), well great. But if he doesn't ....that is life as everyone eles who eats there experiences their food that day.

You know, what if they did not serve any type of alchohol and a customer asked for it at table A and he was informed.

Now if Mick Jagger walks in and asks for a glass of wine at table B do they run out and from down the street and get him his wine?

How do you specialize things like that? It really is silly and unfair. Within reason (I could see the minute thing. I could see that for any other person as well but if it's ten after it's ten after). He should be offerred  basically the same services as any other patron. Just make sure he is taken care of quite well and that your best chef cooks his meal so he enjoys what is offered is all.


Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by Navin on Oct 10th, 2008 at 5:25pm
It just may be that he was not wearing a jacket and tie ('A Rolling Stone gathers no lunch'), and just maybe they do get in the soup.

Title: Re: Sir Mick Jagger was given a lesson in punctual
Post by gorda on Oct 11th, 2008 at 3:02pm
Oh!  Puh-leeze!

I have had worse happen to me!


One time, in Mick Jagger's hometown, at a Spanish restaurant, they made me pay for my food first, because they thought I was going to eat the food and then run away without paying!!!

Another time, at another restaurant in England, they completely ignored me!  I sat down in the waiting area and waited to be seated.  And, waiters and staff would just look at me and walk by.  Then, this couple came in and they got seated immediately.  Then, a family came in and they got seated immediately.  This pissed me off so much that I got up and in a my very loud American accent, I asked to speak to the manager!  The entire restaurant stopped and looked at me.  A hostess/waitress that had just been ignoring me, quickly tried to lead me to a table.  And, I said, "No!  I want to speak to the manager!"  And, when the manager came out, I basically told her off!  I told her that I had not traveled all the way from my home in beautiful Northern California to be treated like this.  Furthermore, I was going to write to the owner of the restaurant, the local newspaper and report her to the Better Business Bureau!  (I don't even know if England has a Better Business Bureau.)  Then, I walked out and went to McDonald's.  (I didn't write about this incident before, because overall my experience in England was positive and most people were friendly.  Barcelona, on the other hand, . . . )

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